Jesus Christ Was A Hindu

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Jesus, the Christ, was a Tamil Hindu

Original Author : Shree. Ganesh Damodar alias Babarao Savarkar Translator : Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph. D. (in literature), [U.S.A.]

521 Shaniwar Peth, PUNE, 411030 Maharashtra, India. TEL.No. 020-4450387

Internal Pictures : Miss. Rajani Phansalkar, 551, Rasta Peth, Pune 411011


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Jesus is a Hindu Foreward

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A patriot, great revolutionary, martyr and Karma-Yogi, the late Shree. Ganesh Damodar Savarkar is not related to me and I do not owe personally anything to him. This statement is partly true. The late Mr. G. D. Savarkar was a martyr, who had devoted the whole of his life for the independence of India and being an Indian, I owe something to India. Therefore, I owe also to him. In this way I am related to him. Therefore it is my duty to bring his great research work before the republic of India as well as the whole world. The late Shree. G.D. Savarkar wrote this book on the real life of Jesus the Christ, after studying many English books written on Jesus, that were available to him during his imprisonment in Andamans Cellular jail, under the British rule. He could not write the book while serving the rigorous sentence in that fierce and formidable jail. However, he took notes from many English books, and after his release from the jail, he compiled a book. It was completed on 22-12-1942, but somehow was not published in his life time. The silent worker died unsung on 16th March 1945. The book was first published posthumously. But it was almost forgotten. I had read that book in my young age while studying in college, but later I neither saw it again, nor heard of it. Therefore, I published his book in Marathi, on 21-1-1999, in which I added some of my research on the subject in my Foreward. I am neither a writer of this book, nor an

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editor. My position is of a humble publisher. I realized the importance of this book and so I thought to bring it before the public at large. Hence this effort of the publication of this book. My humble submission is that this important topic will help India to establish brotherhood between the Hindus and the Christians, to dissolve all the disputes between them and to avoid riots between them. If it is accepted by all that Jesus the Christ was a Hindu himself and he did not establish any new religion, now called as the Christian religion, and that whatever cult he established was a part of Hinduism, based on the Vedic religion or Arya Dharma, then the Hindus will not hate the Christians and the Christians will not convert Hindus to Christianity. If both come together, India will be benefited. Apart from this advantage, there is one more important reason for publishing this book. It is to establish the truth, the reality. To bring the reality before the public is a very important task. I am vouched to fulfill that task. I earnestly desire to bring this reality before the world, that Jesus the Christ was a Hindu Tamil. I have been practising the spiritual science for the last 45 years and so I am bound to bring the truth to the notice of the world. The Truth is the foundation of the spiritual science. My aim is to rely on the truth. Hence this effort to show the reality to the world. There is no politics in publishing this book. It is not a religious act too. The purpose of the publication of this book is to stimulate the new generation to do further research about the life of Jesus. Every student of history has to establish the real facts of the past. This work is of that sort. I hope the new

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generation of research scholars will do further work and establish the ultimate truth. The late Babarao Savarkar was not the only writer to show the connection of Jesus with India. Before and after him, many foreign scholars have proposed the same theory, though they were Christians themselves by birth. The Truth does not have any religion. Shree Babarao Savarkar gave the proper information to the Marathi speaking people. I am extending that information to the world by translating his book in English. In the book Lost Years of Jesus the author Miss. Elizabeth Prophet has expounded the very theory that Babarao Savarkar has. A Russian researcher Mr. Nicoli Notowitch, Mr. Holger Kerstein, Buchanon, et al and an Indian Yogi Shree Abhedananda also have shown the connection of Jesus with India. I have not read those books and therefore I cannot comment on them. Recently, a Russian Orientologist, Mr. Sergei Alexeyev, said in his talk on Moscow Radio that Jesus Christ was a Hindu Sanyasin. This news is published in the Times of India, dated 1-7-1999, in the column Around the World. Russian orientologist Sergei Alexeyev said, Jesus spent almost 16 years in India and Tibet, citing as evidence travelogues of the 19th century Russian newsman and researcher Nikolai Notovitch. Hari Vansha Adhyaya 10 and 11 give the information that after the great deluge, Manu established his abode at the foot of the Himalayas. He got nine sons and one daughter. From Narishyan born the branch of Shakas. The

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Shakas means the Scithians. Sharyatis son Anarta colonised a new region later on named Anarta Desh. Its capital was Kushasthali, which later became famous as Dwaraka of Krishna. Nedishta founded the kingdom of Vaishali Desha. This evidence shows that Aryas spread from the foot of the Himalayas to the west as well as to the east. Ikshwakus sister Ila got a son Pururawa, who established the city Pratishthana. Pururawas son Shashabindu went straight to the west and he inhabitted a new region called Balhika. King Shantanus elder brother went to this country. These Balhikas had taken part in the great Mahabharata war. I think Balhika means todays Baltic countries, in Europe. Ilas another son Vinatashwa also went to the west where he settled permanently. Her two sons Utkala and Gaya went to the east and founded Utkala Desha and Gaya Nagari. All this history stored in the Hari Vamsha and other Puranas definitely show that Aryas went from the Himalayas to the west. It is totally wrong to assume that Aryas came to India from the west. Aryas went from India outwards. In the same fashion the ancestors of Jesus went from Tamilnadu of India to Jerusalem. In my research of the ancient Indian literature I have found out a reference to Jesus Christ, in the Bhavishyottara Purana. The period of the Bhavishyottara Purana is at the beginning of the Christian era, 2000 years before present. This Purana, in the Pratisarga Parva, Shalivahan Kale, in the second Adhyaya states that Jesus

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Christ was then residing in Kashmir and that he had met King Shalivahan. In this meeting Jesus told king Shalivahan that he was a son of a virgin and that he was working in the west to teach the path of Truth to the people there, who did not understand and follow the Truth. In the connection with Jesus the words used are Maseeha, Isamaseeha and Kumari Sambhava, which means born of virgin. These words fix the identity of Jesus, the Christ. This evidence shows that Jesus was definitely living in Kashmir, in India at the beginning of the Christian era. There was no Christian religion born till then. At the Mahabharata era, which is proved by me to be 5561 years BC, Balhika, a brother of king Shantanu, had migrated into Europe, as is shown in my Marathi book Swayambhu. King Balhika and his army had participated in the Mahabharata War. It proves that during 5561 years B.C. people from Europe and India travelled to and fro. Then is it not possible that at Jesus Christs time and much before him, there was migration of the Indians into Europe ? Therefore only by imagination one should not deny the migration of the Indians into Europe. Hence I request here to all the readers to keep their preconceived notions away and to think on the evidence I am putting forth here, along with the evidence brought forth by the late Shree G. D. Sawarkar and then to come to a conclusion themselves. Jesus Christ gathered people and taught them good thoughts. He induced only a cult and not a religion. Jesus himself was not a Christian by birth, because about 400 years after his death the Christian religion came into existence and flourished. At his birth Christian religion was not in existence. Therefore he must have born in some other religion. The religions then

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present were Vedic Hindu, Chinese, Parasika (Persian), Yehudi (Jews), Bauddha, Jaina. Among these there is no evidence to show that he was a Bauddhist, Jaina or Chinese. Persian religion had its origin from the Avesta, a branch of the Vedas. Therefore it is clear that the Persians and the Hindus were of the same religion derived from the Vedas. Jesus the Christ might be from one of these two religions. After a deep study, the late Shree Babarao Savarkar has proved that Jesus was a Hindu, Tamil Brahmin. I was convinced from the evidence put forth by him that Jesus was a Tamil Hindu. Therefore I am here to bring forth that theory and propagate it all over the world. Hence I have translated his book into English. Around Jerusalem there were inhabited Yehudi people and their language was Hibru. In that language they call themselves Yeudi. Judah was their root of origin. The original word for Judah was Judas, as is recorded in the New Testament. In the Greek language it was transformed to Joudas. Its origin, the basic Hibru word for it is Yada. This word Yada appears to have its origin in Yadu or Yadawa or Yadwa. The Rigveda mentions Yadwam Janam at 8-648. Those people used to inhabit near the river Parawata. It is quite probable that this river Parawata means the river Pharat of Mesopotamia. Indra brought back those people according to the Rigveda, 6-45-1. I feel that those Yadwa of the Rigveda are the Yada of Hibru. Please note here that the whole world has accepted as a fact that the Rigveda is the oldest literature of the world. The Rigveda has mentioned king Yayati

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and his five sons and their descendants. They were Arya Kshatriyas and worshipped Agni, the Fire and Indra. They migrated from the basin of the river Ganga to the bank of the river Saraswati. This shows their direction of migration towards the west. The Rigveda states at 1-108-8, Oh Indra and Agni, even though you are among Yadus, Turvasus, Drahyus, Anus and Purus, please come here and drink this Soma Rasa . The descendants of this Yadu are the famous Yadawas. All the Yadawas were cowherds, Gopala. It is for this reason that Jesus the Christ is famous as a good shepherd. Those who dealt with cows were known as Gopala. They were Vaishyas by Varna. The Geeta states the same fact in the verse 44 of chapter 18. Those Gopalas were engaged in agriculture and guarding, rearing, fostering cattle. Along with cows they bred buffaloes, sheep, rams etc. Those Yadawa Gopalas might have migrated towards Jerusalem and settled there, because they had earlier migrated from Mathura towards the west to Dwaraka. The word Turvasu slided like Turvash Turwa- Turka and their habitation was called as Turka-sthana. The epic Mahabharata says in Adi Parva that Yawanas came from Turvasus. I have stated above that the Yawanas came from Anu. But as Anu was a brother of Turvasu, the Mahabharata might have stated that Yawanas came from Turvasu. Even today the people from that land are known as Turuk and Yawana. There is no differentiation between the two. The original person from whom Yehudis

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originated is Abraham. The God exhibited himself before Abraham in the form of Fire. It is recorded in the history that the Divine Fire was called Jehowa. The Rigveda states that Agni the fire is called Jahwa. Jahwo Agnih states Rigveda 7-6-5. This evidence shows that the people there were fire worshippers. Later the word Jahwa was transformed to Jehowa. Israel is a corruption from Ijrail. Ijra or Ijja is the origin of that word. Ijja is a corrupt version of the word Yaja. Ila means Ishwara, the God Almighty.

The Bible records many conversions of the word Hibru. They are - Habiru, Habiri, Hapiru, Apiru. These words appear to be corruptions of the basic word Abhira. The Abhira people are famous from the epic Mahabharata. These Abhiras defeated Arjuna after the death of Lord Shri Krishna and abducted away many Yadawa ladies. The descendants of those Abhira people are Hibru or Habiri. It is a well known fact that the Yadawas became arrogant and behaved badly, troubled good people, so Lord Krishna had to take part in killing them. Then those vicious wicked Yadawas ran away from India towards the west and established there. All of them were not wicked. Those who were gentlemen remained attached to the original Vedic religion and customs and they performed pious deeds. Probably these pious people from the Vedic tradition gathered together to form a cult called as Eshana or Essen. Jesus was a good, righteous person among them. He taught people good deeds and pious behaviour. He did not establish any new religion. I have written above that people from India went there from here. In fact we cannot say here and there, because that part of Europe and the middle-east and Egypt were a part of India then, and the Vedic culture ruled there.

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Hence, those people were not different from the Indians. Abhiras were originally Yadawas. It is wrong to assume that they were limited to only Punjab, Sindh etc. The famous Yadawas from the Maharashtra are the descendants of those ancient Yadawas, among whom Lord Krishna was born. It is quite possible that those Yadawas spread upto Shri Lanka. As Yadawas spread from Gujarat to Lanka, it is equally possible for Tamils to migrate into Jerusalem and Arab countries. The late Mr. Krishna T. Jetley has published a nice research paper Who were Abhiras ?, in which he has discussed many points and has proved that the Yadawas spread all over the world. Why is there a difference between the Bible and the Hindu religion ? This question is fully considered by the late Shri Babarao Savarkar. The same are the thoughts of Prof. G. A. Wells as are presented in his book Did Jesus exist ?. Prof. Wells states, The teaching is widely admitted to be totally unoriginal. Mr. Andreas Faber Kaiser, a German researcher has stated, Jesus died in Rauza Bal, in Kashmir. Mr. Will Durant states, The oldest extant copies of Gospels go back to the third century A. D. The late Shree.Savarkar too, expresses similar opinions in his book. The late Shri Savarkar has stated that Jesus was born to Mary before her marriage, from a Saint. It is a well-known fact. From it I remembered the birth of Sage Vyasa, who was born from Satyawati Matsyagandha before her

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marriage from sage Parashara. The famous figure Shakuntala from the Mahabharata was also born from an Apsara Menaka and sage Vishwamitra, without marriage. These two were extraordinary personalities; similarly Jesus born without the marriage was also extraordinary. Around Jerusalem there was inhabitation of Hindus in ancient era. This fact is supported by a postal stamp printed by Iraq in 1989, on which is printed a picture of Lord Shri Krishna, and below it is a line published as Mosul Spring Festival. This evidence shows that still Lord Shri Krishna is remembered there though 7500 years have lapsed since Krishas death. I think that the late Shree Savarkar has put forth a great challenge to us for further research in this field. I think that we must collect together all the pictures and sketches of Jesus and his mother Mary spread all over the world and publish those in a book. It will reveal the similarity and differences with the traditions and customs of the Hindu culture. We can push further the work done by the late Savarkar. We can do research on the point put forth by Savarkar that Gheeda from where Jesus quoted some philosophy means the Geeta and nothing else. The New Testament shows many verses, which show similarity with the Sanskrit verses. For example, even a lame can climb a mountain is a statement in the New Testament, which is similar to a Sanskrit Subhashit Pangum Langhayate Girim. If we collect all such statements and compare with the Geeta or the Upanishads, we may find the truth. In the Taittiriya Upanishad there is one commandment that the teacher should be

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honored as a God. Acharya Devo Bhava. Following this order, I think, Jesus is honored as a God. In the same way Mohamad is honored as a Paigambar i.e. a God. Thus it appears that originally there was Vedic culture in Europe and the middle- east. In this science age, D. N. A. finger printing has arisen as the best way of some research. That technology has solved many riddles of the life. We can use this technique to ascertain whether the people in Europe and the middle- east are of the same race as the Indians. The late Shri Savarkar began his research in the Cellular jail of the Andamans and completed it while he was seriously ill. Therefore there were many limits to his research. We do not have such limits. Now a days we have many facilities like internet, from which we may get many pictures of Jesus and his mother Mary, to study and find out this cultural heritage. Somebody should do this research. We should give such topics to the Ph. D. students for deep study. According to the forecasting of Nostrademus around the end of the 20th century, there will be a great world war and the Christian and the Muslim religions would be wiped off from the Earth. I hope this disaster may be avoided if we study this book and do more research to find out that the people over there were originally of the Vedic culture. If this fact is established well, there would be fraternity among all the religions and the separate attitude of superiority will vanish. In that sense, the Christian and the Muslim religions would end without any war and massacre. Then the peace

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will prevail all over the world and there will be a Divine rule over the Earth according to the concept of Jesus the Christ. Please note that the late Babarao Savarkar was away from any religion while writing this book. Similarly readers should remain away from any religion while studying this book. Babarao has quoted opinions of the Christian and Muslim scholars. This work of Babarao did not come in the light of publicity, because he was always away from becoming popular. He did not want publicity, but it is our duty to publicize his work for establishing the truth. It is the aim behind this publication. There were many mistakes in the original book in Marathi. For corrections I could not get help of the original author because he had expired long back on 16th March 1945. His hand written copy was also not available for correction of printing mistakes. Therefore there may be some mistakes in this edition too, particularly in the names. I request the readers to correct the mistakes themselves and excuse me. The pictures of Jesus and Mary published in this book are from the original book, which Babarao Savarkar had collected from the original European sources. The cover is prepared using those pictures. When Shri. Prakash Bachani came to me with a project to publish this book and requested me to translate the book myself, I got so possessed that on the same night I began the work of translation at 10.40 at night, on

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13-10-2001 and finished the work on 19-112001, at 8.37 am. I took only five weeks to complete the translation, but in those five weeks I had been out of Pune for lectures for more than ten days. So in about twenty-five days only, translation was completed. This, I think, is a favour of the Late Ganesh Damodar Savarkar and his wife the late Sau. Yesu Vahini. During Oct.1999, The Pope visited India and talked on open platform that the Christians have won Europe in first millennium, won America and Africa in second millennium, and now in the third millennium the Christians will convert Asia to Christianity. The head of Christian world exhibited peculiar mentality, which Christ never dreamt. In reply to the Popes remarks, a nice article was written by one real Christian Mr. Franchois Gautier, which is published in the Ferengis Column of the Indian Express dated 25th Oct.1999, showing how Hindu the Pope is or the Christians are. After reading the report of the Popes speech, I became satisfied that I have published this book of Shri. Babarao Savarkar, in right time. It will wake up the Hindus, I feel, and the Christians too. I humbly oblate this English edition to the memory of the late Shri Babarao Savarkar and his wife Sau. Yesu Vahini, who had oblated her life in the work of her husband, who fought for the liberty of India. She died in 1919, even before Babarao was released from the jail, in 1922.

Dr. P. V. Vartak, Author of 16 Marathi and 5 English books. 14-10-2001

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Preface Written by the late Shri Babarao Sawarkar

During 19051906, while reading the book namely In the words of realization, printed in three volumes, based on the lectures of Swami Rama Teertha, noticed that he has mentioned some facts about Jesus the Christ. In the last phase of his life Jesus came to Kashmir in India, and he left his physical body there. On his remains a tomb is built which is still recognized by his name. There is in use one ointment, which heals wounds and it is famous by the name of Jesus. On reading those facts it came to my mind that Jesus Christ must be a Hindu himself. Then I decided to study and search the facts so as to prove that Jesus was a Hindu and to bring that research in the form of a book. However thereafter, I got involved in the stormy politics and was sentenced to ten years rigorous imprisonment, in the year 1909, and was dragged to the jail of Andamans, the famous Cellular jail. While in the prison there began a world war and to keep us cool, away from that situation, we the political prisoners were offered permission to bring some books from home for reading. We were also given a facility to use books of each other. Hence we got the opportunity to expand our capacities and knowledge by reading many books on many topics written by famous scholars and experts. Due to war situation the prisoners, particularly the political prisoners were excited. To remove that excitement and to keep the minds of political prisoners cool, the authorities of the prison felt it necessary to provide us books for reading. We could grab that opportunity given

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by unsecured jailors and could increase our knowledge to considerable extent. In the prison whatever important historical references I got about the life of Jesus, I registered in my memory and whenever I got opportunity and some place to scribe on any book received from my home, I wrote short notes on those books for further utilization when I was released from the jail. In 1922, I got seriously ill and was almost on the deathbed. Then I was released from that horrible jail by the British Government. During 1924-25, in the season of winter I came to Nagpur for the purpose of curing my ailments. There in Dhanatoli, I met a learned scholar, who had come to stay in Nagpur from Andhra Pradesh and Central Province. When I visited him at his home I got a sumptuous treasure of information about Jesus. In a conference with him I talked to him about my concept that Jesus must be a Hindu person by birth, when he told me about Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer, a resident of Madras, who has done a similar research and has almost proved that Jesus was a Hindu. Further he added that the pamphlets about it were with him. As soon as I heard that news I requested him to give me those pamphlets. He accepted to hand over the information provided that I must promise him to publish an article on the topic for the benefit of public. I promised him accordingly and got the information. I wished to publish his name and offer him thanks in my book; but he did not tell his name to me. Even after publication of this book if anybody tells me his name, I would certainly print his name and offer him many thanks in the second edition

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of this book. Later I wrote directly to Mr. Ramaswamy and got the proper and extensive information. He kept on feeding me information till his death. I am really thankful to Mr. Ramaswamy for his courteous act. I am really obliged to a Russian researcher Dr. Buchanon, who authored a book The Unknown Life of Christ where he has recorded information not available easily. Dr. Buchanon did a great research and wrote a book. He sent it to the Pope for his criticism and comments. However the Pope burnt that great research and ordered him not to write such foolish books again and not to publish this book anywhere. That book was seized twice due to fear of unrest in Christians of America and due to dread that the faith of Christians on Christian religion may disappear. I also owe to the book By an Eye Witness written by a member of the Essen cult for circulation to its followers, in which all the facts are recorded about the crucification of Jesus and the later events. The person writing this book was an eyewitness to all those incidents. This book was not available, but fortunately I got it after much troubles. I saw a treasure of precious information in this book. I also collected precious information from other sources like newspapers etc. for compilation of this book. Then, as soon as I came to reside in Sangli, I began writing this book and now I am happy that it is going to the hands of people. I feel happy that now I have fulfilled the debt of that great Hindu man known as Jesus Christ, by publishing the reality of his history and by publishing the unknown facts about him.

