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In beginning {filaments for water for belly Made diction. Something smaller, but FIRE for something like sense touch touch for terr itory melt in a species of Wing drift of all kinds of babies Sea babies Land babies Air babies Star babies new trees old trees sharkbrows long skins for cool eyes eyes ruckus hearth eye prcis lid eye On it/AzureCoeur/-Pentad -adumb-run long tri-bute then stop for then hush? Ha Ha RE-MEMBER a; big fluff cloud flume runs ought a whole of baby mouth Ha Ha wait for stop Lots drawn in dirt Lots drawn in dirt for support of member? Sun of nipple of need But. Still for stop and will of stop, but a limb of mean average hat and whale bone comb excite Bhu in the four teeth of our spaces BODY this for make a stop No plinths for animals Tilt rock til done of season cultivars, amulets Say a thing for dance or sit on it It will come They come put rock high and head a member into one done is this same as but forstoppage in ipsis A coat of wild horses on the arches A gust of petals for cunt TIME a rock high for lose re-member Make a bless for this thing Little and thing Bigger A[]head? A sore image for fractureIsthmus! From smile on rival put here? Philo Make a bless for they never stopping But for trees old cool vessels of solution and swim A blood this time to fire, become

All over mouth and hands with homonyms for specs Heart of gelid omnibus in echo Filaments for a day sound logic, clear as day Make a blast from Wing Seed with high rock fire ONOMATOPOEIAS A gust of queasy paunches for cunt A fear of the ruckus of eye A make a bless, but for different A cheque for big word puts Idea of hall of walls under one roof, THE Eye is a conflagration of fate Suddenness is under big fluff says COSMOS Stop to never So time to say I while pet this bulge of torso and belly Make a bless Touch the know but for self Pigments artfully skirt a} VOID

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