Gregg Braden On Consciousness

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Gregg Braden on Consciousness "...Ancient texts and traditions have reminded us that we are connected.

They said that We are One, that were part of our world, that we're part of one another, we're part of the earth and the changes in the earth. What I found, over the last twenty-two years that Ive traveled nearly every continent of the earth and spoken to people from so many different traditions and cultures, is that people really want to believe that they want to believe and they'd like to believe that we are truly connected, but they need a reason for that belief. In the last years of the twentieth, and now the first years of the early twenty-first century, science is now giving us that reason for our logical mind to make the connection to see how were related and how we influence the world... And how, by honoring that connection through our hearts, we literally have the power to influence the very fields of this planet to sustain life in the world... sustain the health and the healing, and the wellbeing of our bodies... And, its all about the magnetic fields of the earth. ...It is human emotions specifically the magnetic fields produced by the human heart during certain kinds of emotions that, now, are documented as extending far beyond our bodies into the physical world. ...And, now, to such a degree that our satellites hundreds of miles above the surface are able to pick these up. ...When a certain number of people come together, and they choose in a moment of time to create a precise emotion in their hearts... that emotion literally can intentionally influence the very fields that sustain the life on planet earth.

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