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I am also satisfied that I have fulfilled my promise given to the friend whom I met in Nagpur and got valuable information from him. I am really fortunate to have these two benefits today. I thank all those who helped me in writing this biography of Jesus. I request the readers that they should acquaint others with the fact that Jesus was a Hindu person. They should propagate the unknown facts about the life of Jesus. The Christians from India should accept the fact that they are not different from the Hindus, but are the members of the cult established by a Hindu philosopher. They are devotees of a Hindu Guru. I hope nobody will deny this request. Before taking leave from the readers let me clear one point. Even though we get much evidence to prove a particular fact, some suspicion remains behind lurking in mind, and people do not accept that fact. For those having such a tendency and also for the researchers, I must explain one thing here to remove their doubts. I have stated that Jesus the Christ and the people among whom he was born, were inhabited in Palestine after migration from Madras of South India and they were Tamil in race. For its support, I have given lot of evidence. But one question may arise which is not answered in the main text. I shall explain it here. Tamil people are black in colour; but the Palestinians and Arabs have changed their colour though they were Tamils originally. Arabs are usually reddish white in colour. This change

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of colour may occur due to surroundings. But if we see the difference in the body structures, such as the size and shape of head, face, forehead, eyes, height, etc, then we cannot say that they are Tamils, Dravids in origin. But it is a fact that there is no difference between the Tamils and Arabs, except colour of the skin. Their colour is changed due to atmosphere, heat, nature, etc. In Europe all people are of the same origin but their colours exhibit difference from pure white to red to wheat colour as seen in north Indians. Negroes are usually black in colour, as a rule; but we see in America that Negroes have changed their colour due to the effect of nature, cold etc. However there is no change in the body structure, face, hair, etc. Therefore one should not deny the fact, only on the basis of colour, that Arabs have their origin in Tamils. Therefore the doubt is improper. I may write much on this point but it is not necessary. Ganesh Damodar Savarkar

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Jesus the Christ was a Tamil Hindu

British rule hypnotized the Indian mind Hindusthan or India was conquered by the English empire and then the British rulers played many vicious tactics towards the Indian people so that they should lose their self respect, confidence, pride etc. They impressed the Indian mind that they have the lowest qualities in the world and they are uncivilized and savage and uncultured in comparison with the English people and that the British rule over India is brought by the God almighty and it is beneficial to the Indian people to be slaves of the British. The British achieved success in hypnotizing India in that way. That imparted great loss to the Indian nation and was proved to be dreadful to India. British began teaching history from the invasions and victory of the Muslims on India. They deliberately concealed the history of victories of the Hindus over the Muslims. For example, they never taught the fierce battles fought against the Muslim invaders by Rana Pratap of Chitod, the brilliant valour of Vijayanagar, torching victories of Sikhs, the prowess of Saffron coloured flag and the heroism of the great Marathas. The Hindus fought valorously against the Muslim invasions for about a thousand years and ultimately won over the Muslim rule conquering Delhi and dug a tomb for the Muslim rule in India. This brilliant history was deliberately kept hidden from the Hindu children in schools. It is better not to talk about the ancient history of India. We Hindus were at the head of the world, as teachers or

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preachers, as far as religion, philosophy, arts, technologies, various sciences, culture, industries, trades etc are concerned. The Hindus were established superior in all these faculties in the world. The Hindus traded all over the world and gave light of knowledge over the globe. The Hindus ruled morally and righteously over many lands to give happiness and peace to those people. The Hindu governments were full of merits, virtues, piety, morality and ethics. Those lands were never trodden by the Hindu emperors. On the contrary, the Hindus taught them culture and knowledge and gave good, peaceful governments. Everybody flourished under the Hindu rule. The Hindus have the oldest and the best culture, well decorated with morality and ethics. They were adorned with philosophy of a very high rank. They ruled for the people, giving them prosperity and satisfaction from all corners. This valour is shown by the Hindus from fathomless past, of thousands of years, where history cannot venture. This culture is ruling India, unbroken, till today. This is a fact, a reality; but is covered so successfully by the British rule by fraudulent trick, that if a person tries to tell this fact to the Hindus, he will be looked upon as a mad man. He will be mocked at by the people supposing him to be dishonest. They will look at that truth as a false thing. In spite of it if somebody proves with evidence that truth, the people will doubt about the evidence. So much effective is that British fraud.

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The cause behind this book That is the fact. But if by serious efforts anything false can be proved as a truth, then with the same efforts the truth can also be placed at its proper realm, exposing the deceit and trickery. With this belief I hope that my work and the efforts of many others can place the true facts firmly before the public at large. The importance of the truth and reality present in the Hinduism should be exposed before the Hindus. For that purpose the efforts of the Hindus in the history and the circumstances in all aspects should be opened before them. This book is one of the efforts to that effect. One may raise a question that the present problems should be solved for the future benefits, but leaving that aside what is the use of grinding the lost history? This question is difficult to reply if seen cursorily; but on second thought we come to the conclusion that this question is itself futile. Instead of trying to get a prosperous future, why should we get engulfed in history ? Is not it a work as useless and foolish as milking a bull ? No. It is very essential to look to the circumstances and facts in history which is important in getting a glorious future. If we were superior to the world in the past, it is very important to know why and how we attained that high status, and how we lost that position. Is it not necessary to understand those factors? We get help from the study of the past to solve the present and future problems. Similarly we get more benefits if we see the glory and grandeur of our country in the past and we try to achieve the best from it. By understanding the past glory we acquire self-confidence and self-respect. That is the most important benefit.

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Therefore we must dip deep into the past history to bring out more and more gems of reality. Keeping this view, I have begun this work of writing history. What will be the fruit of this writing? For last two centuries Europeans are raping the world. Except Europe all other continents, including Australia, are trodden by the Europeans with their sinful feet. Not a single country is left undisturbed. Only Japan remained safe in spite of encroachment by the Europeans because Japanese were shrewd enough not to allow them settle in Japan. Europeans were slapped in the face by Japanese and had to retreat from Japan. Except that fortunate country Japan, all other countries were unfortunate so the sinful white feet destroyed their race, religions, culture, tread, kingdoms. They faced lot of sufferings from the Europeans. The Europeans are Christian by religion, but now they are not under the shadow of their religion. Even then they are proud of the Christian European civilization. Who was at the centre of the great Christian culture ? Of course Jesus Christ. But who was he? If we see with the help of a telescope of research, we are convinced by evidence that Jesus belonged to the Hindu race, which is labeled by English as uncultured, uncivilized, savage, mean race liable for slavery. But this Hindu culture had reared Jesus. He was a Hindu himself. This was recognized by the English scholars, but their politicians and particularly Roman Catholics buried that truth successfully. To show Hindus that the father of the Christian culture and religion, who govern us proudly and always show us down, mean and vile, was a Hindu, is

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inspiring to the Hindus and is beneficial to them in other ways too. Importance to see that the Palestine was a Hindu state. This book is written to prove that Christ and Palestine both were of Hindu origin. It is essential to see the facts, which are important to prove that Christ was a Hindu. If Jesus was a Hindu, he would have come to the Palestine from outside country where the Hindus resided. He might have come there to preach a good religion. Else, he might have born in Palestine and propped up to a high level of preaching religion to the people around him. Of course, in that case Palestine might be a Hindu province. These are the only two possibilities. All the evidence so far tells that Palestine was the birth place of Jesus. Nobody tells that he came in Palestine from outside. Therefore Palestine must be the habitat of Hindus. This will help to show that Jesus was a born Hindu. On the other hand, it should be established that he came from some other Hindu land to Palestine to teach Hindu religion there. There is no other way. Hence it is of prime importance to see which race inhabited Palestine. Some evidence to show that Arabia was a Hindu land. Aristotle was told by a Jew scholar that the Jews were Hindus. This is a very important statement, but to accept that saying as a true fact, without evidence is not proper. We must find out the evidence to prove it. We must first see who were the residents of Palestine in those days. It is important to note that the Hindu religion had spread all over the world and the

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Hindus had colonized many parts of the globe. Palestine was not an exception to that fact. Pandit Ruchiram, a member of Arya Samaj, who vouched to propagate Arya religion, had been to Arabia and roamed there for seven years in various parts of Arabia. He has written his travelogue titled as Seven Years in Arabia in which very important information is recorded. In short, it is as follows:

1] He started on foot from Karachi. He visited various places in Baluchisthan. He saw port Pasani, where are shops of the Sindhi and Gujarati Hindus. They are staying there for nearly two thousand years as recorded in the history there. 2] After Iran, he visited port Gwanar where also the Hindus inhabited for the last two thousand years. Most of them are Gujarati Hindus. Their traditions and customs are like those of Indians. Sindhi, Gujarati and Arabs are in treading. 3] At the southern coast of Arabia there is a port called as Mokalla or Mokala. Hindus are residing there for about two thousand and five Hundred years. However the tread is in the hands of Indian Shiya Muslims. 4] Residents of Yemen were the Hindus till the upsurge of Mahammad who established Muslim religion. Mahammad came with his followers in this province and wrote to the king there with threat, Accept me as a Paigambar and accept Muslim religion, otherwise there will be forceful conversions with bloodshed. The king and the people were not able to defend themselves and had to bow before the Muslim invaders and embrace the Muslim religion. 5] In Syria there is a small Hindu kingdom,

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which is governed by French. The people call themselves Durja. They are very brave. Their population is about twenty to twenty-five thousand. Pandit Ruchiram and others describe them as follows : They say they are Hindus. They keep a wad of hair, shaving the whole skull. They worship idols of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Their religious preceptors and spiritual teachers get livelihood through religious donations. If they meet some Hindu from India they feel great happiness and they honour him. They tell, In the past there was fought a great war and after it we came here to reside. They observe that day of entry into that province as a holy, auspicious day and celebrate it. Their customs and traditions are just like the Hindus in India. In addition to the book of Pandit Ruchiram, other evidences also support this view, which is given below. 6] Mr. Philip Smith says in his book named as Students Ancient History, that the Arabs formerly shaved their heads clean keeping a tuft of hair intact, on the crown of head, called as Shikha. One great warrior in the past was named as Muthapph. {B} Dr. D. C. Oliari states in his book Arabia before Mahammad that in the Christian Patriotic literature the Arabs were said to be the Hindus. {C} About a hundred years ago Major Bill Ford was told by the Hindus in India that Macca was Hindus holy place. In about the same period Jain people had told Dr. Buchanon that in the past, many Hindus lived in Arabia and their king Parashwa Bhattaraka ruled over Macca. Hindu Inhabitations Surrounding Arabia

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This is the case of Arabia. If there were no colonies of the Hindus around Arabia, more evidence was necessary; but fortunately it is not a state. It can be proved by the circumstantial evidence that Arabia was formerly inhabited by the Hindus, if we get evidence to show that majority of people were the Hindus residing in many countries in Europe and Asia, except Arabia, in the past. To the west of Arabia are territories of Europe and Africa. To the north of Arabia are Turkasthan, Russia and Siberia. To the east of Arabia are the Iran, Afghanisthan and Baluchisthan. To the south is the sea. These are the four boundaries of Arabia and if they are proved to be Hindu habitations, then it is certain that the Arabia, which was encircled by the Hindu colonies, could not be a non-Hindu state. Therefore, let us see if we can get evidence of the Hindu inhabitations encircling Arabia. a] Africa - Touching Arabia, in the continent of Africa, there are countries like Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia (Abyssinia). These countries were inhabited by the Hindus. After the Mahabharata war many clusters of people went from India outside to settle in Africa, Europe and the eastern as well as the western parts of Asia. The Mahabharata war took place in 3101 B.C. according to a Historical and Astronomical evidence. [ This was the opinion of many scholars, then, during the late Shree Savarkars time around 1900 to 1940 A.D. But now Dr. P. V. Vartak has proved the date of the Mahabharata war as 16th October 5561 B.C. based on more than 20 Astronomical evidences.- See The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharata War authored by Dr. P. V. Vartak, and his

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Marathi book titled as Swayambhu ] Even before the Mahabharata war, the Hindus had gone out of India to settle in various countries. [This point is also proved by Dr. P. V. Vartak, in his famous Marathi book Vastava Ramayana, which is now available in English as A realistic approach to the Valmiki Ramayana, published by Blue Bird, Pune] Let us now see about colonies of Africa, Egypt and Ethiopia. Colonel Alcot states, Egypt was inhabited by the Hindus at least 8000 years ago and decorated Egypt by their great culture. Archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Brugshbe is well known as the modern and reliable expert about Egypt. He states, In the remote past unknown to the history the Hindus from India spread and crossing many countries they came to Egypt where they settled on the banks of the river Nile. Nile is a word transformed from original Sanskrit word Neela. The ancient literature of Egyptians has recorded that those people came from the Gods country to settle in here. There is carved a map in the Queens temple at Der es Bani, in Egypt. This map clearly shows that the land of the God was India. Egyptians call their previous land as Panta Desha or the Gods land. The author of a book namely India in Greece states, The Sindhis from Sindh, India were expert in trading and were courageous. Those Sindhis and some Punjabi warriors went via the Arabian Sea to Iran. They crossed the Red sea to enter Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia (Abyssinia) where they colonized that land. Later some of them went further to establish in Greece.

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Pocock states in his history book, It is proved by many evidences that the Hindus from the North-West India and the Himalayas went to Africa and settled there in colonies. His classification of evidence is as follows: A) The provinces and the rivers are named after the great rivers in India. B) Similarly some lands are named after the cities and provinces of India. C) The rulers were named after Indian kings e. g. Ramesh or Ram = Rameshis. D) Carvings and buildings are similar to India in their grandeur and skill. E) Egyptian words are derived from and are similar to Sanskrit words. All these points prove that Egypt was inhabited by the Indian Hindus. Prof. Hiren examined the skulls of Indian and Egyptian people when he was surprised to see marked similarity between the two. From that observation he has concluded that the Egyptian people were originally Hindus. He also examined social, religious and political aspects, structures, establishments, traditions and customs when he found marked resemblance between Egyptians and Indian Hindus. Therefore he concluded that Egypt was definitely colonized by the Hindus. He adds further that Ethiopia (Abyssinia) was also a Hindu land. Sir W. Johns states, Abyssinia and India both are the countries of one extraordinary race. Usabius states, The people near Sindhu River came to Egypt and settled as a colony. One Egyptian author named as Philastratus says, Hindus were more knowledgeable than any other race and the Hindus came to colonize

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Egypt. There they preserved their knowledge and customs and traditions and maintained the memory of their mother land alive, told my father. In the third century A. D. Julius Africanius had reported some information, which was kept documented by Uselius and Sincelus. Prof. Hiren has reported in his book Historical Research that the ancient Abyssinians were the people who came from the river Abusin ( an ancient name of the river Sindhu) to Africa for settlement. In the ancient era there was continuous tread between Abyssinia and India to a great extent. Colonel Todd has stated that the towns established near the pools of Gambia and Senegal had been given Indian Hindu names. He further states in the Asiatic Journal Part 4, quoting from a book named as The Second Journey of Park during 325 A.D. that there is a big list of Sanskrit names given to the internal parts of Africa, and those names are still present in India in various parts. The history of Hinduism in Iran, Afghanisthan and Baluchisthan is so fresh that it need not be retold. Colonel Todd has stated the saying of Abdul Gazi that Tamaka, the son of Tura and his colleagues established settlements in Turkasthan. These people are referred to as Turushka in the Puranas. Turkeys are known as Turanians in English. About those people the Mahabharata says that they were cursed people and their rights as heir were denied legally. Col. Todd states, The traditional history of Jasalmeer tells that Yadus and Balhikas reigned in Khorasan after the Mahabharata war, and these people are called as IndoSythic by Greek historians. Many people of Kuru dynasty settled

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in the region from the Central Asia to the Western Asias border. The epic Mahabharata states about Uttara Kuru, the same are mentioned by Greek historians as Otoro Kurani people. One Muslim historian states in his book named as The History of China that the Hindus first came to colonize Khat. From India the Hindus migrated outwards for colonizing the central Asia and then they went farther north to establish in Siberia. They built its capital named as Vajrapur. Lord Shri Krishnas sons Varadamana, Samba and Gada migrated there with many Brahmins and Kshatriyas. The elder became the king after the death of the king there. When Lord Krishna expired, those people returned to Dwaraka, India, in condolence, as stated in the Hari Vamsha. After some period they again went back, crossing the Sindhu river to Kabulisthan and onwards upto Samarkand they colonized the region. In Siberia even today some of their lineage is found in pure status. Their language is also Indo- German according to Asia Poligota authored by Caproth. The coins and stamps of the ancient Hindu kings are discovered in the Asia Minor and Turkasthan. On those coins on one side there are the Moon and the Sun while on the other side there are Shiva and Nandi. The names of the Hindu kings are also carved on the coins. Pure Sanskrit names are still found to the towns and villages in Asia Minor and Turkasthan. The people there were named as Turushka in the Puranas. Europe : England, Sweden, Norway, Irland (Arya-Land), Germany, Italy, France, etc were all inhabited by the Hindus. This is proved

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by many evidences. I need not go into details of those evidences because it is not related to the limitation of this book. I have stated this as a passing remark. Similarly it is proved by Shri. Chamanlal in his book Hindu America that before Europeans entered into America, there were the Hindus situated there in many states, kingdoms, nations etc. Many evidences are showered by him to prove his thesis. In the same way it is no wonder that Arabia was also inhabited by the Hindus. This statement has support of not only the above points, but there are many supports to prove it. For example, marked prevalence of Sanskrit words in their language, their traditions existing even today, their clothes showing similarity with the Hindu clothes, the archaeological findings, their history and stories, legends, etc, and such other many testimonies from many aspects and many fields spread all over the world show that in ancient times Hindu culture ruled the earth. There are many findings to prove that the Hindus inhabited in Arabia too. In this book it is essential to give evidence to show the presence of the Hindu culture and people in Arabia and Palestine. Evidence about India in Palestinian Language Let us see first the evidence of language. Like other countries, Arabia also possesses a lot of Sanskrit words as well as Tamil words. The evidence is here:- When Jesus was crucified, he exclaimed some words which are preserved carefully. He uttered, Talith Kumi Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabaktheni. Its meaning is Oh God, why are you crushing me like this? A person who tries to do concentration of

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mind knows by experience that if the mind is disturbed by any reason then concentration of mind and meditation becomes impossible. Once king Bharata left the kingdom and took Sanyas for penance in his last days. He tried Yoga to get success in Samadhi. Once he felt sympathy for a young one of a deer and he fostered it. It gradually grew older. Being in company with it, he fell in love with it like his own child. At the time of Bharatas death, Bharata was grieved to see that the deer had not returned home from grazing in a forest. In that anxiety, Bharata Munis mind could not attain Samadhi at the time of his death, though he tried hard. Ultimately in that anxiety about the deer his soul left his body, he died. In the same way Jesus could not go into Samadhi due to bodily pains and could not cut the bonds with the physical body. Therefore he exclaimed like that. Jesus was accused and sentenced to crucification. The effect of this situation stirred up his mind. Hence he could not control his mind. His life also could not depart from his body. In such a critical situation, in excitation he must have uttered the above sentence inevitably. At that time in Palestine Aramaic language was in common use. Aramaic is a word transformed from a Sanskrit word Arvam. Tamil language was known as Arvam. In that time, in the Jews, there was difference between a scholar and an ordinary man. Scholars were called a Pharisees. They used to tell their Gotra after the name of an Indian sage, like Brahmins from India. It is for this reason that the Jew Pandits told Aristotle that they belonged to genealogies of Indian sages. Later they forgot the specialty of Gotra and began telling that they are descendants of Philosophers. [Gotras are now

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Palestines Arabic Language was Tamil It is stated above that Arabic language was known as Arvam. Let us find out its root. The Jews are called as Hibrews. Hibru is a corrupt word derived from Habiru. Habiru is derived from Abhira. A in Tamil means cattle. Bheera means brave. The word Abheera got converted to Ameer or Avir in the local language there. According to natural conversions in language Amir became Aribh and then Arib or Arab. The Jews were known as Habiri and also Khabiri. These are the original words there. If we go deep to find out how these words occur, we find that both these words are different from each other, but were applied to the same race. Khabiri is the word arisen out of geography, while Habiri arose from race, according to experts. In Arabia and Palestine Tamil people had settled. (This will be proved later with different evidence). Those Tamil people were from banks of the river Kaveri. The river Kaveri, which is reputed in Madras Province,(Tamilnadu), is one of the most celebrated rivers, out of the seven ranked as the great river Ganga. During a bath usually these seven names of the rivers are uttered as a Mantra. These seven are Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. This river Kaveri was supposed to be great and so the people residing at its banks saw it as their specialty and they gave identity following Kaveri. The name Kaveri corrupted to Khabiri according to some experts. Those Abhiras or Yadavas were dark in complexion. It is famous that Lord Krishna was also dark in complexion. The dark complexion is called in

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Sanskrit as Shyama. This Shyama colour of Yadavas got corrupted to Shema and then in English got converted to Semaite. Semaite means about Shyama colored or about Shem people. It is no wonder that the Greeks, according to their style of language, called the residents of Palestine and region up to Cyprus, as Shyamaites or Semitics.

