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Short Answer Grading Rubric

Advanced: 90-100%
Student completely answers the question by presenting a clear idea that is fully supported by: Multiple examples from the text, class discussion, or current event examples: o The text evidence used to support the idea is specific and well chosen. Overall, the evidence strongly supports the validity of the idea. Each example is fully explained and connected back to the main idea presented in the answer: o The combination of the idea and the text evidence demonstrates a deep understanding of the text. There are no grammatical mistakes in the writing.

Proficient: 80-89%
Student completely answers the question by presenting a clear idea that is supported by: At least one example from the text, class discussion, or current event examples: o The text evidence used to support the idea is accurate and relevant. Each example is fully explained and connected back to the main idea presented in the answer: o The idea and text evidence used to support it are clearly linked. o The combination of the idea and the text evidence demonstrates a good understanding of the text.

Basic: 65-79%
Student partially answers the question by: Presenting a reasonable idea, but the response contains no text, class discussion, or current event evidence. The idea is reasonable, but the text evidence is flawed and does not adequately support the idea. Text evidence is considered inadequate when it is: o only a general reference to the text, o too partial to support the idea, o weakly linked to the idea, or o used inappropriately because it wrongly o manipulates the meaning of the text

Below Basic: 0-65%

Student does not answer the question: The idea is not an answer to the question asked. The idea is incorrect because it is not based on the text. The idea is too general, vague, or unclear to determine whether it is reasonable.

Point total for writing responses:

10+ sentence full paragraphs 6-8 sentence brief paragraphs 4-6 sentence quick writes 2 sentence or less exit tickets 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points

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