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Sayfuna Mumayaz 2012

Pre-Intermediate Week 2 People and Places Lesson 1 The coolest hotel in the world Learning To be able to use present and past passive in the context of Objectives: designs and inventions and happenings To specifically speak about hotels regarding made from, constructed by, built in/by, designed by etc

Stage and Objective

Lead in


Watch video and discuss v=eUiR7fhIIBI&feature=related

Reading/ listening


The Coolest Hotel in the World Task 1 Gist questions Task 2 - Detailed questions
Task 3 Match column A to B (use the reading to help) Quiz - Practice vocab. After SS try to memorise the figures in column A the T quizzes SS in groups. T introduces grammar (present and past passive). Task 4 - Choose if the sentences are either A (active) or P


10 15



Restricted practice 20 15 Freer practice 45

Task 5 Quiz! SS Complete the sentence. Choose either a, b or c. Task 6 - Choose the best form (active or passive) to complete the sentences.
Task 7 SS in pairs, turn over the flash card and ask their partner the question. E.g. Why are you upset? My homework was eaten by my dog. Task 8 SS play battleships using the past passive. What happened? SS make a radio advertisement (which can be recorded). They create a one minute advert of their own cool hotel. They must provide a slogan. Present to class or play the recorded advert (can include noise, songs, lead in of presenters)



Created by Gemma Hossain 2012

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