Chaldeans Aramaic - some similar words : Dr. Bhandarkar had given a lecture in Madras University on the topic Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture. In that lecture he told that the word Yavhe of Chaldeans got corrupted to Jehova, in the Old Testaments (earlier part of Bible) of the Jews. At that time many Hindu articles were found in archaeological excavations near Mesopotamia, Syria etc. On that background he said that the word Jehova or Yavhe might have entered Vedic language from some external language. He used the word Chaldean language, but it was Aremaik language. Aramaic was a corrupt Tamil language and the words Yahva or Yahava and Jahva or Jahava are Tamil names. It is well known that Y and J always interchange. The God Almighty is described in many aspects. God is not liable to die. Immortality is the characteristic of God. Jahava=Sahava(Ni) =Sahadavana which means without death or immortal. Thus from the basic Tamil word Sahadavan for God Almighty arose a short form as Sahava or Yahava. In the Bible we find Arvam or Tamil names or titles in the same form or little perverted form. Some are as follows: 1] Achar = Acharya 2] Azaria = Acharyayya

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Ayya is a suffix to a name in Tamil. 3] Obadiah =Upadyaya [4] Caleb = Kalappa 5] Nagash = Naga, cobra 6]Nehamiah = Nahamayya 7]Naamah=Nahamma. [8] Merari =Murari 9] Meremoth = Marimutthu 10] Shallam = Selem = Selemia 11] Ezara = Eshwara = Ishwara. 12] Isaiah = Ishayya = Isha + Ayya. 13] Sheva=Shiva. [14] Shamgar = Shankar 15] Sheshan = Shesha [16] Jeshaih = Sheshayya 17] Jeshab, son of Ishwara = Sheshappa. 18] Maeseiah = Mahashaya. [19] Rhoda = Radha 20] Rachab = Rajappa. [21] Simon = Sheeman=Shreeman 22] Carmil = Carai Malai= Mountain on the seashore. 23] Tabor = Deopuram (name of a city). [24] Ramoh = Rampur 25] Ramiah = Ramayya. 26] Khilaphat = Kulapati. [27] Sarasen = Shoorasen 28] uhajarin = Mahacharana. This is a name given to the people who left Macca with Mahammad. 29] Mufti = Mukhapati= Chief of men. 30] Mahammad = Maha+Mati.= wise.

The Old Testament and the Biblical stories of ancient men :There are many legends in the Bible. The similarity of words is recognized by the legends. From the similarity of words we can consider the names and stories also. Let us see it here.

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Abraham was a great personality of the Jews or the Hebrews. In the original literature the name recorded is Abram. The experts of Biblical language say that the Prefix Ab in Abram is a short form of the word Abba. Originally the real word was Abbaram, which later converted to Abram and then corrupted to Abraham. Some prefixes of present language were suffixes in ancient era. For example, Kanhaiyya = Ayya Kannu, Kannu Swami = Swami Kannu, Appa Kutti= Kutti Appa = Kuttippa. In the same fashion Biblical Abbaram was originally Ramappa, who was Shri Rama, famous in the Ramayana. How is it? See here: The wife of Biblical Abraham, according to a Biblical story, was taken away by Philistine. This Philistine means Pulastiyan. Ravana was a Poulastya, a descendant of sage Pulastya, according to the Ramayana. In the same sense the word Philistine is used in the Bible. A friend of Abraham according to the Bible was Aner. Aner is a corrupt word derived from Wanara. This Wanara was Hanumana. The Bible is not a book of stories, so the whole story could not be reported in it. But whatever is stated in short points to Rama-Ravana. [According to Dr. Vartak Wanara is a word composed of Wa + Nara. Nara means a human being. Wa is a prefix suggesting doubt. Whether he was a man or not was doubtful, so Wanara. In other words he was not a man A + Nara. Thus Anara means Wanara. The name Anara later got corrupted to Aner. In English the pronunciation of E is the same as A. For example, take the word Berth, and see how E is pronounced like A. Thus Anara became

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The word Shree in Sanskrit converts to Tiru, Thiru or Siri in Tamil language. It is applied to the name of a city in Madras province and that style has gone to the west Asia. When the Jews spread away from that city, they honored that original habitat, that first city developed by their ancestors as a holy place. Therefore, they called it Siri Salem. Probably Sri Shailam got converted to Siri Salem. Later Siri Salem converted to Jerusalem, which became popular. There is a valley near Salem, they named it as Shaveh (Shaiva or Shiva Dari). In Madras near Salem there was a place named as Shiva Pet. It is still present there. So it is concluded that Salem, Siri, Sri Salem and Shevadari nearby were the names of places originally in Madras area, which went to the west Asia. This logic is acceptable. In the Bible the Geeta is mentioned. In the English or European script there is no T r (as in Teheran, or Sanskrit words Tadaga,Tanu, Tara, Teerth, Turanga, Taila, Toya, Toulam etc.) The class of T like r]Fk]n]/k]is not present in the Roman script. Thereore for r T is used and for n D is used. xhrk has to be written as Geeta in the Roman script. However in Sanskrit r is replaced many times by n- For example, rr~ & rn~Therefore Geeta was written as Geeda and while talking some force is used so that Geeda became as Gheeda. H represents the force. Due to the difference in the language and the script and due to the poverty of syllables and letters other scripts cannot write Sanskrit words correctly. In the Bible it is often stated that now I shall quote some parables from

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Gheeda. It is similar to the fashion of Sanskrit where sayings of sages are quoted stating, Iti Uktam . Gheeda means Geeta as seen above. Therefore those quotations from Gheeda must be from the Geeta. There is no book named as Gheeda in Europe or the west Asia or Palestine. Thus the parables are the quotations of the great personalities or from the books of some secret knowledge or from the teachings of the Geeta. In turn, it shows that the person who told the Bible knew the Geeta too, and he preached its teachings to his followers. From this information and the similarities between the words, any man will admit that the Geeta is retold in the Bible. Some Tamil words like Matala, Patela, Mashala, etc are found recorded in the Bible and their meanings tally with the Tamil sense. Therefore we have to conclude that Gheeda means the Geeta. It is not necessary to go into details. In the Old Testament there is a reference to a book of Joshua, where a story of Jasher, five kings of Jash and their war is recorded. To whom does this story refer to ? Because in Palestine there was a Hindu settlement, this story might have gone there, from Indian Purana, with the Hindu settlers. There are some corrupt words in Latin transformed from the original language, for example, Church from Karka, Cheri from Keri, Surukka from Kurukka, Joshua from Jeshua etc. Jeshua is a word transformed from Keshua, which is a corruption of the word Keshao or Keshawa. In the Old Testament there are words like Og and Makkedah. Og is told to be a giant and Makkedah a king. This Og means Aghasura and Makkedah means Magadhesha (Jarasandha).

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Let us now think about Jasher, which means of Jash. In Tamil W transfers to Y, o = ;. For example Vyankappa becomes Yankappa. Many a times Y is replaced by J. ; = t. For example, Yajna becomes Jajna. ;K = tK. Yogi converts to Jogi. In the same way, Yash is converted to Jash, and Yash is converted from Vyas. Thus the original word was Vyasa, the name of the famous sage who wrote the epic Mahabharata. Therefore, the story of the five kings in the book of Jash was the story of five Pandawas written by the sage Vyasa in the book Mahabharata. The war was fought between Pandawas and Kourawas. Jeshua, mentioned in it, is Keshawa (Keshao) or Krishna. Og is Aghasura and Makkedh is Magadhesh Jarasandh. Thus, if we search the origins of the words and their corruption we find many Hindu Pauranik stories and persons included in the Old Testament. But we must point our finger to a definite evidence, for our satisfaction. These references and stories are the abridgments of those taken by the originally settled Hindus in that region of Arabia and Palestine. Lakshagruha, the inflammable house built by Kauravas for burning Pandawas, is also found in the Old Testament. One more evidence is here: The Sanskrit words Hastin and Hasti are written in Pali as Hattin and Hatti. Hittites are mentioned in the Bible and its corrupt form Hatti is found carved in the west Asia. The Hittite is a book authored by A. E. Kaule and The Kings of Hittates is authored by D. G. Kogart, both include the word Hatti. It shows that the Hettite kings mentioned in the Old Testament were the kings

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of Hastinapura. The word Hastin got converted to Hattin and its adjective became Hettite. In the New Testaments the word Kurios is present. It is a transformation of Kuruja i.e. born of Kuru family. Kuruja definitely refers to the princes of Kuru dynasty. Naturally there is no doubt that it shows Kaurawas. Above it is shown that the name Vyasa has taken the form of Jash in Palestine. The same word is present in Arabic language. Yashar was the name of the grand father of Abdulla Mahammad Ibra Ishak, author of biography of Mahammad. This name was usual in Arabia. The Deities of Arabia were The Hindu Gods : The commonly worshipped God in Arabia and around was Shankar or Ishana. Ishana is one of the several names of Shankar. Therefore, wherever there was a reference to the God or Ishwara it was to Shankar. The son of God was famous as Skanda or Kartikeya. The name Skanda was in use in Arabia and around and was corrupted to Skandar and then Kandar. The famous place Canterburry in England was Kandarpuri or Skand-Puri. Skanda was converted to Kandar and then in Arabic converted to Eskandar. In India, too, those who are not in touch with Sanskrit pronunciate Skanda as Iskanda, Snana as Isnana, Smarana as Ismarana, Kula as Iskula. They have to add A or E before uttering Ska or any other compound word or letter. We have experienced this fact in the territory under the Islamic pressure. They said Snan as Asnan and Smarana as Asmarana. Therefore it is no wonder that the name Skanda got converted to Askandar or Iskandar outside India. Skanda was the Chief General of the army of

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the Gods according to the Hindu Puranas. Skanda was therefore accepted as the God of war. In the west Asia and regions around it, the Divine General was supposed to be Iskandar in Arabia and in Persian language he was Sikandar. Thus Sikandar, Iskandar, Skandar etc was Skanda or Kartikeya the son of Shankar, who was appointed as the general of divine army. Shankar is also known as Mahesh and Isha in the Indian literature. This Mahesh or Isha was worshipped commonly in the West Asia and the European territory nearby. This name Mahesh got corrupted to Mozes. A book named as Ancient Fragments written by Kori tells the previous form of Mozes as Moyeses. Greek and other languages were close to Sanskrit, but in them the Visarga took the form of S. If this S or Visarga is removed from Moyeses the form becomes Mozes. Mahesh = Mohesh=Mozes are very close to each other. H is replaced by Y while other parts remained the same. In Bengal Mahesh is uttered as Mohesh. Similar change occurred there and further Mohesh changed to Moyesh and Mozes. He may be changed to Ye. Let us see some more similarities now. Similarity between Arabic and Tamil languages In the Bible there is a puzzle of Psalm 68, about its ability and function. It is well known that in India here was a great dynasty famous as Maurya. In the Indian history their fame has become immortal. King Ashoka was a famous emperor from it. He had sent scholars to spread Buddhism in the western countries as well as the eastern countries. Those preachers had gone to Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Syrine,

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Aepirus, Greece, Macedonia, etc. Bauddha was a philosophical religion which was difficult to understand to uncultured and nomadic people, because it was full of the commandments like Truth, nonviolence etc. If such nomads, uncultured people inhabited the western territories up to Greece, it was futile to preach such a high-grade philosophy to them. But it was not the case. The Hindus were inhabited there and the Hindu religion embraced the best philosophy and ethics. Therefore it is evident that the people there were capable to learn and understand the language and concepts of Bauddha preachers. In the Christ Church, Psalm 68-31, in the common prayer Morians are referred to. European scholars connected Morians to Abyssinia. But it is important to note that in the Bible those original Aramaic words are kept intact, because of their significance and auspicious nature. In its translations also, those words are kept intact. They are still present in Madras region of India, in the Tamil language, even though two thousand years have passed. These words are spoken and written in the present Tamil. Therefore, it is evident that Aramaic language is a perverted form of Tamil. It is for this reason that the Morians mentioned in Aramaic language are the famous Mauryas of the Hindu dynasty of India. It is also natural that the Mauryas are mentioned in the Bible by the Hindu people of the Hindu cult. There should not be any doubt in mind to accept this fact. It is stated above that the words uttered by Christ are preserved in the original form in the Bible as well as in its translation. For example, let us see here some words. In the Bible there are two words Korwan and Korapanam,

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which are originally Tamil words and are corrupted in translations. In fact these are two separate words. Korwan means the thing offered to the God or a victim offered to a deity. This word is corrupted in Aramaic to Korbani or Kurbani. Korapanam means a thing or money kept in front of a deity with prayer. However in the Bibles translation both the words are supposed to be a thing kept for a deity. In Tamil Korapanam or Korikkapanam means the money offered to a deity in worship. Korban= Kodubbanai is also a Tamil word. It is not necessary to tell that Tamil is converted to Aramaic. A word Boanerjes means Vaneruje in Tamil and both these similar words mean Son of Thunder producer. When crucified Christ said, Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani. These words are almost Tamil, with a little change. The original form of this sentence is Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabac tha ni. = Eloi, Eloi, Sabac Lama thani. = The Pure Tamil sentence is , Eloi, Eloi, Sabikka Lamada Ni. The meaning of this sentence is Oh God, why are you crushing me like this ? Why do you not take me away quickly to you ? [In the modern Tamil the sentence as told by a Tamil person in Pune, to Dr. Vartak is, Ennai, Sabic Lamada Ni . Ennai = to me. Sabic = curse or crush. Lama= God. Da is a suffix showing triviality. Ni=you.] Many such similarities may be shown. However whatever is told is quite sufficient, but I cannot avoid the fascination to show very important and attractive words showing similar meaning.

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Hindu colonies established. In the same areas the Hindus who migrated later went to reside, after the Mahabharata war. The Hindus going outside India in a still later phase also went to the same establishments. It is quite natural. In Tamil as well as in Sanskrit language, Alla, Amma, Akka, are the names applied to the Goddess, who is the mother of this Universe. It was inevitable that these words went with the Hindus to Arabia. In Arabia and around it, in the past Shankar, Durga, Vishnu were worshipped as principal deities. Therefore the names of the Goddess were rampantly used by the people there. Out of these words Alla is commonly used as a favourite by Muslims. Originally Alla is a feminine word in Sanskrit, but Muslims use it as a masculine in gender. Its meaning is supreme deity. It is told previously that Kurios is a word used for those born in Kuru family. Mahammad who introduced Muslim religion was born in a race named as Koresh according to history. This race Koresh was the people who were related to or were on the side of Kuru dynasty, but they migrated from India to Arabia. Kuru dynasty is famous from the Mahabharata. Kurus were from the race called as Chandravanshiya, which means they held that they were born from the Moon, according to the Mahabharata. Therefore those Koresh had a sign of the Moon on their flag. The same sign of the Moon is used by Mahammad as a sign of religion. Thus the Koresh were related to Kouravesh of the Moon dynasty. Now let us see one more evidence, which may be a bombshell to readers. Jesus Christ is the name formed of two parts. Jesus is derived from a Greek word Jeshua, according to one

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author Din Farrar. Kim says, Jeshua is a form of Jeshu, but it is not true. Jeshus is not a corruption of the name Shesha or Sashu, it is a corruption of Jeshua. In that period, in the western countries, Jeshua and Joshua were the two forms of the same name. Many preserved it either in one form or the other. It is very meaningful to note that the governor named as Pilet, who sentenced Jesus, called Jesus not only as Jesus Christ but as Jesus the Christ. To learn the meaning of this the let us see other names like Shivaji the Great, William the Conqueror, Bajirao the Great, Alexander the Great. There is a special meaning to these words. Shivaji or William may be the names of many persons, but the great Shivaji and the great Alexander were one and only one persons. In the same way Jesus may be a name of many people, but Jesus who became a Christ was only one person. Therefore the title Jesus the Christ was used by the Greek government officers. Hence it is clear that Christ was a sort of degree applied to Jesus. On this line we have to think in this matter of the two words. We have seen earlier that during the time of Jesus, his mother tongue was Tamil in the form of Aramaic. The same was the language of the whole of that country. Jesus is an English form of the Greek name Jeshua or Joshua. It is usual that a word from one language is taken by another language with a little change or modification. Because Tamil or Aramaic were the languages of the Hindu people, it is impossible to have a name as Jeshua or Joshua in them. Therefore this corruption in Greek must

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be from an original Hindu name. Jeshua or Joshua is the corruption of the name Keshawa or Keshao. The name transformed thus Keshawa - Keshao- Keshua- Jeshua-Joshua. Let us now consider the word Christ. Krishna is a Sanskrit word, which is corrupted to Krishto or Krushto in Bengali as a love-word. Bengali folks always utter the name Kristo or Krusto or Krushto while singing a poem in worship of the Lord. It is well known in Maharashtra that Vitthal of Pandharpur is called as Vithal or Ithal while singing a song in praise of Vitthal. In such songs pronunciation is not done clearly and harshly, but is done loosely or softly to exhibit love and affection towards the God. In Tamilnadu and even in Karnataka, the name Krishna is pronounced as Krista in a language full of love, devotion and sentiments while singing devotional songs. The name Krista got transformed to Christ in the western countries. Jesus was a name of a person called in Sanskrit as Keshao. This unique person was honoured by a title Krishna or Krista in Tamil and Aramaic languages. The Hindus always believe in the concept of Avatara i.e. descent from the God or incarnation of a deity. It appears that the Jesus or Jeshua or Joshua or simply Keshao was a person who was believed to be an incarnation of Krishna, because of his divine powers and spiritual abilities. Therefore, he was called as Keshao, the descent of Krishna in Sanskrit. This concept got transformed in Arabia as Jesus the Christ. A title was applied after the name in that ancient era, while at present a title is applied before the name. It is already shown that in Arabia worship of Shiva and Vishnu was popular and prevalent. Therefore Jesus was supposed to be an incarnation of Vishnu or Krishna by the worshippers of Vishnu and Krishna. On the other hand the worshippers of Shiva supposed him to be an incarnation of Shiva. Evidence of this fact will be forwarded later. Here we are considering only about names. Here it is important to note that from the name Jesus the Christ, the is lost and only Jesus Christ came in use after a lapse of some period. Jesus Christ means Keshao Krishna. He was also called as Iso Christ, which

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means Isho Krishna. He was also named Iso Messiah which appears to be a corruption of Isha Mahesh. Keshao or Isha was his personal name while Krishna and Mahesha are honourable degrees. Those honours or degrees were applied because of his greatness in divine knowledge. This consideration of words is enough. Now let us go to other evidence.

The Customs and Traditions of Arabs are same as Hindus in India. There remains no doubt that the Aramaic language was similar to Tamil language of the Hindus in India, as seen from the similarities of the words. This evidence along with other proves that the residents of Palestine and the whole of Arabia were south Indian Hindus. If the Arabia and the countries around it were inhabited by the Hindus, then there must be some similarity, even at present, between the Hindus of India and the people of Arabia as far as the traditions and customs are concerned. Let us see if such evidence is present. One French sojourner De La Crequineire had traveled in India and had resided particularly in Pondechery and Bengal, for five years. He was surprised to see a marked similarity between the traditions of the Jews recorded in the Christian religious books and those of the Hindus in India. He was careful enough to record this fact in his book written after returning to Europe. He traveled in the seventeenth century A.D. It is reported in the Illustrated Weekly, dated 25th April 1926, a Times of India publication. Reverend K. R. Gopal Achar Vapory, Madras was originally a Hindu Brahmin, but later he accepted the Christian faith and became a Father-Preceptor. e lived three hundred years later than De La

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Crequineire. He has written in the Social Reformer dated 17th November 1923 that I am studying the Bible deeply for last ten years. I was highly amazed to read a Leviticus of the Bible. In this book are recorded all the customs and traditions followed by the ancient Jews staying in Palestine and those traditions and customs are almost the same as my mother followed in my home, as I noticed them before I became a Christian. For that reason I was surprised to a great extent. My family was highly religious and orthodox. I was amused to see the religious traditions and customs of the Jews in Palestine and Canon similar to those of the Hindu Brahmins in India. Why should there be any similarity between the traditions and customs, rules and regulations of two different religions, at two different places ? How this happened? In Malabar state, the Hindu ladies used to get up at dawn on Fridays and painted the utensils, pots, frames of doors etc with red colour. There is a commandment to the Jews in Exodus 12, in parts 7 and 8, to paint their utensils and frames of doors with the blood of a lamb. How and when this order came to the Hindu ladies in India ? Why should the Hindu ladies follow that commandment? Jesus the Christ told to Nicodemus that for entry in the Gods realm there should be a second birth, it is inevitable and essential. It is well known that in India the Brahmins are supposed to have born twice, Dwija. It is a custom to perform a Widhi of Upanayana, a religious rite before attaining the age of twelve years. This is supposed to be the second birth. The first birth is only physical while this second birth is cultural or mental or psychical. This rite

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is performed by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, and after this ceremony they are called as Dwija, double born. This Brahminical concept of Dwija, twice born, is accepted by Jesus. How? Why? The Jews as well as the Brahmins did not allow any others to mix in them. Any race gets ruined by bodily contacts with others according to both these races. Why this sameness in the two and where it arose from? If we read the Old Testament we see clearly the shadow of social arrangement according to four Varnas, as seen in the Indian Hindus. The reason is that the Jews had migrated from India to the western countries. When I was ill, I resided in Mumbai to get treatment from dispensary of N. Powel & Co. Dr. Joshi was treating me for my foot and abdominal ailments by electricity. At that time one old Jew person used to come there for his treatment. We two used to discuss many political and other matters. During that discussion once a point about minority in India arose, when he said, We Jews never feel India as a foreign state. Actually India is the original habitat of the Jews. I could not follow him at that time and felt his talk queer. Therefore I inquired, The original place of the Jews is Palestine, then how do you say that it is India? He replied, We Jews were originally Brahmins of India. We migrated outside India and settled in Palestine and countries around it. In due course we forgot each other. Therefore we feel that we are separate. In fact it is not true. Of course at that time I did not realize the truth in his statement, because I could not follow the true sense in his talk. I thought he is speaking something unreliable, away from history. With

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this suspicion in mind I left from that place. Long after that incident, when I got reliable information about the Jews, I tried to find him out but in vain. I could not contact him later, but I was convinced that whatever he was talking then was true and there was much sense in his talk. What I did not know at that time is now convincing to my mind. In the past, one of the Christian Bishops, Frumenteus, who was a Greek, had gone to Abyssinia. He has written that one author named as Virgil has stated in his book that the people in Abyssinia were Hindus. Another author Scoff has written some comments on a book named as Periplus of the Arithrian Sea. In those comments he writes, In Abyssinia, the Christian people used to wear a Matab, just like the Hindu Brahmins of India wear Yajnopavita. One author Mr. Ferguson who was expert in Engineering and Architecture, says, The construction of a Monolith at Oxum, capital of Abyssinia, reminds us of the temples of India. Had there been no relation between India and Abyssinia, Frumentius would not have gone from India to Abyssinia for preaching his religion. Similarly the two authors Ferguson and Scoff would not have got attracted towards the sameness in the two countries, India and Abyssinia. Some Greek authors have stated that one of the queens born in the royal dynasty of Abyssinia was named as Kadakaya. This name is close to a Tamil name Kandaki or Kandakka. There are many such names which force us see the resemblance and conclude that Abyssinia must have been inhabited by the Hindus in the past. This is not only a play of ideas. Any one who reads the book Tyanas Apolloneus au-

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thored by Philastratus admits that evidently Abyssinia was a Hindu colony in the past. Abyssinian letters are surprisingly similar to Sanskrit letters. Not only that but also many words are common in Sanskrit and Abyssinian languages. Only a cursory examination will prove it.

