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ABSTRACT Melisa Putri (2013).

The Effect of Using Space Launch Strategy towards the Ability in Writing Narrative Essay of the Second Year Students at State Senior High School 3 Pekanbaru. Based on the preliminary study at State Senior High School 3 Pekanbaru, it was found that some students of the second year still have low ability in writing narrative essay. It was caused by some problems; some of the students are not able to express their ideas in writing narrative essay, some of the students are not able to write narrative essay chronologically based on the generic structure, some of the students are not able to write narrative essay in grammatical order, some of the students are not able to choose the appropriate word, and some of the students are not able to use punctuation correctly. Therefore, the researcher was interested in conducting this research about this title. This research was carried out with objectives: (1) to find out how the students ability in writing narrative essay taught by using Space Launch strategy is (2) to find out how the students ability in writing narrative essay taught without using Space Launch strategy is (3) to find out whether there is or not any significant effect of using Space Launch strategy towards the ability in writing narrative essay of the second year students at State Senior High School 3 Pekanbaru. The type of this research was quasi-experimental research. Population of this research was the second year students of State Senior High School 3 Pekanbaru. For the samples, the researcher took two classes, control and experimental classes that consisted of 29 students for each class. In collecting the data, the researcher used writing test and it was evaluated by using the assessment provided by the school. The researcher administered pre-test and post-test in this research as well. The technique in analyzing the data was t-test formula in order to find out the effect of the strategy. The analysis was done by using SPSS 16 Version. Finally, based on the analysis of T-test formula, the researcher found that to was higher than t table either at significance 5% or 1%. It could be concluded that null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternatif hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that there was a significant effect of Space Launch strategy towards the ability in writing narrative essay of the second year students at State Senior High School 3 Pekanbaru.


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