Amily Environment Scale: Assesses The Social Climate of All Types of Families

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Assesses the social climate of all types of families

Bernice S. Moos & Rudolf H. Moos

Manual Group Reports Translations Bibliographies

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The Family Environment Scale (FES) gives counselors and researchers a way of examining each family members perceptions of the family in three waysas it is (real), as it would be in a perfect situation (ideal) and as it will probably be in new situations (expected).

The FES has been widely used in clinical settings, to facilitate family counseling and psychotherapy, to teach clinicians and program evaluators about family systems, and in program evaluation. It can be used for individual and family counseling, or for research and program evaluation.

Evaluates the social environment of the family unit Provides many family counseling applications A choice of three forms to allow you to measure the family environment in three ways: Real (Form R), Ideal (Form I) and Expected (Form E). (All three forms are included) NOTE: Administration of a single form (R, I, or E) is counted as an administration, while administration of all three forms one time is counted as three administrations.

Ten subscales measuring three underlying dimensions of the family environment: Family Relationship, Personal Growth, System Maintenance and Change

Efficient to administer; requires approximately fifteen to twenty minutes to complete Reading Level: sixth grade and up Ages eleven through adult

The FES is an invaluable tool for:

Examining the contrast between parent and child perceptions Formulating clinical case descriptions Identifying important issues in family treatment Teaching clinicians about the dynamics of family systems Assessing family strengths and problems

Scales include:

Family Relationship Index: Cohesion, Expressiveness, Conflict, Personal Growth: Independence, Achievement Orientation, Intellectual-Cultural Orientation, Active-Recreational Orientation, Moral-Religious Emphasis

System Maintenance: Organization, Control

Family Environment Scale 4th Edition Manual

The Fourth Edition Manual (Copyright, 2009) includes new normative data, new information about the clinical, consulting, and program evaluation uses of the FES, and an updated and expanded review of research. See below on this page under Applications and Evidence for more information about contents of the manual.

Family environment scale by Moss and Moos (1994): The family environment scale (FES) consists of 90 "True-False" items, yielding 10 subscales which measure the three underlying sets of dimensions:

Relationship dimension which includes Cohesion, Expressiveness, and 88 Archive of SID

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Volume 4 Number 13 79 Conflict; Personal Growth dimension (or Goal Orientation) which includes Independence, Achievement Orientation, Intellectual-Cultural Orientation, Active-Recreational Orientation, and Moral-Religious Emphasis; and System Maintenance dimension which includes Organization and Control. The Relationship and System Maintenance dimensions primarily reflect internal family functioning, whereas the personal growth dimensions primarily reflect the linkages between the family and the larger social context. The reliability coefficients for the ten subscales were found to range from a low of 0.68 for independent to a high of 0.86 for cohesion, when testretest method was used on 47 family members belonging to 9 families with a time interval of 8 weeks. The scale and its subscales have high content validity

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