The Aramaic Language of Arabia is Hindu Tamil language It is already stated that the language of Palestine was Aramaic and it was a version of Tamil language. In the word Aramaic, the suffix aik is from European languages. If we remove that suffix there remains only Aram. Aram itself is a short perversion of the word Arvam. Arvam is a corruption of Tamil language. It means that the language Arvam is Tamil itself. Arvam is the other name of Tamil. Therefore the Aramaic language of Christ was Tamil. This word Arav got corrupted to Arab. The New Testaments was first written in Greek language and then translated into English. There were three languages running in Palestine. One was the regional language Aramaic, second was the royal language of Italy, because at that time Palestine was ruled by Rome. Third language was Greek, which was honored as a scholarly language of knowledge or literature. It shows that to propagate his knowledge Christ must have preached in the local Aramaic language as well as the scholarly language Greek. The same must have been recorded in both the languages as a precious literature. Therefore, the uttering of Christ in Tamil must have been recorded same to same in Greek language in the New

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Testaments as they were. The Roman language was also not excluded to record the words of Jesus. The New Testaments written in Greek must have been converted to Roman language too, because it was a royal language. Keeping this fact in mind let us proceed further.

Female Servants of God : A tradition Christ took from India:An English word widow is similar to latin Vidua and Greek Cherai. It is probable that the Bible would have been translated in Aramaic language too, but it has not been found yet. Therefore we have to depend for our research on Greek language and on the terms used in Greek from the original language uttered by Jesus. This is because the uttering from the mouth of Jesus are very important. The Greek word Cherai means a widow having no support of anybody. In Tamil a support less widow is called as Kurai. There is marked similarity between Kurai and Cherai. Jesus the Christ had prepared some rules for those who are to be appointed as preachers or Bishops in the cult of Christ. The rules are thus :1] The appropriate widows having no husband or any other support and those who are willing to sacrifice for the work of the God, should be supported by the church. [2] The church should not expend for the sacrificing women, who have support from any relative. [3] She is a real widow who has full control on her mind, follows total celibacy, who has renounced the bondage of the world and family

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and who has consecrated her life for the service of the God. Such widows only should be appointed by churches as their workers. [4] (a)- One who is above the age of sixty years,(b) who has undergone a strict test in mind control, (c) who is well known in people as a virtuous and pious lady, are to be taken as servants of the churches. Young widows should never be taken as a worker of the church or a maid servant of the God, because they may, in future, like to remarry and they may be seduced by public keeping watch on their track. They may not be able to control their mind, therefore they should not be taken as ascetics. On the contrary they should be allowed to remarry and enter into family life. Those old widows who were able to concentrate their mind on the God were allowed to be the maid servants of the God and become an ascetic, to live in churches. This tradition of maidservant of the God was originated in India. At present it has taken a wicked form, but it was not so in the past. In the past, those who renounced the worldly pleasures of their own, willfully and tried hard to please the God, sacrificing the whole life, were supposed to be the real maid servants of the God. On the other hand, some parents or other relatives abandoned their daughters in young age to serve the God, without their consent or approval. That was not good. The first type of a servant of the God is respectable but the second type will not keep control on her mind and may behave wrongly. Hence this second type is objectionable. Therefore, the forcibly made God servants are not true God servants. Those who offered their life themselves to the God with proper and full control over the mind are the true servants of the God and only they become

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respectful in the society. Hoping this, Christ had prepared the rules about servants of the God. Even then in churches all servants of the God were not old in age and some young women had renounced the world in true sense and became servants of the God and stayed in churches. In India, the custom was to tonsure, to cut all the

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hair of the head of widow just like Sanyasins do. On the other hand some young ladies like Meerabai became servant of the God willfully without tonsuring hair and attained authority in the spiritual field. This same tradition of the Hindus was picked up in Bauddha and Christian religions.

European Portraits of Jesus and mother Mary in Hindu attire:For attainment of the God everything is renounced by gents who are called as Sanyasin and God-slave. Sanyasins are known all over the world so I need not write more on it. But Dasa or a slave of the God is a concept not known well, so I would like to write elaborately on Dasa concept, with examples. Dasa is a slave of the God who has attributed the whole of his life for the purpose of the God. In Sanskrit Dasa means a man who realizes the Omnipresent God. The meaning of Sanyasin is almost the same. So both the words are common in Sanskrit. In Maharashtra, India, Ramadasa is famous. That Sanyasin called himself as a slave, a Dasa of Rama. In the same sense those ladies who devoted the whole of their life for the God or for attaining the God were called as Sanyasini or Dasi and were held respectably as Mother of society. This custom began in Christians too. Jesus the Christ was a Sanyasin himself, therefore [1] In Pinakothek, at Munich, Jesus Christ is painted in a saffron colored attire. [2] Christ was a Tamil Hindu as shown previously, so his complexion must be dark, so

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also the complexion of his mother Mary. In Santa Maria Magiotis church, at Florence, there is a portrait where mother Mary is painted dark in complexion. [3] Because they were Tamil in origin and their language was Tamil or Aramaic, they had to be in Tamil styled dress and a picture in such a dress is very important as evidence. [4] One portrait painted during 5th and 6th century A.D. is kept in a chancel of Basilica Pyarenja. In that portrait there is a Kumkum Tilak (mark) on the forehead of Mary similar to the Kukum mark applied by Madrasi, Marwadi and other ladies of India. [5] In the Oratory of Syanvincenza near Lareton Baptistery, in Rome, there is a portrait of Mary, painted in the 6th century A.D., in Mosaic where Mary is shown in a Sari, with a free part of it [Padara or Pallu] having three stripes. The style of Sari is similar to Indian Hindu ladies. In this picture there is a sacred ash-mark [Bhasma Chinha] on her forehead and neck. 6] In the 12th century A.D. one Benedetto Antelami, who was an Italian expert in carving, has portrayed Mary in Parma, having a Sari on her body and some ornaments of the Indian Hindu style round her neck. 7] A portrait of about the same period, in a palace of Archiepiscopal at Ravenna, shows a mark called as Namam on her forehead within which there is shown a Tilak. This mark is similar to a typical mark of Sandal wood paste peculiar to the Vaishnava cult in India. Anybody will recognize it immediately, as a typical Vaishnava Hindu mark. 8] Aedria Della Ropni, Donyatelo and other places display portraits of Mary in a pose of saluting her divine son Jesus. Looking at this

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picture who will not remember the legend that Devaki, the mother of Krishna, saluted her child Krishna ? 9] In a podestry gallery at Ankona, there are portraits painted by Carlo Creveli, in which Mary is shown with a rosary round her neck similar to that used by scholars in Madras or devotees [Pandaram] who wore a chain of Rudraksha for chanting a name of the God. Jesus the Christ is said to be Ben Pandera in old Christian literature. In Tamil Ben means son and Pandera means devotee or worshipper. Considering these portraits is it not proved that Christ was called as Ben Pandera appropriately, precisely, meaningfully ? 10] In India, males sit in a cross-legged position while females sit in a peculiar pose. They keep their left thigh touching the ground, with knees flexed, so that left leg comes in approximation with left thigh. They keep their right thigh erect in a vertical posture with knee flexed so that right leg also is upright, vertical in contact with right thigh. The right foot is kept with sole touching the ground near the horizontal left foot. (Fig.1 ) This posture is appreciated as a polite, respectable, gentle gesture particularly in south Indian women. In Florence, there is a portrait sketched by Tad-

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deo Gaddi in which Mary is shown in Santa Kosa waiting for the auspicious time for her marriage ceremony with the God. In this picture she is painted in a sitting style same as the south Indian female style as is described above. Please note that European or Muslim ladies do not sit in such a typical posture. 11] In Florence, there is a picture painted by Bitto Angelico in which crucification of Jesus is displayed in a heart cutting manner. In it, Mary is shown with a face sunken due to pathetic mood; but her style of sitting is the same as descried above, a typical south Indian female style. In Tamils the name Mariamma was and is still in use. As she was a Tamil lady, as seen earlier by various evidences, her name was originally Mariamma. That name got changed to Marium and then to Mary in the European style. In the European literature her name as recorded is Marium. Hence it is quite logical to say that her name was originally Mariamma. We have considered the portraits of Mary above. If her pictures are available in plenty, it is quite natural that portraits of Jesus will be found in more abundance. Let us now consider the portraits of Jesus, how and where they are seen. When Jesus the Christ and his mother Mary were supposed to be the incarnations of the God, their devotees worshipped them in the style of their original form, either Shiva or Vishnu. The Shiva worshippers depicted Jesus as Shiva and painted in his pictures Nandi, the sacred bull, peacock etc. However, more often

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than Shiva, Jesus was worshipped as an incarnation of Vishnu and therefore his pictures in the form of Vishnu are more abundant. Jesus is shown as a Fish (Matsyavatar), having an eagle as his vehicle (Garuda Vahana), Lion-faced like Narasimha, with a conch in hand (Shankhadhara), in a sleeping posture when a lotus came out from his umbilicus, navel. He is shown in a dwarf form like Batu Waman. He is shown wearing a cap in which a peacocks feather is planted just like that of Lord Krishna. Pictures of cow and donkey are also sketched nearby. He is shown as crushing head of a serpent just like Krishna in Kalia-Mardana. Jesus is also shown in an enormous shape as is told in the Geeta, the famous Vishwa roopa-Darshana. Jesus is also depicted in the form of Lord Dattatreya, the three headed God of the Hindus. Thus there are so many pictures in Avatara-form, as an incarnation of Krishna or Vishnu. 1] It is well known that Mary became pregnant without being married. Christians believe that Mary had an intercourse with an angel and became pregnant to deliver Jesus Christ. Mary had a faith that she was impregnated by a divine personality and that Jesus was a child of that divine person. This will be elaborated ahead. 2] Christians do believe that Mary wedded a divine man. This story is similar to that of a chaste woman Andal who believed that she married the God in her dream. 3] It is believed in Roman Catholics that to win favour of Jesus, one must first get favour of Mary. This again is a Hindu concept. Shri. F. N. Bhattacharya writes in his book titled as

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Various Races and Cults among The Hindus that the Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped to get riches and wealth among the Hindus in the same manner Christians began worship of Mary with the same purpose. Lakshmi is supposed to be the wife of Lord Vishnu, similarly Mary was supposed to be the wife of the God. After deification of Mary some of her pictures are painted with a banana fruit in her hand and a monkey near her. It is not palatable for the Christians. But they do not understand its pith or essence and therefore they hate this picture. Usually before Lord Krishna/Vishnu there is an Ape-God Hanuman as well as an Egle. Christians do not realize that Mary is supposed to be a Goddess and so there is an ape before her for offering all service to her.

Hindu Dress on Family of Jesus, Hindu Signs on their Bodies and Hindu Names Physical marriage of Marry took place with a man named as Joseph according to history. Joseph was a Jew person and the Jews were originally Tamil Hindus. If this is true, we should get a root of the name Joseph in Tamil. It is well known that in the European languages there are many Indian and other words in a corrupt form. I shall give some examples for those who do not know this fact. A name Mathura of an Indian city is converted in English to Mutra, Mumbai is distorted to Bombay, Mukhopadhyaya, B a n d o pa d h y a y a and Chatopadhyaya become respectively as Mukarji, Banergy and Chatarji. Ordinarily, the people, not conversant, will find it impossible to accept

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that one word has originated from another. Hence we will have to see the root of the name Joseph carefully. Let us first see the word Christ. The name Keshao got converted to Jeshua and then to Joshua. Pronunciation A (Je) took the form of O (Jo). In the same way O may take the form of A. Naturally, Joseph may be derived from Sheshep and Sheshep from Sheshappa. Thus Sheshappa appears to have taken the form of Joseph. If this Joseph was a Hindu then we should find his picture in Hindu attire and if we do get it, then it would be a strong support to our supposition that Joseph was a Hindu. In the tradition of sacred pictures of Jesus, he must have been depicted in the real form. In the Hindu tradition, a bridegroom always wears clothes colored yellow with turmeric. In the same fashion Joseph is shown in yellow attire in a portrait sketched by a religious European artist. Jesus had a sister and her name was Thamar. Thamar is a Tamil word meaning a lotus. It proves that the sister of Jesus was named as Kamala in the Hindu tradition. In India usually girls are named like Kamala, Padma, etc. The European names of girls are not after lotus. Jesus was a Tamil Hindu so his hairs were tied by a knot in a typical Tamil fashion. Sir Wyke Bayliss has painted a portrait of Jesus in which his hair is shown tied like Tamils with a tuft of hair let lose on his back. This portrait is present in the Revas Regnum burial ground of Rome. Just like the hair style there is a typical style of dress of Tamil people. That typical style of Dhoti is shown in pictures of Jesus painted by Luini, Bolini Velasquez and others in the German tradition, wherein Jesus is shown standing near

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a pole and after crucification. This style of Dhoti cannot be explained cutely, so please see the pictures presented in this book.[Fig 2]

Sacred Thread, Hindu Dress and Signs and Titles Jesus Christ was a Hindu Vishwakarma Brahmin. It means he was a Vaishya among the twice born, Dwija. Hence his sacred thread ceremony was performed at his age of twelve years. The ceremony is called as Sabbath of Phylacteries and was performed in a temple. It is not necessary to tell that it was the beginning of his Brahmacharya Ashram, which is a religious studentship and life of celibacy passed by a Brahmin boy in studying the Vedas. The true sense of the word BrahmacharyaAshram is translated as Son of the Precepts or Son of the Law. It is for this reason that Jesus is sketched with a Yajnopawita or a sacred thread on his left shoulder hanging downwards. These pictures are seen in the Effigy Gallery of Florence and are painted by an Adala

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artist in the tradition of Perigino artist. It is also present in the Ampulle of the Cathedral of Moza. As is described in the Gamera of Banilowa, Jesus was a Sidta or Sidda, i.e. a Siddha. Siddha is a famous Sanskrit word used for a spiritually high ranked Yogi, a perfected sanctified man. Adam has published a book titled as A Handbook of Criminal Investigation, in which there are many pictures of various signs drawn on foreheads of many Indian people included in the criminal class or tribes. Because they are Hindus they hold these signs on their foreheads, like Tilak etc. Out of these pictures of marks, those having the numbers 12,13 and 9 are seen on the forehead of Jesus the Christ in the paintings prepared in the 11th century and included in the Venetian Bible covered with ivory cover. It is also seen in the picture of the 13th century, displayed in a Cathedral of Pist. In these paintings Jesus is shown with the abovementioned marks on his forehead, because he was a Hindu person and a devotee. If he was not a Hindu then he would not have held such marks on his forehead and the European artists would not have painted such marks on his forehead. Of course he was a Hindu, he held such marks on his body and so, traditionally, he was painted with the typical Hindu marks on his body like a sacred thread, a Tilak on the forehead etc. Christ is called as Good Shepherd. Good Shepherd means a man rearing cattle with care in a good manner. Krishna was Gopal i.e. a cowherd. The followers of Jesus supposed him

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to be an incarnation of Krishna. Therefore following Krishnas name Jesus was also called as Gopal, which means a cowherd or a shepherd. Gopal includes rearing and protecting cows as well as sheep, goats, buffaloes etc. In fact Jesus was a carpenter according to history. In India, all carpenters suppose themselves to be the descendents of Vishwakarma and so they wear a sacred thread. Therefore Christ wore a sacred thread. But at the time of his birth, carpenters did not come to see Jesus; the cowherds and shepherds came to see him, according to his biography. This story was composed by the followers of Jesus because he was held to be an incarnation of Krishna or Gopal and so it was stated that cowherds came to see him. Not only this but there is other evidence too, to say like this. We find at many places the paintings of Jesus prepared by European Christian artists, in which Jesus is sketched as a baby like Bala Krishna. Christ as a smiling child is portrayed just like smiling Bala Krishna. In a similar fashion one Italian artisan Aedra Kantuki Syansovino has carved a sculpture of Christ as a child, which is kept in Saint Augustine Madena at Rome. In this sculpture, Jesus is shown with a dark complexion and his mother Mary also is shown with a black complexion. This dark-complexioned Mary is displayed in the church of Santa Maria Camero of Florence. If Christ was a Tamil Hindu he must be dark in complexion. In the Christian literature and in the description of Kikorus Calisty and race of Damascus, it is said that Christ was of wheat colour. To confirm what is this wheat colour we have to see a portrait displayed in Syan Silvestra Church in Rome where he is shown with a complexion just like Tamils from

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In the Greek language we find many Tamil words. In Greek, a carpenter is called as Techton, while In Tamil he is called as Techer or Techchar. In Madras these Techar or carpenters work with timber as well as iron or steel. It is told in history that Jesus was a carpenter. But in the traditional legends of Christs life sketch, it is told that the father of Christ was an ordinary carpenter and for livelihood he had to work with iron as well. He prepared the plough and its sharp head and other articles. In Greek language, Techton has two meanings, ironsmith as well as carpenter. In south India, the workers of iron and timber are called as Kammal. This race Kammal applies a title of Assari, a perversion of Sanskrit word Acharya, to them. If we find this title in the western literature about Christ we will have a solid evidence to say that Christ was from a south Indian race. In a book authored by Kim, in a foot-note, there is some discussion about the title of Christ. He has shown that the word Hannazeri is a combination of Annam+ Asari = Unna+Assari = Annasari= Hannasari. The word Asari is a perversion of Acharya. In Pseudo-Matthews Gospel, in its first part, it is recorded that the grandfather of Christs mother and the great grand father of Christ was titled as Achar. The western scholars are fumbled with this word, but there should not be any dispute about the fact that Achar is a perversion of the Sanskrit word Acharya. The Sanskrit word Acharya gets transformed in Tamil as Assar or Achar. This title is applied to persons in the race in which Jesus was born. In south India, the race working as carpenters or iron-

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smiths use this title. Christ belonged to this race and business, so his and his mothers ancestors used Achar as a title. Thread Ceremony of Christ, Religion of The Jews and its Corruption : Din Pherar writes that Christ was a Jew and his consecration or initiation ceremony was performed in a temple at the age of twelve years. This consecration or initiation was the thread ceremony to make him a Dwija, double born. The Manu Smruti specifically tells that Vaishyas should be consecrated at the age of twelve years. The life story of Christ from his birth to the age of thirty is scanty and not found to satisfaction. A few glimpses are seen when he had undergone the thread ceremony at the age of twelve in a temple in the presence of his parents. At present going to a temple is supposed to be a sacred action and is practiced, but it has lost its vigor or essence. In the past it was performed with full zeal. At the age of twelve he was ceremoniously threaded, he undertook celibacy and his learning began in a temple. Only this much information is available now, not more. Actually, the race and the land of the Jews and their religion were crushed and trampled under the unjust feet of foreign empire. The traditions and customs of the Jews were lost in Yerusalem or Jerusalem. The invaders on the Jews had destroyed the old religion of Judaism. Due to this rape by foreigners on the old customs and traditions and destruction of their religion, the Jews left their original country and spread all over the world to get absorbed there mixing with the local people. It is described that

