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Oracle Coherence 3.6 - Overview

Christer Fahlgren David Leibs Oracle Coherence Engineering

Coherence 3.6 Release Overview


3.6 Release Highlights 3.6 Feature Walk-Through

Transaction Framework Quorum Session Provider for the Microsoft .NET Framework Coherence*Extend Security SSL Support User-Defined Indexes Coherence Query Language (CohQL) + DEMO


Oracle Coherence 3.6 Highlights

Very Significant Product Release

Over 18 months in the making Hundreds of RASP improvements

Customer Focused
Continue to help customers push the envelope: cluster size, data size, throughput Greater Flexibility and Usability: design, deployment, operations

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Oracle Coherence 3.6 Feature Walk-Through

Coherence 3.6
Transaction Framework

Provides ACID transaction guarantees across partitions and caches even in the event of failure. Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) Supports the use of NamedCache operations, queries, aggregation, and entry processors within the context of a transaction. Allows for consistent reads.

New Features:
<transactional-scheme> Connection Based API XA Compliant Resource Adapter

Coherence 3.6
Transaction Framework

Allows for single statement (autocommit) transactions while using the standard Coherence API.

Connection Based API

This API provides for more control over transactions. Allows for transactions that span multiple statements. Also introduces the OptimisticNamedCache interface which introduces functionality useful for optimistic transactions.

XA Compliant Resource Adapter

Allows Coherence to participate in a distributed transaction as a fully compliant XA resource.

Coherence 3.6
Transaction Framework important to know

Transactions across caches

Caches must be running on the same Distributed Service

Cache size overhead for MVCC

MVCC stores additional versions of Cache values Details and sizing directions in the documentation

Transactions from Coherence*Extend

Only possible by using EntryProcessors that execute the Transaction.

No support for the CacheStore interface i.e. no read-through, writethrough or write-behind etc No support for BackingMap Listeners

Coherence 3.6
Transactions example Connection oriented
Connection con = new DefaultConnectionFactory(). createConnection("TransactionalCache"); con.setAutoCommit(false); try { OptimisticNamedCache cache = con.getNamedCache("MyTxCache"); cache.insert(key, value); cache.insert(key2, value2); con.commit(); catch (Exception e) { con.rollback(); throw e; } finally { con.close(); }


Overview: Resource planning (e.g. # servers, RAM, etc.) Configure Coherence behavior (per-service) in the absence of significant resources New Features: Out-Of-The-Box membership-based policies Pluggable interface for custom policies

Quorum Policies

Out Of The Box: Allows users to specify (in cache-config) minimum membership thresholds for various service behaviors. For Example: Number of members to perform distribution Number of members to allow cache reads/writes Number of members to allow Extend proxy connections
(See <*-quorum-policy-scheme> documentation for details)

Quorum Policies

Pluggable Interface:
Allows for users to implement custom policies to control the "availability" of Coherence features/behaviors Policies could incorporate arbitrary external state to provide finegrained resource-driven control of the service

Example Use Cases:

Size-based quorum that is also a function of time (e.g. weekly maintenance window during which cache requests are disallowed) Resource-driven policies (e.g. no writes allowed unless database is available) Externally-triggered policies (e.g. Start a cluster, and immediately preload data into the cache. Until this process completes, do not allow cache requests)

Cluster-Level Quorum

Split-brain results from portions of a cluster becoming disconnected Split-brain semantics can be application-specific In many cases, operating in a split-brain mode is not desired Cluster-level quorum allows for control (via configuration or custom policy) over cluster member timeouts For example if half of the cluster has exceeded a network timeout, should the members be removed (forming a split-brain), or should the cluster be suspended?

Coherence 3.6
Session Provider for the Microsoft .NET Framework

The Coherence Session Provider for the Microsoft .NET Framework allows you to manage ASP.NET session state in a Coherence cluster in the same way Coherence*Web provides session management in JEE containers.

New Features:
Supports all Coherence*Web Session Models (Traditional, Monolithic and Split) Pluggable Serializer Support .NET and POF Serialization Support Lockless exclusive session access via EntryProcessors Optimized Session_OnEnd Support

Coherence 3.6
Coherence*Extend Security

Coherence*Extend Security now supports the ability to restrict client access to the cluster through the use of an identity token.

New Features:
Pluggable Identity Handling - Separate serialization/ deserialization from handling of identity. Associate Identity with NamedCache and Service References Ability to Add Authorization to Remote Invocation Service Ability to Add Authorization to RemoteCacheService Always Run as an Identity - The proxy code will always run as the Subject returned by the IdentityAsserter (even if null).

Coherence 3.6
Security SSL Support

Introduced native SSL support

New Features:

SSL support for Extend (TCP) and Cluster (TCMP) 1-way or 2-way (client authentication) Can benefit from SSL offload engine Configurable Trust Manager
SunX509 PeerX509 (default)

Coherence 3.6
User-Defined Indexes

Used to control which entries are added to an index. User-defined indexes are typically used to reduce the memory and processing overhead required to maintain an index.

