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First Certificate Writing: the task (go to checklist)

Writing Paper: Part 2 Task type: Story Question You have seen details of a story-writing competition in a magazine and have decided to enter:

COMPETITION! Write a short story with the title: 'The letter that changed my life'
Any stories that we publish will receive a prize.
Write your story for the magazine (around 120-180 words).

Ideas for writing Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

Where were you and what were you doing when the letter

arrived? These background details will help you set the scene for the story. When and how did the letter arrive? Were you expecting it, or was it a complete surprise? What was in the letter? Some good news or something unpleasant? Be inventive and try to think of something original! What was your first reaction on reading the letter? How did you feel later on? What happened as a consequence of receiving the letter? How did your life change? Was the change a positive one or do/did you have any regrets? Drafting and proofreading your work You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:

Does your story keep to the point of the title? Does the story develop in a clear and logical way? Is the language correct with a good range of structures? Will the reader enjoy reading your story? Is the style OK?

If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' you will need to do some more drafting!

Writing: the checklist

What you need to do to pass

Content Should be a personal story that is relevant to the title, i.e. the letter that changed my life. Needs to explain what was in the letter and why it was life-changing. Range Language of narrative and story-telling, e.g. past tenses, adjectives for describing feelings and/or reactions. Organisation The story should be in two or three paragraphs. The events should be told in a logical order, with the use of linking words and phrases, ('I was sitting having breakfast when....'; 'The next thing to happen...'; 'In the end...') Register Semi-formal. Target reader Would be be able to follow the storyline and be interested in how the story develops. Would be considered for publication in the magazine. Language accuracy Should not contain major errors that lead to misunderstandings or that irritate the reader.

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