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after this merging with others the Jews became Gentiles or Anacharyes which means they lost their culture. This word Anacharyes is a conversion of the original Sanskrit word Anachari. The Jews supposed themselves pious, pure like the Hindus and did not eat food from others. They never married other races. But after maraud by invaders, they lost their piety and sacredness, they lost their culture also and so they became Anacharyes, behaved improperly, badly. The word Anachari and its true meaning was not understood so that it got corrupted to the form Anacharyes and spelt like that in the Roman script. In the Roman Empire, when Christianity became the royal religion and was accepted all over, it was supposed a political crime to enter the Jew religion again. Christians horribly destroyed the religious books of the Jews. Between 1242 and 1247 A.D., the Talmud collection of books of the Jew religion was brought to Paris in cart-loads and were burnt there openly. The Christians assaulted the Jews so terribly and teased them so inhumanly that the Jews lost their Jewness, lost their religion. Their original language Tamil could not survive. This total loss was so effective that the Jews got converted physically, mentally, psychically and intellectually. They were displaced from their nationality and were settled in other countries so that they forgot their original, pure religion. Hence, the form of their original ancient religion became perverted and faint, but still it lingered in their minds. Thus, a corrupt form of their religion is seen at present. In India various races of the Hindus and various persons use various marks or signs on their body, on the forehead, wrist, arms, neck

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etc. For example, they hold a leaf of a tree or a piece of metal etc. Some wear a ring around the wrist or arm or neck. The Lingayats hold a Lingam on the forehead and wear a metal Lingam around the neck. Twice born Dwijas wear a sacred thread and also necklace of beads, Rudraksh, Bhadraksh, Tulasi, crystal etc. The Hindus know very well the specialties and use of those marks and signs; but the Europeans and other non-Hindus do not understand the importance and specialties and meanings of those symbols, because they have forgotten their original form and are now entangled in new or corrupted moulds and concepts. They feel that those marks are for warding off the perils, evils and inauspicious things. The original figure of the Judaism is totally lost. Ornamented with foreign culture the people forgot the essence of the Judaism. The Judaism is reformed using the perverted concepts present in Greek and Roman literature and is brought forward; therefore it is highly difficult to realize the essence of Judaism. Even then whatever form and figure of the Judaism is faintly visible now can be retraced to some extent to its original form, and find its meaning, if we see its similarities with the Hindu traditions and customs. The Pharisee Brahmins among the Jews, who were not different from the Hindu Brahmins of India, were the first to colonize Palestine and they wore round their necks a mark of Tekil. What was this Tekil ? Tekil is a singular while Tekilim is a plural. In the western religious literature the pleural Tekilim is often used. Tekilim was used to prepare Yajnopawita or a sacred thread. In India too in the remote past Darbh was used, after weaving, as a sacred mark. This

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view is supported by Bodhayanas writings. Even at present, during auspicious celebrations Darbh is tied to the sacred thread, symbolizing the old tradition, by the Hindus. Darbh is tied on wrist also as Pawitraka, which means sanctifier, purifier. In Palestine region Darbh type of grass is called Tekim. Yajnopawita cannot be prepared by a single Darbh or Tekim, we have to use many Tekims to weave Yajnopawita. Therefore the plural word Tekilim is used. Like Darbh, Tila or sesame must have also been referred to in the Bible, because among the Hindus, in sacred rituals Tila is inevitable. At the time of Christ, in Palestine the Hindus were inhabitants so that importance of sesame was natural in the religious rites there. Therefore, Tila must have been mentioned in the Bible. This expectation is fulfilled because in the Bible a word Dil has often appeared as an original word in some religious rituals. This word Dil was not properly understood and so it is translated as Anise wrongly. If we see the similarity in pronunciation of Til and Dil along with its inevitability in religious functions in the Hindu traditions and the Biblical traditions, it appears clear that Dil is a corruption of Til. The country where the Hero of this book was residing was Palestine and it was inhabited, along with Arabia, by the Hindus. Therefore the Hebrews or the Jews were Hindus. To prove this fact the following evidence is sufficient. 1] There was a practice of writing a Mantra or a sacred verse on some material and bind it on the Phylacteries or a Yajnopawita of Tekilim. 2] It was a custom among the Jews to have the Phylacteries in contact with the heart just like the Hindus keep Yajnopawita in contact with

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heart. It was a custom to keep Phylacteries on the left shoulder hanging down towards right part of waist, just like the Hindus wear their Yajnopawita. 3] It was a practice in the Jews to hold Phylacteries in hand and recite a Mantra in the morning and in the evening. This practice is similar to the Brahmanical style of reciting the Gayatri Mantra in the morning and in the evening holding Yajnopawit in hand. This is SandhyaVandana like the Hindu Brahmins; is it not ? 4] Phylacteries was honored with very high respect. 5] The Jews believed that even the Gods wore Yajnopawita. All the Hindu Gods do wear Yajnopawita. 6] It was a custom among the Jews to take oath, holding Phylacteries in hand. Similar is a custom among the Hindus. 7] The Jew ladies did not wear Phylacteries. The Hindu ladies do not wear Yajnopawita. 8] Christ gave Mantra while initiating his disciples in secrecy and the Mantra was supposed to be kept secret, like the Hindus. The Hindus keep their Mantra, Gayatri or any other, secret. Initiation of all Mantras is kept secret in the Hindus. 9] Present way of Baptism is corrupt, but in the beginning, during initiation milk mixed with honey was offered to disciples. This is a corruption of Hindu practice of giving Pancha Gavya, the five products of a cow, at the time of Upanayana. At that ancient time there were six thousand Pharisees (Brahmins) spread in Judea. In Jerusalem they were concentrated more, in large numbers. The number six thousand was a meager in relation to the vast population of that country. Therefore, their specialty was lost and they merged with other people. For this reason

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the pure form of Yajnopawita could not stay longer. But if the custom of wearing Yajnopawita was not present in Christs time, it is impossible to explain why he is depicted in his portraits with a Yajopawita. Therefore it is inevitable to accept that Yajopawita was a common practice then among the Jews. Edersheim and Ferar both have recorded in the Cambridge Bible that Many people say that our Lord held Phylacteries. In the Effigy Gallery of Florence there are portraits in which Christ is shown with a Phylacteries on his left shoulder, with a Dhoti of a typical south Indian style around his waist and with a hair of frontal skull tied in a fashion typical of south Indian Chidambar Deekshit style, exhibiting the hair knot above the forehead. Many pictures of Christ show Yajnopawita, but all his portraits do not show Yajnopawita. Why ? Let us try to find out its reason to satisfaction. Saint John Was a Hindu Sanyasin Sydney Heath, an author, writes, Some times our Lord is painted with reddish yellow attire (Koorpasaka like the Hindu Sanyasins.) This colour is the famous and pious orange colour of the Hindus. In the Basilica of Saint Paul Cathedral at Rome, there is a portrait of Christ in an orange colored robe with a stick in his left hand and with a special style of his right fingers bent forwards. The exact meaning was not deciphered by European scholars of the fact that on the bank of the river Jordan, Saint John initiated Christ. Saint John was in fact a Hindu Sanyasin. Let me first explain the Hinduism in his name.

Kku Jnana

or Dnyana is a Sanskrit word very difficult to speak or write in other languages and

Jesus is a Hindu Marathi to Gyana. from

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scripts. Hence it is converted in Hindi and rural

is a compound formed

This is not accurately pronounced

anywhere. In Marathi it is pronounced as


In other regions also the letter is corrupted. Even then the compound nature of the letter remained in India in one or the other form. However, when the letter went to the western countries the compound nature of it was lost.

u~ + ;.

disappeared while

remained in-

tact. Kku became tku- Dnyana became Jana, while Jana became John. Saint means a holy person. It is derived from Santa. he meaning of the Sanskrit word Santa is transferred to Saint. This evidence may not be accepted by all thinking it to be slippery. For them let me give more evidence to show that Saint John was Hindu. 1] In the Cemetery of Pontius in Rome there is a painting of sixth century A.D. in which the hermitage of Saint John is shown with grazing deers. It is well known that ancient Indian sages, Munis and Sanyasins guarded deers in their hermitages, which played happily on the grounds of hermitages. 2] A picture of about 500 A.D. is preserved in a Cathedral of Milan wherein Saint John is shown with a Dhoti on his waist and an upper garment just like the Hindus. 3] In the museum of Arles, in the third Chapel, there is a landscape painted in fourth century showing a ceremony of Baptism. In it Saint John is seen with a skin (of a tiger or deer) on his body. This is a typical Hindu style. 4] A similar scene of Baptism is shown in a picture in which is shown initiation of Santa Maria.

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This is displayed in Nyavena of Cosmedin. It shows Saint John wearing a spotted skin of a deer or leopard. Saint John was a real great Sanyasin. He gave Deeksha, initiation to Christ, on the bank of the river Jordan. After this consecration ceremony Christ went away from people to attain knowledge in solitude. A scene after this consecration is painted in a picture, which is displayed in the Basilica of Saint Paul in Rome. In this painting Christ is portrayed with an orange colored robe on his body, one Kamandalu (an urn) to store water in his hand and an alms-dish or a begging bowl in other hand. This painting is described by Din Farrar in his biography of Christ on page 352. Christ became a wandering mendicant and hence he was not supposed to wear a Yajnopawita according to the Indian custom. It is for this reason that in some paintings Christ is shown without a sacred thread on his left shoulder. After recluse, an ascetic who has renounced the world, should abandon the signs and marks of Ashram, according to the Hindu tradition. Following this custom Christ had left these marks and had stopped wearing Yajnopawita. Such a Hindu Sanyasin must have taken Deeksha from a senior Hindu Sanyasin, who was Saint John. he Kamalar Race of Christ and Its Place In the Hindu Society Christ was from a race known as Kamalar. Let us see here how this race Kamalar lived in ancient era and what was its place in the society. The evidence available so far shows that the race Kamalar believed that it arose from divine architect Wishwakarma and also maintained that they are Brahmins. Naturally, they used a title of Assar or Bhattar before their

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names. Achar is a corruption of Acharya while Bhattar of Bhatta meaning wise Brahmin. They lived like Brahmins wearing Yajnopawita. Their women folk too dressed like Brahmin ladies and behaved like Brahmins. They could not have used Brahmin attires and customs unless the society accepted their origin, thoughts and behaviour with honour in the past. We have already seen that Christ was from Kamalar race. Naturally, he was a Kamalar Wishwakarma Brahmin, he talked Tamil language and was a Tamil Hindu. He did not go there alone from India. The inhabitants there were Tamil Hindus for ages, and Christ was born in one of those families. Whatever we saw so far may be recollected together here for ease.

The Evidence to show that Christ was a Hindu : 1] Mother tongue of Christ was Tamil = Arvam = Aram=Aramaic . 2] is parents were Tamil Hindus. 3] His name Jesus the Christ is derived from Keshao Krishna. 4] Christ was of dark complexion like the Tamil Hindus. 5] He was Techton = Tachchar and his family held an honorable title of Assari = Assar= Achar= Acharya. 6] His thread ceremony was performed at the age of twelve in a temple. 7] He wore a sacred thread Yajnopawita like Tamil Brahmin and later according to his tradition he became a Siddha, achieving the highest rank in the spiritual science. 8] In this way a Tamil Kamalar became a

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Senar -Siddha, because he was a Wishwakarma Brahmin. Christianity was a Hindu cult, a Hindu doctrine introduced by Jesus the Christ [Keshao the Krishna]. It was not a separate religion. 9] We find, in plenty, pictures of Jesus Christ wearing a sacred thread, in attire of a Hindu Sanyasin and also in the form of an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Those paintings are abundant in Europe and other Christian countries. They are ancient. 10] He was not only an introducer of a Hindu cult, but was firmly believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu by the followers residing in Palestine and around. All these points show that Jesus the Christ was a Hindu great man, he introduced Hindu doctrine in the west, where he was supposed to be an incarnation of the God. Evidence Of Presence of Hindus in Europe and Africa : There are some other independent facts to prove that Arabia and countries around it were colonized by the Hindus. Let us see those facts here. The purpose behind this is to prove the Hinduism of the residents there and to establish beyond doubt the Hinduism of Jesus the Christ, who was born to one of the residents of Palestine. Usually when new colonies are established the migrants give the names to the new cities, mountains, rivers and various other places following the original birthplace. If due to some reason in the new colonies some physical hazards or some religious revolution takes place, those places are destroyed with their names. Such names stay longer in the original place than in the new colonies. The remnants

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found in an excavation in Mesopotamia reveal a biblical story of a flood, which appears to be a copy of the story present in the old Babylonian culture. In the same way, it is difficult to many people to see the relation between India and the name Babylonia, which is given to a place of an ancient culture. Babylone has arisen from Babyli, it has come from Papuli, which has derived from Tiru Papuliur. Tirupapuliur is a city in south India. Tiru means Shri. It is a prefix to show honour. If it is removed the name is Papuliur. Ur means city. So the basic name is Papuli. This got transformed to Babuli and then to Babylone. In Babylonia there is a story of a deluge, a great flood. This may be a reflection of the original story of the great flood which played havoc in India at Manus time.{Manu was a king during 15000 years B.C. according to Dr. P. V. Vartak .The same period of 15000 BC is established by the geologists from the great deluge, when the sea level had risen to 400 feet.} The famous Nohas arch was prepared in the city of Suripak, which resided on the bank of the river Euphrates. The name or its remnants have now totally disappeared from that country; but are still present in India because many places bearing that name are situated in south India. Suripak, Babylone etc. are only the names present in that country, reminding the ancient culture of Mesopotamia, but actual places are still abundant in south India near Chennai. The examples are Surikolam (Vellores name), Kilpak, Acharpak, Bolini, Tirupapuliur etc. Another important point to note is that when some people migrate to other place to establish themselves there, they always carry with them the original names of important and pious

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places, customs and traditions, language, culture and religion. Naturally the south Indians when migrated to establish in Palestine they must have taken these things with them there. If it was so we must find evidence for it. There is evidence in the Bible that the group system of Tamils, which they took with them to Palestine, was present remarkably among the Jews. As a passing remark let me tell here one more fact about the Pandions in Greece. Who were those Pandions ? Even Shakespeare has described these Pandions in his poetry, though the later poets forgot them. In the ancient maps Pandions and Kalabraj were included; but the later maps excluded them. The Indian kings and Sages were spreading from India outside for extending their kingdoms and for expansion of the culture all over the world. This fact is deliberately excluded from the current history books. The kings of Athens namely Pandion the First and Pandion the Second were the Indian Hindu kings. The Pandions and Pandionide were south Indian kings, from Pandya dynasty, who had established their kingdoms in Greece. Similarly the Galabri from Greece were from south India, known in the past as Calabra. When the historians will realize this fact then only they can solve the riddle of these two names and establish the truth. Herodotus has reported that Termilae Dramuila - Tamila were the ancient residents of Lycca. In connection with them he states about the Carians. These Carians were Karayan, which is the name of a race from south India, who were fishermen. If we research in this line we can enlighten many riddles of history. Lycca or Lakka is a perverted form of

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Lanka. In the western part of the Asia Minor, some writings are found carved on stones. Those writings show that the residents of that region held originally from Lakka. Lakka means Lanka. N has disappeared from the name Lanka in the way of Kokka from Konkan, Kottalam from Kuntalam, Kadesh from Kanhadesha (Khandesh) These are the corrupt forms of the names. Similarly, Lakka is a corrupt name derived from Lanka and Termilae is derived from Tamilae. Thus actually Tamils from Lanka came to stay in Asia Minor but it is stated in carvings that Termilae came from Lakka. We have already seen other evidence showing that Tamil Hindus had gone to the west for settlements. It is supported by this internal evidence. The famous Ravana, the king of Lanka was a Poulastya. It means that he was born in sage Pulastis dynasty. These Poulastya descendants from south India who migrated to the Asia Minor, are recorded in the stone writings as Pulasati. This name Pulasati later on got converted to Philistine in the Bible. Some researchers agree that Philistines were Poulastya. This fact definitely proves that the invaders of the West Asia were the Hindus from India. Marked Similarity between the Customs of West Asia and Indian Hindus: Let us now compare the traditions and customs of the Hindus in India to those in the colonies of the west Asia. In a book titled as The Holy Land from a series namely Peoples at Many Land series, published by A. and C. Blacklondon, there is a description of the people inhabiting the west Asia, which is exactly similar to the Hindus of India. Here are the similarities

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of the traditions and customs. 1] Houses of farmers of Palestine and Ceded districts of Andhra (India) are exactly similar, having flat, horizontal roofs. 2] 2] The custom of rolling in of the mattress after getting up from sleep in the morning and spreading out a Chatai for any guest to sit on are same in both places, among the Hindus in Madras and the Arabs particularly in Palestine. 3] In ancient era, the grain was stored in special pits in the middle class and higher class houses called as Balada, by the Indian Hindus. The same type of pits in houses for storing grains is present in Palestine. These pits called in Marathi as Balada are named as Kulukkai or Kulumi in Tamil. 4] For burning fire at home, sticks and wood is collected by ladies from forests, in India as well as in Palestine. 5] Filling water in vessels and carrying water-vessels on heads one above another in a column is a special style of the Indian Hindu ladies. Similarly their other style is to hold water vessel on the waist with the help of arm and forearm and a small vessel of water and a metal cup of water is held in hand. Both these styles are seen among the West Asian ladies. Ladies in other countries do not use this style at all. This peculiar

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similarity is a proof to hold that Palestinian

women were originally the south Indians.(Fig.2) 6] Use of a grinding wheel of stone rotated by hands to powder grains is common in both the countries.(Fig.3) 7] In the above mentioned book there are pictures of women folk in which the ladies are shown carrying water vessels on their heads (Fig.2) and their peculiar sitting style while grinding flour. (Fig.3) These styles are the same as the styles of the Indian ladies. 8] To prepare cakes of cow-dung and to wash clothing on the river banks with salty earth or soil is also common to both the ladies, Indian and Palestinian. 9] It is important to note that in India as well as

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in Palestine, butter is not eaten as it is, but is converted to Ghee and used. 10] It is a common practice to wash hands be-

fore eating, to use only the right hand for eating, to wash hands again after eating, in both the countries. 11] It is important to note that the Telugu women smoke tobacco and Palestinian women also smoke tobacco. 12] There is a custom to chant a name of the God before beginning to eat meals in India as well as in Palestine. 13] A picture of a plough seen in the above mentioned book is exactly the same as the Indian plough. 14] While working in forest Indian women workers tie a cloth to some trees and make their children sleep in it. The same is a style seen in Palestine. (Figure 4)

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15] Methods to bring down fruits like tamarind, mangoes etc from trees is common to both the countries. 16] Race, lineage or species of dogs in Palestine is same as India. South Indians might have taken their dogs there in migration. 17] Houses in Palestine are strong like small forts and are not easily accessible. Similar were the houses in India previously. 18] In Arabia like the Hindus there is a strong belief that if we eat salt of a person we should not deceive him, we must be loyal to him. Similarly if we drink milk from a person we must remain loyal to him is a faith in both the Arabs and the Hindus. It is supposed to be a great sin to be disloyal to salt and milk. 19] It is a fashion of the Hindu women to tie small kids on back in a cloth (Fig.5) but it is seen in Arabia too. A little grown up children are carried on shoulders while playing by the Hindu males; the same fashion is seen in Arabia too. (Fig.6) 20] There is a style present in both India and Arabia to throw a stone by a catapult or a sling.

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Many more such similarities can be enumerated; but these are sufficient to prove that Indians inhabited Arabia.