New Feature:
Supports the creation and destruction of a user-defined index Intended to be used with the QueryMap API to support the creation of user-defined indexes.

Coherence 3.6
Coherence Query Language (CohQL)

Coherence Query Language is a new light-weight syntax (in the tradition of SQL) that is used to perform cache operations on a Coherence cluster. The language can be used either programmatically or from a command-line tool.

Coherence 3.6
Coherence Query Language (CohQL)

New Features:
QueryHelper API - Programmatic Construction of Filters and ValueExtracters. New command line tool with SQL like syntax (SELECT, CREATE CACHE, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, BACKUP, RESTORE) Ability to source files containing Coherence Query Language commands Flexible insert and update statements that allows java constructors and static invocations Extended insert and update statements that allow literal Lists, Maps, and Sets

Background: Porting Filters

new AndFilter( new GreaterFilter(IdentityExtractor.INSTANCE, 1), new LessFilter(IdentityExtractor.INSTANCE, 4));

IdentityExtractor::View hExtract = IdentityExtractor::create(); AndFilter::Handle hFilter = AndFilter::create( GreaterEqualsFilter::create(hExtract, Float32::create(5.0F)), Gizmology LessEqualsFilter::create(hExtract,Float32::create(10.0F)));

setResults = cache.entrySet(new AndFilter( new LikeFilter(new KeyExtractor("getLastName"), "S%", (char) 0, false), new EqualsFilter("getHomeAddress.getState", "MA")));

The Vision

Could Gizmology like:

InvocableMap.EntryAggrigator[] agg = InvocableMap.EntryAggrigator[] { new DoubleSum(getAmount), new DoubleAverage(getPrice) }; Filter filter = new OrFilter(new EqualsFilter(getColor, red), new EqualsFilter(getColor, green)); CacheFactory.getCache("orders").aggregate(filter, new CompositeAggrigator(agg));

be said as:
SELECT sum(amount), avg(price) FROM orders WHERE color is 'red' or color is 'green'

What is CohQL?

Command Line Tool with SQL like Language Programmatic Filter and ValueExtractor building API that is similar to the SQL WHERE clause

Command Line CohQL - Syntax

(ENSURE | CREATE) CACHE 'cache-name (ENSURE | CREATE) INDEX [ON] 'cache-name' value-extractor-list DROP CACHE 'cache-name DROP INDEX [ON] 'cache-name' value-extractor-list BACKUP CACHE 'cache-name' [TO] [FILE] 'filename RESTORE CACHE 'cache-name' [FROM] [FILE] 'filename INSERT INTO 'cache-name' [KEY (literal | new java-constructor | static method) ] VALUE (literal | new java-constructor | static method) DELETE FROM 'cache-name' [[AS] alias] [WHERE conditional-expression] UPDATE 'cache-name' [[AS] alias] SET update-statement {, update-statement}* [ WHERE conditional-expression ] SELECT (properties* aggregators* | * | alias) FROM 'cache-name' [[AS] alias] [WHERE conditional-expression] [GROUP [BY] properties+] SOURCE FROM [FILE] 'filename

Command Line CohQL - sample

CohQL> select min(zipCodes.size()), min(zipCodes.size()) from cityinfo Results: 0 , 0 CohQL> delete from cityinfo where zipCodes.size() is 0 or areaCodes.size() is 0 COHQL select areaCodes from cityinfo where name is Dallas Results: {214,972} CohQL> update cityinfo set areaCodes = {214, 469, 972} where name is Dallas and state is TX

Programmatic API Example

Creating Filters and ValueExtractors
cache.addIndex(QueryHelper.createExtractor("age"), true, null);

cache.addIndex(QueryHelper.createExtractor("key().lastName"), true, null); cache.addIndex(QueryHelper.createExtractor(""), true, null); cache.addIndex(QueryHelper.createExtractor("homeAddress.state"), true, null); cache.addIndex(QueryHelper.createExtractor("workAddress.state"), true, null); // Find all contacts who live in Massachusetts printResults("MA Residents", setResults);

Set setResults = cache.entrySet(QueryHelper.createFilter("homeAddress.state = 'MA'")); // Find all contacts who live in Massachusetts and work elsewhere setResults = cache.entrySet(QueryHelper.createFilter("homeAddress.state is 'MA' and workAddress is not 'MA'")); printResults("MA Residents, Work Elsewhere", setResults);

Coherence Query Language


Future Possibilities

Extend programmatic API to richer query language Allow users of the Coherence Query Language the ability to add their own commands GUI interface as a complement to the Command line tool Explore and extend CohQL based on new APIs (Transactions)


Very Significant Product Release

Over 18 months in the making Hundreds of RASP improvements

Customer Focused
Continue to help push the envelope: cluster size, data size, throughput Greater Flexibility: design, deployment, operations


Oracle Coherence 3.6 Overview

Christer Fahlgren David Leibs Oracle Coherence Engineering

For More Information


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