A Survey For The Dub

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From: To: Date: Subject: Hello L-Dub!

Jeff Moxey <jmoxey@infotech.com> "'Laura Wood'" <Laura.Wood@lhsc.on.ca> 3/24/2011 4:48 PM A Survey for the Dub!

Hope your day is going well, and that your after work dealie is super fun. I read about this in spousonomics, basically, jot down how much you enjoy doing a certain household chore (1 = Most Enjoyable 16 = Least Enjoyable) and how long it takes you to do it once. Dont worry about being super accurate on the time, just give a best guess. Task Estimated Time (Mins) Enjoyment (1 = Most Enjoyable to 16 Least Enjoyable) 16 2 13 10 1 9 3 4 5 12 11 7 15 6 14 8 Who Should Do It?

Paying Bills Cooking Dinner Snow Removal Lawn Care Gardening Stick/Leaf Pickup Declutter Dishes Vaccuum Clean Bathroom Clean Shower Fix broken items around house Car Maintenance Laundry Garbage Grocery Shopping

20 (-5) 60 (-15) 60 (-15) 30 (+60) 120 60 (-30) 60 (-30) 45 (+35) 90 30 30 (+10) 60 ? 90 (-30) 15 60

JM JM during week, LW during weekend JM JM LW JM LW LW JM JM LW JM JM LW JM JM


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