History Tells That Brahmins Went To Many Countries for Preaching their Religion: Shri Rameshchandra Datta, C.I.E. gave a lecture in 1907, in Bangalore on a topic Decline of Bauddha religion in India. Shri. Datta was a master scholar of ancient history. He told, Soon after Buddha established his religion, it spread like fire all over India and king Ashoka accepted it. To spread that religion Ashoka sent many scholars towards the east, the west and the north of India. To the west they went to Palestine, Egypt, Pyrus, Greece, and even beyond it. They were really prone to sacrifice anything. They had no greed, no desire. They were inspired to spread their religion. They had pure knowledge and good aim. Due to combination of all these virtues they could spread their religion easily ---. A famous and one of the greatest Jew historians Philo writes in his book on history, In the hermitages here in Palestine many people of various religions and faiths lived together among whom there were many Brahmin devotees of Lord Krishna. Another famous writer states, In this way the Brahmins, who went to foreign countries stayed there only, permanently. In a later stage their descendents came back for some reason. But in the mean time in India, a thought arose to forbid going to countries outside India. Therefore the descendents of the migrated Brahmins, who had returned to India were not accepted by the Brahmins staying here in India. Therefore they had to perform fire test before acceptance into the

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Brahmin race. Such Brahmins are known as Nityachala Brahmins. Any way it is established that many Brahmins in the past were going abroad to many countries, for preaching religion, on the grounds of contemporary foreign writings of historians. Important Information about Christs Death and Revival Christians believe that after crucification the dead body of the Christ was buried in a tomb; but he revived from death to reappear before his disciples. Christ exhibited his presence after death and again disappeared. There were many queer and astonishing stories produced after his crucification. It is very important to note that one person from Alexandria wrote a letter to his friend in Palestine describing the stories spread about Christs death and revival and inquired about the reality of reincarnation of Christ. That friend in Palestine too wrote a letter back to Alexandria describing the true facts seen with his own eyes. This is very reliable and important information. That letter was kept preserved for many days privately but later it was preserved in one library in Alexandria noticing its importance. Still later that letter reached the hands of a French litterateur, who had liking for ancient history, though working in a mercantile company in Abyssinia. That letter is written in Latin. That Frenchman took it to Germany. It was translated into English and was published in 1873 A.D. It caused a lot of disturbance in Christian world. It was confiscated due to fear of damage to the present Christian religion. In this way it was tried to get benefit and greatness out of killing of that book. In spite of that, one copy was saved by one person Mr. Meson and he got

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it printed again. The Christians tried to confiscate that publication too. However again one copy was saved luckily and reprinted the third time. This time the Christians could not keep readers away from getting it. I am reproducing very important and relevant portion here, from that letter. The Reliability of Information in the Book : The importance of this letter would have been reduced if it was written by a rival of Jesus or a person indifferent to Christ. But the person who has recorded this information about reincarnation of Christ was a colleague and assistant of and contemporary to Christ. Therefore it is very reliable and is tallied with other information received from other sources. It matches with the life history of Christ published till this information came to light. It establishes the facts and reality about Christ. The information is as follows : The person writing this letter was a member of a cult, established by the then peaceful, honest, virtuous, spiritual minded sage-like people. It was effective in Arabia, Egypt, Greece and similar nearby countries. That cult was known as Essen. The letter is written by an Essen member and has included philosophy of that Essen cult in the earlier part of the letter, which is not published. In spite of trying to get that information I (G. D. Savarkar) could not achieve it. If I get it up to the time of printing this book I will publish it. I am sure that the unpublished information will prove definitely that the Essen cult was a form of Shaiva Pantha as is seen by the other evidence. But this internal evidence would have supported strongly my inference from other evidence.

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Short News about Christs Death and After : It is reported in this book what happened when Christ was crucified and that report tallies with the description given in Encyclopaedia Biblica. This fact proves the reality of the letter. The person who saw with his own eyes all that scene of crucification of Christ has reported the facts and therefore the book is named as By An Eyewitness. The eyewitness says that after the death of Christ on the cross his rich friend Joseph, accompanied with doctor Nicodemus, went to get the dead body in possession. To confirm that Christ was dead the watchman in charge pierced Christs body, hanging on the cross, with a lance. Through that wound some liquid and blood oozed out. Usually, a living man exhibits some reaction to a wound like tremor or contraction of skin etc; but such a reaction was not noticed. Therefore the officer there thought that Christ was dead and so he handed over the body to these two persons. Dr. Nicodemus recognized that Christ was alive because he carefully noticed oozing of some blood and liquid from his body. Dr. Nicodemus immediately reported that fact to the chief of the cult Essen. In that Essen cult there were many people studying Yoga and spiritual science, who knew details about bodily reactions. The superiors in that monastery understood the opportunity of saving a great soul and began acting quickly to save the life of Jesus. They knew many life-saving plants and medicines. They took the body of Christ to one secret place where under the garb of post-mortem rituals, they tried to save Christ from that deathbed. They applied the plant juices and medicines to the injuries and the

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whole body of Christ. To bury Christ under the ground they had prepared a tomb, under which they had built a specious room. In that room they carried the body and kept, where there was ample air to breathe. Joseph had earlier built this tomb in his garden. He also had prepared an underground tunnel from the tomb out to a distant place. It is a custom among the Hindus to build a Samadhi or a tomb for self or for others. In the same way Joseph might have built this tomb earlier. Keeping Christs body in that underground cell they attempted to bring Christ back to consciousness by Yogic methods. They closed the tomb from outside and went away for further actions. Details of this will be told later. After many attempts and much time Christ began breathing. Gradually he came to consciousness. Then one day, at night that lifesaver Essenes adept took Christ with him and left that underground cell to go to a safer place secretly. At a later stage Christ came in front of some of his disciples. The news spread that Christ went away from the tomb alive and met his disciples. Therefore the authorities began searching him. On the day when Christ was crucified, there was a serious earthquake, portentous violent wind and at some places there came out flames from the torn ground. People and authorities thought that these public calamities occurred due to torture of a saint like Christ and so every body was horrified including the authorities. In this sensational condition, search for Christ was neglected so that he could easily escape to safety. This is in short the narration of the eyewitness. The whole letter is full of attractive description and details, out of

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which the important events are as follows. Where was the Letter Found? It is necessary to give some more important information about the letter. During the archaeological excavation at Alexandria some remnants of an old dilapidated house were found. First the Christians and later the Muslim fanatics were so blindfolded by their religious faith that they deliberately destroyed the old religious books, monasteries and holy places. In this destruction the above-mentioned house also was destroyed, it is proved. In that destroyed house, during excavation this letter was found. It is written on papyrus. It came in the hands of a Frenchman who was interested in research of ancient history. He tried to read it when he realized that it was from a treasure of an Essen monastery. The later happenings are already narrated. Life Style of Essenes and their Capabilities: The people of this cult were known as Tera-puet. This word means the eldest. It is a corruption of a Sanskrit word Thora Putra, similar to the style of Pali language. In the past the name was used for a branch of Bauddhas in Europe. Bauddha was a cult, a branch of the Hindu religion, just like Shaiva, Vaishnava, etc and not a separate religion, different from or in contrast with the Hindu religion. Therefore it seems that both Bauddha and Shaiva were merged with Essen cult. There were many experts in Yoga, Ayurveda, Botany etc. and their branches, which were useful for the people in general. To help people in agony they used their knowledge of medicine, Ayurveda, botany etc. They loved seclusion and peace. Only to help

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people or to give them knowledge they came in their contact, otherwise abstained from public. They lived in mountains, caves, forests, secluded places etc. For maintenance they depended on agriculture or gardening. They had ideal virtues, properties and were devoted to the truth and honesty. They avoided trickery or cheating, they had spiritual knowledge, and had no desire except to help people. According to honesty and virtues they were divided in four ranks. Many of them observed celibacy, though some were married. For entering the cult hard tests had to be faced. A newcomer had to undergo rigorous hardships to prove his natural good character. It was expected that the one following their rules should not be in trouble; but the moral rules should become their nature. Their routine practice was to get up early at dawn from bed, wash mouth and face, go to toilet, take bath, and pray God. After prayers they put on clothes proper to their business. At midday they returned home, washed their hands and feet, and wearing clean white clothes they took lunch. Their earnings and business were common. In a way, they were socialists, but their socialism was not physical, crude and hypocritical. It was a spiritual, moral, ethical, philosophical comradeship. They strictly observed their rules and regulations, according to ranks. If anybody departed from the rules and behaved wrongly, he was expunged from the rank of the cult. Their ranks were graded according to the spiritual position and capability. When they met, each saluted saying, Let peace be with you (Shantirastu). That prayer for peace was for all. They said, Let peace and prosperity be with you. This appears to be translation of San-

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skrit saying Shantirastu, Pushtirastu. It was the rule that the highest ranked man must be at the top of spirituality. It was supposed to be the fourth rank. This fourth rank controlled all the members of the lower three ranks. The experts of the fourth rank selected the best person among them, supposed him to be head and behaved under his authority. Members of the lower three ranks led their life virtuously, following celibacy, truth, charity, much away from selfishness and troubling others. They craved for morality, merits and good qualities, for which they practiced religious austerities. As they rose to higher and higher position in spirituality, they attained upper and upper rank, till they entered the fourth rank possessing ideal character and the highest moral altitude. All these members of Essen cult and particularly the fourth rank sages were calm, quiet, happy, genuinely honest, loving, kind, merciful, decent, and polite. They were devoted to be respectful and merciful. They were ornamented with wisdom, divine virtues, and knowledge of various sciences. The Essenes were adorned with excellence, divine qualities, very useful for the society, helping all community, donating everything to people. Therefore they became very popular. However they remained aloof and quiet on the spiritual path. They had a definite aim for their life and were capable to achieve it. They were ready ever to sacrifice their life for the cause and aim. They had no fear at all. Selfishness, deceit and degradation were great sins for them. To quarrel among themselves or with others and vengeance were unknown to them. Jesus the Christ was a member of this cult, a great soul, Sanyasin, a distinguished personality. In that cult, the first and second rank included many people,

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children and aged, rich and poor, merchants, industrialists, farmers, servants, etc; but all were good natured. The cult flourished in Egypt, Palestine and countries around, in which there were many monasteries and seminaries along with colonies of Essenes people. Growing Importance of Christ among The Jews and Ire of The Roman Rulers : Important movements of Essenes were many a times secret and sacred in nature a n d were under veil of sanctity. It is to be noted that in India, the Soofy Muslims perform their daily religious acts and worships in secrecy. Usually they are Muslims; but some Hindus too follow Soofy path. Why those people held secrecy? To find the answer we have to study the history of India. In Mughal Muslim rule, the Hindus could not perform their religious rituals openly, because of fanaticism of the Muslims. In Iran first the Parsis got converted to Islam by force. Later the Muslims invaded India. Muslims were blind with religion, so they converted myriads of Hindus by force and killed those Hindus who did not accept Islam. In spite of this fact, some Muslims were thinkers and intelligent. They were attracted towards Hindu philosophy and followed it. So they were uplifted spiritually. But they had to maintain secrecy for the fear of their own people. However, some attained such a high spiritual level that they could not maintain secrecy. They openly uttered Aham Brahmasmi, I am Brahman and with that typical state of mind they moved in the society. Of course such people were Kafirs according to Muslim opinion and were liable for merciless death. Thus such great thinkers were literarily killed by Muslim

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folks and kings by order of Mulla- Moulavis, their religious heads. For this reason, the accomplishing worshippers had to behave like a Muslim outwardly, but in secrecy they adapted Hindu, Vedic philosophy. In the same way the Essenes might have found it difficult to follow their righteous path of attaining supreme, to help people and to perform other divine duties, openly. Hence they had to accept secrecy, it seems. Christ became very popular. People held him like their patron, beneficiary. At that time Palestine was governed by Roman kingdom. The rulers usually do not like prosperity and popularity of any person ruled by them. Christ was on throne of hearts of the Jews and was almost worshipped by them as a great hero. Some historians say that Christ was working to win independence from a foreign rule for his country. Roman rulers also charged him with the following accusations. 1] Christ spreads unrest in public. 2] He is a treacherous rebel. 3] He is an enemy of the state law. 4] He is a fraud, mischief monger calling himself a son of the God.(Why he called him a son of the God will be explained later.) 5] He calls himself to be the king of Israel. {Experts say that Israel is a corruption form of a Telugu word Ishwaral, which means a devotee of the God. People of Israel, who were known as the Jews, honored Christ as a great hero, respected him much and devoted to him supposing him to be their king or lord. It is probably for this reason that the Romans charged him with treason.} 6] Christ entered a temple holding Palm leaves in hand and accompanied by many people. These were the allegations against him;

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but we are not concerned with those allegations at present, whether they were true or false. Only because I have to tell in detail all the facts, I have written those allegations here. Christ As Described By Roman Authorities: Previously is quoted an important letter in which the life sketch of Jesus Christ is given in short. In it his personality is narrated very interestingly. Therefore let me narrate it here first, before dealing with other parts. Publius Centulus was a contemporary of Jesus the Christ. He adorned the post of authority of Roman rulers after Pontius Pilet. Publius Centulus describes Jesus Christ in the following words. Jesus Christ is a strong built man and is quite handsome in looks. is face creates respect in first sight because of the calm and quiet look. His hair is reddish at roots and then brownish, but with lustre. He has large and shining forehead. Above the forehead his hair is separated in two halves. Hair go behind his ears on either side down to the back and shoulders. His nose, its alae and lips are faultless and sharp and beautiful. His beard is divided like hair and has reddish hue. (This division of beard is like the Hindus). His eyes are deep, unfathomable and they emit lustre and some threat. It is because of its lustre that one could not meet eye to eye with him. When he gets angry everybody gets fear in mind and when he showers sympathy and offers guideline how to behave, everybodys eyes become full with tears of gratitude. Those who are in contact with him have their minds full of respect and love towards him and they feel blissful quietude. He is never seen laughing; but many times he is seen weeping. His hands and palms are very attrac-

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tive. By his speech people get attracted towards him. Usually he does not speak, but when he speaks his countenance appears modest and humble. At present there is none as handsome as him and no one can imagine such a handsome person like Christ. The same is the condition of his mother. In this region, no lady as beautiful as Christs mother is ever seen or remembered. In Jerusalem Christ is a wonder of wisdom. Nobody knows when he studied, but he is expert in all sciences. He wears Khadawa i.e. wooden sandals on his feet. He keeps his head undressed. Many people laugh at his back, but in his presence nobody can dare insult him because of fearful respect aroused by his behavior. It is said that nobody remembers to have seen such a person. To speak truth, the Hebrews say that the way he preaches and the knowledge he gives in his talk are unparallel, nobody has heard so far such advices and instructions and preaching from any other preceptor. He teaches a very high and the best philosophy. Many Hebrews or Jews suppose him to be an incarnation of some Deity. Some suppose that he is against the emperor and call him a traitor, guilty of treason. [This last sentence is recorded in this letter because it is written by an authority to the Roman emperor giving full information about Jesus the Christ.] All accept that he has ever done good to all people and has never misguided anybody. Each and every person who knows him or has come in his contact says that he is benefited from Christ and even improved his health due to his advice. This letter is sent to the Roman emperor Tiberius Caesar by that authority. Extraordinary Parents of Christ - Short Life-

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Sketch : Jeshua Christ or Jesus the Christ was born in a village Nazareth. This village resides in a beautiful valley where the river Kissen flows down the slopes of the mountain Tember, in Palestine. Kissen appears to be a corrupt form of Krishna. In India, all over, the name Kissen is used instead of Krishna. The river Krishna is one of the most important and revered rivers in south India. Mary or Marium was the name of the mother of Christ, while his fathers name was Joseph. We have already read the description of beauty of mother Mary. A special incident happened in her youthful state before marriage. We know that in the Essene cult the sages in its highest fourth rank were virtuous people, austere in practicing penance, constantly seeking for spiritual knowledge, very good in behavior, favoring others, loving secluded places. Even then some times such people also get entangled in the illusion of this enchanting world. (Maya). Here I remember a story of a brother of Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Let me narrate it here. One Yogi who followed strict celibacy achieved a Yogic Siddhi called as Gutika Siddhi. A pill of Mercury is prepared by a special process with the help of some Mantra. The effect of this mercury-pill is that a person who uses it vanishes, becomes invisible. This Yogi got a similar pill of mercury. His daily routine was to perform daily practice of Yoga etc and then to go for begging. After lunch he used to contemplate on various philosophies. It was his routine practice. Once when he began roaming to beg for food in a town he happened to go to a house of a very rich man, as if destined. That rich man had a very beautiful and lonely daughter. She

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was very religious and emotional, so she ran to give alms herself on hearing a call of this Yogi. The Yogi had practiced celibacy and was full of youth. He had practiced Yoga by which had become very bright. Naturally the girl was attracted towards him. But she was having good conduct and chastity and was born in a virtuous family, so she restrained her mind and even though she was attracted to him she turned and entered her house immediately, after giving alms. The Yogi was also attracted by her unparallel beautiful youth, but he too returned immediately after getting food and without lingering went straight to home. Feeling disturbed she looked at him passionately from her terrace, hoping that he would look back at her at least once. However, he did not look back at her, even once. Because he did not look back at her even once, she felt aggrieved and disappointed. She thought that he was not attracted towards her and held that he will not be available to her. Therefore she became desperate, dejected, despondent, apathetic, full of sorrow. On the other side, that Yogi had not looked back to her, not because that he was really indifferent and undesired, but because he was confident to achieve her on the strength of his Siddhi. He had the Siddhi of that mercury pill, on the basis of which he was assured to get that young beauty at night, confidently. That day he fulfilled all his rituals in order like a machine, without engaging mind in the rituals because his mind was disturbed by her beauty. At night he used the Siddhi and entered her home. He became invisible and easily entered her bedroom without seen by anybody. He sat in her bedroom in invisible state till she came in the

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room. As a routine she performed all her daily practices mechanically without showing any expression on her face that she was disturbed in mind due to the feeling of dejection. After dinner she sent her maid servants off so as to close door of her bedroom and let her mind free to express her sorrow in solitude. She sat before a mirror to see herself, but what a miracle! The attractive figure she pondered over throughout the day was seen standing behind her. She was surprised whether it was an illusion or a reality. With a perturbed mind and a shock, she turned back and saw the same handsome youth standing there in reality. She was wildered but questioned, Who are you ? A man or an Angel? Because here even an unknown lady cannot enter, then what about an unknown man? How can you enter here ? That young man did not keep her in suspicion for long. He explained the power of his mercury pill to make a person invisible and promised her to come daily at night to meet her without being seen by anybody while coming and going. Actually, he began meeting her every night. After some period because he did not observe celibacy and because he was entangled in lust and sexuality, his mind became weak and then he could not vanish. When his power of invisibility was lost, she came to his help and let him out of her home. He repented, came to Ramakrishna and began practice of Yoga again. Thus Moha, the delusion or allurement is uncontrollable. In the past and present such incidents are bound to happen, have happened and in future also such events will happen. Same thing happened in the life of one great

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man from the fourth class. Before marriage Mary came into contact with that high-grade spiritual man and had an intercourse with him. Unexpectedly it happened and in the same way suddenly he disappeared from her life. Mary enjoyed extraordinary bliss in his superhuman contact. Her mind converted into a high state of purity and she felt that she had an intercourse with a divine personality. She told the same thing and in her subconscious mind she felt it honestly. Later that person made her marry another man and gave a father to the coming child, in this physical world. Mary was very beautiful and sinless young lady. Fortunately she had an intercourse with a great Yogi, a pure ascetic on the path of celibacy, having very high qualities. Usually in an intercourse with such a brilliant man, the coming embryo is often of a sacred personality. Moreover, she strongly believed that she had an intercourse with a divine man. Such feelings and emotions of a mother invariably affect the embryo. This is well known and is now proved even by the modern science. Accordingly it happened in the case of Mary too. She was very beautiful and sinless, she had pure mind and she felt that she had conjugated with a man sanctified by spiritual pre-eminence and she was confident that she became pregnant from a man having divine glory. All these factors led to the birth of a holy child, who exhibited the extraordinary qualities as described in a letter written by Pilet to the emperor. Had that child no such qualities it would have been a wonder. Thus Christ was born from such a couple possessing divine splendor. In a later period his devotees assumed him to be an incarnation of lord Vishnu or lord Shiva, and accordingly have described him. The devotees of Christ

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were worshipping either Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva and so they attributed their properties to Christ. Those who supposed him to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, have described his birth just like the birth of Lord Krishna. At 12, Christ came to India, Up to 30 became expert in the Vedas and Yoga. A story about Christs birth is narrated above. History of his childhood up to 12 years is given later. We have no concern with it here. Pilet has reported, Nobody knows where and from whom he learned. Here is some mystery. I have referred to one letter above, similarly one book is discovered in Tibet. This book tells in details how Christ came to India. Dr. Notovitch, a learned researcher of ancient history, tried hard for 45 years to recollect history and concluded that Christ was a sage from Essene cult, he traveled in India for seventeen years, lived at many holy places and studied in India. History of Jesus up to the age of 12 years is known, but from 13 to 30 years, for eighteen years, what was he doing and where was he is not at all recorded anywhere. In Palestine he was heard about up to 12 years of his age and then after 30th years onwards. From some internal evidence it is inferred that he might have gone to eastern country. Many believe that he had been in India to learn further. Though it was believed so, there was no solid proof to prove it. That short come is fulfilled by Dr. Notovitch after continuous efforts for twenty five years. Dr. Notovitch traveled in India and then went to a Buddha temple at Himmus. A religious head of Bauddhas there took out an ancient book from their library for perusal of Dr. Notovitch. Dr. Notovitch took photographs of

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pages of that book and after returning to his home he printed three copies of each page from the negatives. Thus he prepared three copies of that unique book. That book records reports of Christ in India for seventeen years. It also has included one short book written by Christ himself. One of the copies of this book was sent to the Pope by Dr. Notovotch. Pope kept it for six months and then wrote him that he has burnt the book because it should not be published. Dr. Notovitch had earlier smelled such mischief so he had prepared three copies. Later he published that book under the title The Unknown Life of Jesus. But it was banned by the American Government feeling that it may harm the Christian mind. It is better to give one more information here. Arther Lily has authored a book named, India is Primitive Christianity. He states there, Christ was an Essenes. Like Indian Yogis these Essenes also tried hard to merge with the Brahman, the Supreme Being or to meditate in seclusion to know the Brahman. Further he adds, The Essenes resembled the Gurus, spiritual masters of Brahmanism. The above-mentioned book of the Himis Math is a copy of a book in Parsee language from Marboor Math. In the book of the Himis Math there are in all two Hundred Forty Four (244) verses and is divided in fourteen chapters. It has reported some information which is given in short here : When Jesus attained the age of thirteen, his parents tried to arrange his marriage. But he wanted to follow celibacy. Therefore he left the house at the age of thirteen years. He aimed at salvation like the Buddhas or Brahmins. To attain it he traveled in caravan to India

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in company of merchants. He stayed for some time with Jain Sadhus. Then he wandered to Jagannath Puri. There he followed the path of celibacy and studied the Vedas. By this time he completed twenty years of his age. Thereafter, he went to holy places like Kashi, Prayag, Rajagruha, etc. to live with Sadhu-Santas and to visit some more holy places. After this he entered Bouddha Vihar and stayed for six years to study that cult. Finishing that study he traveled to Nepal, Tibet, etc. He studied there too and then he returned to his birthplace, at the age of thirty years. He combined nonviolence of Bauddhas, philosophy of the Vedas, devotion of lord Shiva and Yoga Sadhana to lay down a cult. He wanted to spread this cult so he returned to his country at thirty years of his age. Parentship of God and Devotion of Jesus Christ The concept in these lines of the Upanishad is repeated in the statement of Christ that I am the son of God. He supposed the God as his father. In the Shrimad Bhagawata all sorts of relations, which rise in mind are applied to the God according to individual mentality. With those relations the devotees worship the God. Devotees supposed the God as father, mother, friend, husband, wife, master etc. and worshipped to gain Siddhi. Similarly, Jesus the Christ was related to the God as his son. His mother Mary had faith that her husband was a divine personality. It means she was a wife of the God. Christ too supposed that his father was a God because of firm belief in his mother. Therefore naturally he believed that he was the son of God. Christs Return to India and His Rela-

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tion to Nath Cult: Christ was supposed to be an incarnation of Vishnu or Krishna by the devotees of Krishna and Vishnu. Similarly the devotees of Shiva held him to be an incarnation of Shiva. Nath cult came into existence long time after Jesus Christ. It was founded by Machchindranath as is supposed. Though it is said to have founded much later than Jesus, the Nath cult, particularly the Bengalese in the Nath cult, sing a devotional song (Bhajana) traditionally which is as follows : Which country Isa went? fQjys dos \ When did he return? dXus xsy tus \ Where went John? vkos dquBh xsy ;ksxhj ;ksxh \ Where went Yogis Yogi? eXusjs rksj eu \ Where is your mind? vkos vkjkso |kks bZksb xsy To Arabia Isa is gone fQjyks efj Died but returned felj |kks tu To Egypt went John vkos bZksb vkekj xq#j xq# Isa is our Gurus Guru ;ksxhj ;ksxs Fkkds eu Let mind be in Yogis Yoga In this poem it is stated that Christ returned after death. Details about this fact will be disclosed later. Till then readers should wait patiently. But let me tell here that the statement is true. John mentioned in the poem is undoubtedly John the Baptist; no explanation is needed for it. In India whatever is presented in a form

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of poetry never perishes in a flow of time. Nothing new can be added to that poetry. It is a specialty of Indian tradition. It is for this reason that the forms of cults did not change or vanish during centuries or millennia. In spite of passage of a vast period the original form of any cult is still preserved in India. If this peculiar fact is borne in mind, we cannot dare deny the reference of Christ in the above-mentioned Bengali poem and neglect it. Even then we do not have to depend only on that poem as evidence. Had Jesus no relation with the Nath cult in India, that poem would not have referred to Christ and would not have called him the Guru of Gurus which means the supreme Guru, master teacher. In the book The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ it is stated that when Jesus was roaming in India he had some connection with the Nath cult of India. Nath cult is established primely by Lord Shankar according to the book namely Nawa Nath Bhaktisara. It is also quoted in the tradition or genealogy of Gurus in the Nath cult that Lord Shankar established the cult. The line of Gurus is remembered every day by the Yogis in Nath cult. In the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Krishna is given the prime place and Krishna is supposed to be the full incarnation of Vishnu. In the same fashion, in the Nath cult, is it not possible that Jesus was supposed to be an incarnation of Lord Shankar and in that form he was the founder of the Nath cult? I raise this suspicion because Jesus is said to be the Guru of Gurus. In the Nath cult, in the tradition of Gurus, Adi Guru i.e. the first Guru is supposed to be Lord Shankar. Therefore it comes to mind that this incarnation of Shankar i.e. Jesus Christ might have been held as Shankar himself. This point has to be considered by the researchers

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and analyzed by scholars in this field. In the Vindhya mountain, in difficult places there reside some Yogis of the Nath cult. They have a book in their possession titled as Natha Namawali. Some portion of it was seen by a famous Sadhu of Bengal, Shri Vijaya Krishna Goswamiji, who was contemporary to Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. In a magazine Pravasi in its issue of Magha lunar month of Bengali Shaka 1333, there is published an article titled as Seventy Years. In this article some information is given relating to the abovementioned book Nath Namawali. It is quoted here : Christ came to India at the age of fourteen years and studied for sixteen years, when he was given a Darshan by Lord Shankar. Thereafter he went back to his country and preached greatness of God. But while doing this great work, the ignorant people did not heed to him. On the contrary, they crucified him fraudulently hammering big nails through his feet. At that time Ishanath went into Samadhi for good of the world. Supposing him dead, he was buried underground. The fact that Christ was nailed down and he was in great troubles was understood by a great Yogi Chetan Nath in his Samadhi, in India. Therefore with his Yogic power he traveled the distance of three months in only three days and became apparent in Israel. When Chetan Nath appeared in Israel, there were earthquakes and other portentous phenomena boding calamity. In that critical condition Chetan Nath took Christ out of his tomb, revived him and then brought him to India. This information is published by Swami

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Abhedanand. The book Natha-Namawali is difficult to achieve, but not impossible. If we search with the Yogis of Nath cult, we may find it. In this book many other Yogis are described in addition to Jesus Christ. More information about this will come with the description of the later life of Jesus. One point is very important that Christ was so great a personality that many cults feel it adorned to say that Christ was a member of their cult. In Europe he was assumed to be an incarnation of either Shiva or Vishnu, while in India he was presumed to be on highest level of Yoga, devotee of Lord Shiva and one form of Lord Shiva himself. Seclusion of the Fourth Rank Essenes: n India the real great Yogis are rarely seen, similarly in Palestine and countries nearby the Essenes of the fourth rank were not easily seen. Rarely on some occasion they used to come in front of a particular person. In his presence or in a dialogue with him a man felt that he is experiencing something divine. The fourth ranked Essenes used to wear a white robe. They used to appear unexpectedly, used to remain in contact with a selected man for a limited necessary time, used to go away immediately after finishing work, into seclusion, and it was done in a calm and quiet manner without having any desire or expectation in mind. Therefore it was natural that people thought them to be divine, superhuman. Any ordinary common man held them to be angels or God men. Those high ranked Essenes Yogis always loved seclusion, so they lived in impassable region in forest or mountain or in caves. These circumstances proved helpful by all means to these Essenes to care Jesus the Christ.

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Futile Efforts of Roman Emperor to Enthrone Christ Christ was gaining more and more popularity. Looking to it the Roman rulers became fearful. It was natural. They were afraid that this leader of the Jews might become their king and might challenge the Roman rule. This fear of them was helped by the public statements of Christ that, I want to establish a divine rule in this country. The divine kingdom is nearing, it is very close. I am impelled and sent by the God for the only purpose of founding a realm of God. He might have meant in saying so, that virtues will rule over the people, they will love each other and behave with good manners. The drawbacks and faults like suspicion, anger, greed, etc, which divide the people will be removed, so that people will be away from painful hazards and troubles, being engaged in virtues. In this sense they will enjoy the divine rule happily. The Jews also spoke openly that Christ was their real ruler king. For this reason Christ pinched in the eyes of Roman rulers. Those emperors who take away liberty of people try to win such leaders as their worshippers or helpers; otherwise, if they did not subdue, they try to annihilate such leaders. When the importance of Christ increased to a certain level, the rulers tried to pull him towards their side, and in that attempt they decided to make Christ a king of Palestine ruled over by Roman emperor. Christ was informed accordingly through a Roman authority. But Christ was not greedy to achieve worldly wealth and entangle in worldly enjoyments. He was a Karma-Yogin, born to show people the real good path and to give the people divine wealth. He wanted to sacrifice his life on

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this world to get satisfaction and happiness in good deeds. Therefore he denied the kingship offered by the emperor. Even then the emperor went on trying to make Christ, against his will, a king so as to rule Palestine permanently and safely. The emperor fixed the date and time to enthrone Christ forcibly. To avoid that calamity, Christ all of a sudden vanished and remained underground for a long time away from public. Thus the attempt to win Christ by giving him kingship failed. Therefore the only way remained with the emperor was to kill Christ.

Christs Life Before Crucification ccording to the second plan to kill Christ he was accused of many crimes enumerated previously. He was tried before a court and accused of treason against the emperor for which he was sentenced to death by crucifixion. To avoid his fame and name and to decrease his honour in public, he was crucified between two thieves and all the three were killed together. His friends and colleagues demanded his dead body for further rituals when his death was confirmed by a test, but it was a wrong impression, he was alive though serious, as diagnosed by a doctor friend; etc - all such information is already given previously. Now before giving further information, let me tell some personal facts about Christ. The thread ceremony of Jesus Christ was performed at his age of twelve years. Thereafter he vanished from the scene till he reappeared at the age of thirty. Nothing is recorded about him in those eighteen years. But the above mentioned book The Unknown Life of Christ pub-

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lished by Dr. Notovitch and the poems and book of Nath cult throw light on his whereabouts during those eighteen years. After the thread ceremony he followed celibacy and studied many sciences and performed penance. Completing his studies he returned back to Palestine at the age of thirty years. Later he did not marry. On the contrary he vouched to be a Sanyasin and spent whole life in benevolence and charity. Jesus took Sanyas from John (Jnana) who himself was a Sanyasin, on the bank of the river Jordan. He attained high state and became a Siddha by performing Yoga. Siddha means an exalted state, superb position. Because he became a Siddha he was admitted in the fourth rank of Essenes. Not only that but he achieved a superior position in that fourth rank too. In a latter stage John, from whom Jesus took initiation, also accepted Christ as a Guru. Recognition of Christs Authority in Essenes Circle. Almost dead, Christ was taken down from the Cross, was nursed and treated efficiently by Essenes experts, brought to consciousness, and in secrecy he was taken out of the cave or tomb and guided to a safe place. All this was done throwing dust in the eyes of Roman authorities, because Christ was accused of treason and was sentenced to death. Why was it done by Sanyasins of Essene cult ? Why did they present themselves to dangers of being caught and punished by rulers ? Why did they face even death penalty ? They had renounced the world then why did they do all these things ? Let us see the reason. An authority in the fourth rank of Essene

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cult has stated in a letter thus:- After crucification of Christ we disciples of him, the Jews, took Prasad ( remnant of the food offered to God) seven times for Christ. We had deep devotion to him and he was favoured by Ishwar, divinity. Whatever we saw with our own eyes is written here because though kept secret out of necessity so far can now be exposed safely because Christ is now completely out of danger. Whatever I am writing has happened like that and I am convinced of its reality as my soul and intelligence tells me. I am sure that Christ is chosen by God and he is truly begotten by Eternal Spirit. His life is very sacred and pure. He calls himself as the son of God and really he has convinced us of that state. We found with experience that he knew all the secrets of physical and spiritual sciences. We Essenes know very well that every thing in the world is full of divinity. Therefore when we listen Christ saying, Behold, I am God or I am of God we believe in it, because we know and see he is really so. Now, I will tell you about Christs mother and father, because my intention is to tell you everything. Christs Parents- Short Information In fact in young age Christ was fostered by Essenes. His mother Mary repeatedly went into deep meditation. She used to see divine visions, many secrecies of life used to unfold before her and she was submerged in divine bliss almost continuously. In that condition she was totally unable to cherish her child. In this affair, the great person, who happened to be the real father of Christ, had ordered secretly his colleagues to take care of the mother and child in guarding and nourishing. Later Mary married Joseph, who was admitted to a rank of Essenes.

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He was warned not to break her faith and should not raise suspicion in her mind about divine visions she was looking. Joseph was allotted a job of cherishing Christ till he became appropriate for admission to Essene cult. Romans had built a temple of Jupiter on slopes of the mount Caseins. Essenes kept this family in that temple and initiated the whole family to Essene cult. They were taught how to worship in the Essene way. God was offered a cake, which was given to them along with Holy Wine. Probably, this wine was not intoxicating, but was removing instability of mind and taking it beyond organs into profound and abstract meditation, similar to the Vedic Soma Rasa. It was published a few days ago that such a plant was discovered in Australia, juice of which when drunk gave incomparable bliss, never experienced before. So that sacred holy wine might have been a similar juice of a plant or a mixture of some juices. Wine usually intoxicates, but this drink did not produce unconsciousness. Essenes who were sacred and purely behaved people would not have taken ordinary intoxicating wine. That Holy Wine was taken by all as Prasada or divine blessing. After drinking it all were sunk in chanting the name of God or doing prayers. That was the Holy Wine, not an intoxicating drink. This can be proved by independent evidence. Roman authorities and their servants had started one custom to avoid pains of looking at the harassments of the culprits. It was to force the accused to drink wine so as to make them unconscious before crucifying. According to this custom Christ was ordered to drink wine. Had Christ been from a cult of drunkards, he would

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have immediately and happily accepted wine, which could have relieved him of pain and torture of crucifixion and so proved beneficial to him. But Christ did not accept wine. He discarded the opportunity of quitting all the deadly pains of crucifixion and did not share the sin of drinking wine. He prepared himself to face the intolerable death pains in full consciousness and denied wine. This fact proves that the Holy Wine was not an ordinary intoxicating wine, but was a powerful juice of some plant, making mind strong to experience bliss beyond organs.

Escape of Young Christ with Parents : As told before, Mary used to transcend often and saw divine visions. This divine state of mother deeply affected the mind of Christ since childhood. Not even that but mother Mary, too, always told divine philosophy and instigated him to contemplate on the secrets of spiritualism. Joseph also advised Mary to guide Christ to the path of high thinking. The religious heads of the Jews began feeling repugnance against Christs attitude developed from good philosophy. They began showering on him perils of many sorts. To safeguard that divine child and his parents, Essenes thought of sending them to Egypt. Accordingly they told them the safe places on the way to Egypt, gestures of respect or reverence and some hints. Training thus they sent the family off on the way to Egypt. In spite of all these instructions and precautions, the malicious Jews, who hated the divine child, deceived him trick fully and segregated him from his parents. It caused much anxiety in him, again. In his desperate search, Christ was found in a

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house of an Essenes, three or four days later. This Essenes man was unknown to public that he belonged to Essene cult. Therefore inadvertently the malicious Jews took Christ to his house to keep Christ there in secrecy, for some period. After some period the Essenes found out Christ, took him away from that house and gave him shelter of a woman, who was a friend of Mary. That womans son was John (Jnana). John and Christ both were worshippers of God and they had common habits. So they became nice friends. They spent time together thinking and talking about spirituality and divine power. At a later stage like Christ, John also entered the Essenes cult and then became a Sanyasin. Strong Temptation of Christ and Release From It : After renouncing the world and its possessions and attachments, Christ had to face a terrible event, a strong obstruction on the path of Sanyas Dharma. He had to struggle with that delusion. However, on the firm footing of devotion to duty and full control on mind he conquered over that delusion which was undefeatable to common man. I cannot avoid the temptation of telling the incident here. Christ had a friend named as Lazarus. Sister of Lazarus fell in love with Christ. Her love was not only physical attraction, but was induced due to attractive virtues of Christ, his charity, good character and divinity. That love was genuinely divine in nature. Christ also fell in love with her. However he considered his renunciation, initiation to the cult of Essenes, and the faith that he was the son of the God, chosen by the God and his decision, made in accordance with his strong belief, to sacrifice his life for bet-

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terment of the world and stayed attached to his duty. He renounced her love to avoid fault in duty. He pacified her, consoled her. He wiped off her tears tenderly and his own tears flowing due to impossibility of reunion and left the village where Mary lived. He walked off on the path of duty, away from Mary and her brother Lazarus. At the age of twelve years, after the thread ceremony Christ vouched for celibacy and began Tapas or serious attempts to achieve actual vision of God. For that purpose, he went out leaving Palestine towards the east, to India, which was supposed to be the teacher of the whole world. In India he studied for seventeen or eighteen years many sciences, Yoga, etc. He resided in contact with many Yogis, Gurus, and adepts. After achieving Yoga Siddhi or mastery in the Yoga, he returned to his birthplace. In coming and going back, he may have taken a year or so, and he lived in India for seventeen years. Thus after spending eighteen years outside Palestine he returned to his country. There people were attracted to him because of his teachings and philosophy. On the contrary, the religious heads began hating him and the rulers got angry with him. The combined effect was crucifixion of Christ. The accusations for crucifying him are already told before. But the story of crucifying and the incidents that happened after crucifixion are hair raising, astonishing. I am quoting it as is told by an eyewitness here : The cross on which Jesus the Christ was fixed by nails was not as usual. It was specially made for Christ. The usual cross had a vertical stake on top of which a horizontal bar was fixed. But for Christ a special cross was prepared. It

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was a longer post and below its top a transverse bar was fixed. Thus there was some portion of the vertical stake above the horizontal bar. To crucify Christ some strong men lifted him up. His arms were stretched and tied to the transverse bar very tightly. Similarly his feet were tied very tightly to the vertical stake. Because of those tourniquets, his blood circulation was hampered so that blood pressure in heart increased. Both his arms were stretched and palms were appropriated with the transverse bar and through the palms strong, long and thick nails were hammered in the horizontal bar. Thus ended the ritual of crucifying. In this position the crucified man used to suffer unbearable pains and entered the gallows of death. Around Christ gathered his enemies and mocked at him. On the stake, above the transverse bar there was fixed a board on which was written, A King of Jews. Those people who loved and honored Christ also assembled there burning in sorrow and looked at his pains helplessly. The Sun turned to the west. In the evening, Christ was very much thirsty. His lips dried up due to that killer thirst. Looking to it one guard took a stick, tied a cloth at its top, soaked it with water and took it near the mouth of Christ. Christ tried to drink some sips of water from that wet cloth to quench his thirst. That scene was intolerable to see, so the Sun set down. After the Sunset, the nature took a fierce form. On the cross Christ was scorched by the heat of the whole day. He was annoyed by agony and ridiculed by enemies. In spite of that he remained calm and quiet, and gradually went into unconscious state. Before he became fully unconscious, the Mother Nature became angry with the mockers and became violent. The Sun

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set and there ruled darkness. One authority present was compassionate. He allowed Christs mother to go near him. Mother Mary and John went close to him. Christ told John to take care of the mother. Till this happened, from the Red sea there rose red mist. The Red sea is situated to the west of Palestine. The mountains started moving, quaking and Christs head hanged on his chest because he became unconscious.

Wrath Of Nature At Crucifixion of Christ : With a deep sigh and painful moan, Christ lost his senses. Every body felt that he died. At the same moment there arose a fierce sound in concordance with Christs moan. The Jews present there feared terribly. They thought that the agents of death, residing between the heaven and death, might have decided to punish people for the torture of Christ, so they were horrified. That sound was precursor of an earthquake. Immediately there occurred tremors of the earth and mountains. The town and region around it moved, trembled. The temple nearby collapsed down. The rocks cracked and the tombs emptied of dead bodies. The Jews thought that the annihilation was due to divine fury. The Roman authority also felt the same and was convinced of the innocence of Christ and his divine power, so he tried to solace Christs mother. Handover of Christs Body Unharmed

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Two principals of Essen cult had attempted to get excuse for Christ and his acquittal. However they failed. After crucifixion when the Nature exhibited fury all the people assembled ran away. Seeking that opportunity Christs friend Joseph and Nicodemus approached the cross of Christ. Christs neck was fallen hanging; even then both felt that he was not dead. Therefore they went closer and saw that John also was present there. Looking that nobody else is present they examined the body of Christ. Nicodemus exclaimed gladly, We can save our beloved yet as far as my knowledge about life and death tells me. Joseph could not understand what he said. Therefore Nicodemus asked him to keep quiet, because he did not want to expose this fact then. Nicodemus said, Anyhow, we should take possession of Christs body before breaking of his bones. Saying so he asked Joseph to approach the Roman authority Pilet to request him to hand over the body of Christ for postmortem rituals. John and the Eyewitness, who has written this letter, waited there to avoid breaking of bones of Christ by the guard. The custom was to test whether a crucified man is dead or alive by piercing a lance in body, and if the death is confirmed then breaking some bones, the body was given possession for further rituals before burial. The dead body was never kept hanging on cross. Therefore Christs body was to be taken down. The Jewish group had demanded that after breaking the bones Christs body should be given to the relatives for burial. Before Joseph and Nicodemus approached Pilet, there came the order from Pilet to hand over the body for burial. So I was fumbled. In that condition if the body of Christ was not taken down carefully from the cross, it

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was very difficult to save his life. In addition there should not be any bone breaking. Thinking this way I became terribly anxious. John also felt deep sorrow due to that order though he did not know that Christ was alive. He worried that the dead body of Christ should not be hurt any more. He was afraid of breaking of bones of Christ. Essens Efforts to get Christs body intact: s soon as the peon brought the order of Pilet, I approached him. Hoping that before the peon started with Pilets order Joseph might have reached Pilet, I asked him, Did you come on Pilets order ?. He replied, No. I came from his secretary, because such ordinary work is not tackled by Pilet. All the ordinary works are done by the secretary. The authorities saw towards me because my face exhibited much anxiety. I took that opportunity and said in friendly tone to him, Please see that this crucified man was extra-ordinary. You have experienced it yourself. So please do not torture his body any more. I request you because one rich man has approached Pilet to pay him any amount to take possession without any harm to his body so as to arrange rituals of burial. It should be told here that Pilet used to hand over bodies intact on taking some money, bribe. The natural calamities that occurred after crucifixion of Jesus suggested the authorities that Christ might be faultless. Therefore he attentively listened to me. When the guards went to break bones of thieves and Christ, the authority told guards, Do not break bones of Christ. He is definitely dead. While this went on, a man hastily approached the authority and said, You are called on by Pilet. The authority asked, Why

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did he call me at such odd hours of night, and what for ? The messenger replied, He has called you to know if Christ is really dead. The authority told, Yes. He is definitely dead. Therefore we did not break his bones. But to confirm again, one police thrust a spear in Christs body. Even then there was no movement or pain reflex in Christs body. By that test the authority was sure of Christs death. Therefore he went hurriedly to inform Pilet. Revival of Christ by Treatment But John was surprised to see that the wounds of Christ oozed out blood and fluid. However my hope enriched. Blood does not ooze out of a dead body, knew John. He also knew that only blood clots are seen in dead body. I was eagerly waiting for Nicodemus and Joseph, but there arrived mother Mary accompanied by some women. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who loved Christ, also approached. Being aggrieved she wept loudly. All the ladies gave way to their sorrow, while John stared at oozing wounds of Jesus, when Joseph and Nicodemus came. Joseph influenced Pilet and persuaded him, without bribing, to accept the fact that Christ is definitely dead and to hand over the dead body without insulting more. Pilet had respect towards Joseph and he felt guilty for crucifying Christ. When Nicodemus saw oozing of blood and fluid from wounds of Christ he became happy and his hopes of saving Christ increased to a great extent. His eyes twinkled due to imagination of blissful bright future of meeting Christ alive. He pulled Joseph to one side and said to both of us, Friends, happy news for you. Christ is not dead. He appears to be dead because all his energy is lost. Let us begin the

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work of resuscitation. When Joseph went to Pilet, I went to our hermitage and collected some essential plants and medicines. But be careful not to tell this fact to John, because he cannot mask his joy. Then this secret will be disclosed to all and our enemies will kill us all and Christ too. So be alert. Cautioning thus we went to the cross. According to the science of resuscitation, carefully, we released the ropes tied to Christ, removed the nails hammered in his hands and took down his body to lie on the ground. We spread a cloth and applied on it various medicines and cooling paste of wet plants, according to special information of our cult. We wrapped this cloth around Christs body. We told public that this medication is for preserving the dead body till burial rituals are complete. In the medical science of our cult, these resuscitative measures were known, which can arouse consciousness in near dead comatose person. Nicodemus and Joseph tried resuscitation with eyes full of tears, by artificial mouth to mouth breathing and massage of temporal region. Joseph became nervous and lost hopes of revival, but Nicodemus asked him to try hard again and again. Nicodemus applied anti-inflammatory and soothing ointments to his wounds on hands caused by nails. However, he did not close the wound on side of his chest caused by a lance, with a hope that it might help circulation of blood to restart his breathing. After such first aid treatment, Christs body was taken into his tomb. It was large enough to accommodate at least two-three persons. They created smoke of some energizing plants and medicines in that tomb. Christs body was kept on smooth moss. They closed the opening of the tomb to store smoke in the tomb, which in-

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creased the temperature inside the tomb to help revival of Christ. John and some others were advised to go to Christs mother to console her. Watchman on Tomb Appointed by Authorities: Without taking bribe Pilet gave possession of Christs body to Joseph. Joseph was a very rich man and had never showed any love towards Christ till then. And now all of a sudden Joseph began showing affection and respect towards Christ to such an extent that he came forward to build a tomb in his own premises. This surprised the authority superior to Pilet and he became suspicious. That superior authority Syaphus sent some detectives to find out the unknown assistants of Christ and the secret plot behind some incidents. The detectives went towards the cross and house of Joseph. Syaphus doubted that Pilet might have joined hands with Joseph to cook some plot against the Jews. He also suspected that there might be some reason in anointing the body of Christ. He became very anxious about those facts and decided to arrest Joseph anyhow. In the mean time I (the writer of this letter) and Nicodemus went to the head quarters of our cult and gave full report of all the happenings to the authorities there. There we thought about resuscitation of Christ, planned it fully, and to work accordingly we returned to the town. We appointed one watchman from Essen cult to guard the tomb of Christ. Syphus became full of suspicion about Pilet and Joseph, and their conspiracy. Therefore he feared a lot and sent armed soldiers towards the tomb. They were ordered to keep watch secretly on the

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tomb and report all the movements there. He also ordered the watchmen of the temple which had collapsed in the evening calamity of earthquake - to observe the happenings near the tomb from a distance. The superior monastery of the temple also had some doubt like Syphus, so he immediately accepted to send his watchmen for the job. Thus the watchmen of the monastery and of Syphus got engrossed in the detective work to see the men, their work and the incidents occurring near the tomb. In this state, midnight came and passed. It was to dawn. To understand the events about Christ and to unveil the secrecy, all the government officials and unjust people tried hard. But it was not liked by the destiny. The Goddess Nature was very angry that day. She exhibited her fiercest form after midnight. There was an earthquake. Atmosphere became stuffy. The rocks moved and cracked. Red flames sprouted up from the cleavages in rocks. Their brightness gave red hue to the mixture of smoke and mist and added horror to the terrific visions all over. Fierce animals and other forest living animals ran here and there roaring, throughout that night. There was a lamp in a cave, which swung to and fro due to tremors of the earth, so that its light too swung. That moving light added horror to the formidable darkness around it. Looking at that dreadful calamity, the servants of the monastery along with the government servants were frightened. They heard the harsh noise of the storm and roars of quaking earth, which were mixed with the friction sounds under the ground. Due to that violent scene the servants lost their courage.

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Seeking this opportunity, one chief from the fourth rank of the Essene monastery thought of entering Christs tomb and so began climbing down the mountain. He was wrapped in white clothing up to his feet. Seeing that grand figure in a dim light climbing down, the armed soldiers were shocked with horror. That divine person came down near the Christs tomb. Therefore the guard at the tomb who was seated on the stone closing the mouth of the tomb got up and he removed the stone fitted on the tombs mouth by order of that great personality. Looking at this the watchmen of the monastery froze with fear. They ran away and began telling people that they were driven away by a God man. That tomb was now out of danger from unwanted people. That great man did not yet enter the tomb. There occurred one more shock of earth quake and the lantern extinguished. The external light of dawn entered in the tomb. Life Enters in Near-Dead Christ Almost thirty hours had passed since anointed body of Christ was kept in the tomb and its mouth closed by a stone. That young man listened some sound inside the tomb. Hence he entered in the tomb. He smelled an odour peculiar of flames from the earth or of a volcano. When he entered the tomb he was pleased to see that the lips of unconscious, almost dead Christ were moving and he was breathing slowly. Looking it he ran towards Christ to help him. Christ was muttering, signs of death from his face had disappeared and there was shining on his face suggesting reentry of life in his body. Christ opened his eyes

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and stared at the youth. He noticed that his beloved Christ was looking at him surprisingly. I, the writer of this letter, and Joseph had been to the monastery for taking further guideline, when this incident happened in the tomb. When we returned towards the tomb, Nicodemus, the experienced doctor, said to me that the change in atmosphere due to earthquake was beneficial for revival of Christ. He further told me that the oozing of blood and fluid from Christs wounds was a definite sign of life in Christs body, therefore be sure that Christ will definitely resuscitate. On entering the tomb we saw that the youth abovementioned had held the head of reviving Christ and was seated on the moss touching his knees to the ground. Christ was happy to see his Essenes friends near him and that happiness was expressed on his face. His cheek showed reddish hue of satisfaction and pleasure. Christ got up and asked where he was. Christs Exit From Tomb: Joseph embraced Christ with joy and narrated him all events including how the officers believed that he was dead due to his deadly unconsciousness, because of their misunderstanding how it became possible to save his life, what efforts were done, what tricks were used etc. Christ was amazed to listen it. He leaned on one side, thanked God and resting his head on the chest of Joseph he let out tears full of sentiments. Nicodemus advised to give him some food to eat. So he was offered a cake soaked in honey and some dates. He ate. Then Nicodemus

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gave him the holy wine, drinking which he felt energetic. He sat up. Now, as he came to full consciousness he felt pains of the wounds caused in hands by nails and in chest by spears. However, Nicodemus had applied medicinal ointments on his wounds, therefore burning became less painful. Some signs of healing also were seen. This took much time. Nicodemus removed the bandages around his body and head. Joseph said, Much time has passed. We should not waste more time here. It is not safe. We may get troubles if our enemies get our clue. Therefore it was decided to go immediately out of the tomb to a house of an Essenes nearby. However it was not possible for Christ to walk that much distance, because of severe weakness. So he was lifted up and carried to that house. In a safe place further treatment was given. From the tomb everything was removed including moss, medicines etc., and it was cleaned. As the blood circulation came to normal Christ felt more and more pain in the wounds, though otherwise he felt better and energetic. He became very emotional after getting through many incidents and calamities. He supposed it to be a miracle. Little Energetic Christ Goes Out To Meet Friends: God blessed me with life because, it seems that his intention is to show people that I am capable of preaching the philosophy. Therefore I will show my disciples that I am still alive, said Christ. Those who had gone to cleanse the tomb returned hurriedly and told that the friends of Christ were coming there to see him, in short time. They reported everything that happened near the tomb, thus :

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Many people had gathered around the garden of the tomb. Among them there was a lady who had come from Jerusalem. She saw the stone rotating and falling down at a distance. Hence she was afraid. This happened when two volunteers went to clean the tomb. She later went to town. However, a little later some more ladies approached near the tomb and looking it open entered inside the tomb. There they did not see any corpse, on the contrary they saw a man standing there in the tomb. Every lady saw that man. But then they saw one more man near the Essene Sadhu. The ladies assumed them to be angels and saluted them prostrating on their feet. The two persons told the ladies, as advised by the superior Gurus that Christ is reincarnated, but he will not be seen here. To see him all of you go to Galilee. All this was managed by Joseph. Joseph felt that it was dangerous to disclose Christ in Jerusalem; therefore deliberately he planned like it and advised others. Managing everything, the Essenes caretakers requested Christ to remain incognito. However Christ was eager to tell his disciples and friends that he was alive. By that strong urge, he asked for his clothes, put them on and feeling that he had sufficient energy he went out in a dress of Essene workers. He looked like a gardener in that dress.

Unexpectedly Beloved Mary Sees Her Love Christ: The two volunteers who had been cleaning the tomb, returned to tomb again to complete their work, when they saw that the lady who had previously visited the tomb also had

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returned. John and Peter had reported what had happened in a meeting of disciples. Seeing the two in the opened tomb, she felt that they had come to protect the tomb. However on looking that Christ was absent, she began weeping. One of the two persons asked her tenderly why she was weeping. That lady was nobody else than Mary, who loved Christ very much and whom Christ had left away compassionately, to follow austerity as an Essenes. She saw that the body of Christ was absent from the place where it was laid in the tomb. Therefore with grief she began weeping. At that time, Christ dressed like a gardener, suddenly came there and stood behind her. Refusing the request of friends to stay in obscurity and to prove that he was alive by meeting disciples, he had come to the tomb, at that odd time. Looking at him, Mary first thought that he was a gardener. However, Christ recognized her and appreciating her love, he talked to her. But she could not recognize him because of his weak and sorrowful state. However, while talking to her when he exclaimed, Oh Mary, immediately she recognized him by his tone full of love. With an intention to prostrate on his feet in salutation and then to embrace him, she moved forwards. To avoid her tight embrace Christ receded back, because he thought that it might increase blood circulation with force and might gape the wounds on his body. His body was still aching, particularly the piercing wounds on hands and side of chest, were very painful. Therefore he shun, looking her coming close, and said, Please do not touch me. I am really alive, but because of extreme weakness death may embrace me, according to divine wish.

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Hearing this she touched her knees to the ground and stared at his figure, as if she was storing him in her heart through her eyes. At this time he heard footsteps and thought that some men are coming. Therefore, for safety he quickly went back to hide behind a wall. The two men, who had come there for protecting Christ and to avoid any further perils on him and also to keep him away from watchful detectives of enemy, saw all this scene. In the mean time, Nicodemus and Joseph also came to the garden near the tomb to keep disabled Christ clear of any dangers. Christs feet and legs were swollen and his extremities were discolored black and blue due to fastening of tight ropes on cross. The discoloring was caused by clotting of blood and it was increasing. Therefore Nicodemus was anxious about the health of Christ. We saw that Christ stood leaning on the wall and had no strength to walk a few steps. Both Peter and John came to the tomb. They saw it vacant. They could not see Christ anywhere. Therefore, they returned back to the town from garden. Languor, Rest and Wish to Meet Disciples Again : Taking support of wall, Christ walked slowly to an opening in a valley of mount Gihan. There he heard some ladies talking outside the wall, so he came out and stood before them. They thought him to be the soul of Christ. So Christ talked to them to show them that he was alive. Listening to him they asked, Sire, shall we go to Galilee as advised by two angels ? Can we see you there ? Jesus was surprised to hear that question because he did not know the plan of his wellwishers. He thought a little and said,

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Yes. Tell all friends and disciples that I am going to Galilee. So meet me there. I shall see you all. He got exhaustion and expressed his wish that they should go. Hence all of them returned. His protectors helped him walk slowly to home. At home Nicodemus bandaged his wounds and gave him medicines to relieve him from exhaustion. He told Christ to take rest strictly and to be calm and quiet. Christs body was weak but his mind was strong, full of vigour, so he did not like that suggestion. He did not want to rest, but his body was so exhausted that he fell down and went into deep sleep. Nicodemus, Joseph and others contemplated about his safety in detail. They decided to find out what the public was speaking about him. Therefore they sent their men to the town to find what was going on in the town. On that dreadful night, the watchmen ran away to the town and to cover their cowardice told many horrible stories to people. They told delicious stories that angels came, horrible scenes were seen, angels drove them away, etc. Therefore the head priest was also fumbled. He could not understand what to do. People were disturbed to a great extent. Those ladies and gents who had been to the tomb also added their visions and stories full of miracles. Hearing them people perturbed even more. That condition was not favorable to the head priest so he bribed some agents to tell public that, The Disciples of Christ have stolen away the dead body of Christ and now they are telling a lie that Christ died and revived again. They are deceiving the public in that manner.

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Christ had very deep sleep throughout that day. That rest fuelled him with more energy and force. His pains also diminished. He was obliged to the friends who took all his care and who were anxious about his health. It was for them that he felt better. So he thanked them heartily. He got up without any bodys help and felt hungry. So he begged for some food. After eating food he felt energetic and said, Now I am strong enough so it is not good for me to hide. A preacher should always be in people, like children should embrace their mothers.

In Feeble Body Christ Prepares To Work Joseph replied, The Essene cult is now your mother and father. As promised it has protected you by all means, like a son. Christ says, I am not afraid of death, because I have faced it. Even my enemy has to agree that the God has protected me. It is His wish that I should not die, now. One member of Essene said on it, You are not safe in this country. Enemy will not leave you undiscovered. Therefore do not go to the public for teaching. Whatever you have taught your disciples, they will remember it forever and will put before the world. I pray you with prostration that henceforth be disappeared from worlds eyes. This cult has imbibed you with life on the strength of its secret knowledge, so henceforth spend your life for the cult. You are bound to the cult now. Be in seclusion, increase your knowledge and virtues and live untouched by the world. We will forward your suggestions and teachings to your disciples, secretly. Through this sacred cult they will

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get instigation and help. When time comes that you will be safe if exposed, we will contact you and invite. Christ said, My divine energy is stronger than the fear of death. I will meet my disciples once again and then will go to Galilee. The master of Essene then said, As you like. If God guides you, then go. But a man should always be alert and careful in doing good works. Therefore we will protect you through our men. Here Nicodemus felt his travel hazardous for his health in that weakness. Therefore he prayed, Please do not travel in this condition. It will hamper your health and cause difficulty in future. So, please, postpone your plan. However, Christs body was weak, but mind was fully energetic. Hence, he said, Whatever may happen, I have decided to go. It is final. Nicodemus and others respected his firm decision in that weak state of body. Their honour towards his extraordinary power increased. Christ Goes On Tour, Meets Two Acquainted : Evening appeared and Christ prepared for travel. He decided to travel alone. It was severe cold then. For that cold and for keeping him under veil from the officers, he was supplied with a woolen gown. Christ covered all his body with that gown and set on travel. The Essenes told him, Where ever you halt, stay with some Essenes house. Do not go by main roads, go by uncommon roads with care. He accepted the suggestion and set out. Everybody bade farewell to him. But on strong suggestion by Joseph, the Essenes sent one person for his protection, without Christs knowledge. He was ordered to keep watch on Christ and to arrange his stay at Essene houses, secretly. While Christ

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walked on road, two travelers came from Jerusalem on the same road. They began journey much after Christ, but they were strong and fast walking, therefore they overtook Christ. They did not pay any attention towards Christ because he was unknown to them. However, they were talking about Christs death, the despair arose in his disciples, loss of all hopes in his friends, etc. Christ listened to their conversation. He felt that his teaching would be wiped out soon. It cannot be propagated, without a leader all the work will be deranged, and whatever he had done might vanish soon. Thinking this way his mind got up with strength. He approached them and said, Let peace be with you. Christ recognized them as his friends. Christ Was Recognized, Deceiving Them He Went Away One of the two acquainted persons said, The future told by Daniel failed totally. It was foretold that Christ will die and resurrect; but it did not happen. Excitingly Christ talked to them. They felt that what he told was already listened to from the mouth of Christ, so they were amused. While walking, evening appeared. Both of them halted at one place and forcibly made Christ also halt with them. While talking they recognized Christ. However Christ did not want to expose him there, so he deceitfully went out. Then he halted at a house of one Essenes, according to earlier suggestion. The two returned from that place to Jerusalem and told the news of the resurrection of Christ to friends. They were John and Peter. In the house where Christ stayed, there gathered Essenes to think about Christ. At that time the youth who came behind Christ was also present. Christ thought

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that he should return to Jerusalem, instigate disciples, prove that he has really revived and confirm the news spread by those two men as a fact. The Essene friend gave him a donkey to ride on. Riding on that donkey Christ returned to Jerusalem. That youth, too, accompanied him walking by the side of the donkey. On return, Christ approached a well in a house where the Essenes used to gather. He uttered a secret password when the guard opened the door and let Christ in. He entered a hall where disciples and friends of Christ had gathered and discussed whether Christ really resurrected and how it happened. During this discussion Christ reached there. All were surprised how he could enter though the door was closed. They suspected him to be a ghost on that ground and got much disturbed. However, Christ told them that he entered by opening the door and that he was not a ghost. To assert it he shook hands with them and requested them to give him food because he was hungry. They offered him bread, honey and fish. He ate it. So everybody became happy and gathered around to congratulate him and question about his health. He told them, Do not be nervous. Do not forget my teachings, continue work. I will not tell now, where I am going. But when you ask for, I will be with you bodily. However, now I will go alone. Telling this he came out. There, the youth waited for him holding the ass. As he began riding on the ass, one more youth arrived there in his search and accompanied him walking. All the three came to the house of Essenes but with much difficulty, because that house was far away. Christ was tired and anxious about safety because of fear of re-arrest. He

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went home and lay down on a bed of soft grass. Instantly he went into deep sleep. He slept for a long time. After full rest he got up. When he was asleep, the two youths called Nicodemus and Joseph and other Essenes friends to see Christ. The youths told them all the incidents. So they contemplated about safety of Christ for a long time and took some decisions. It was decided that after his sleep he would be told the decisions, boldly. Christ should quickly go into a valley nearby, where many Essenes resided. Christ also had resided there for a long time in company with John who had initiated Christ. By the time this decision was done, Christ woke up. He was amused to see all friends gathered there to discuss about him. Christ was told how the head priest suspected him and Pilet, how he doubted that they had plotted to change all circumstances, how Joseph decided to bury Christ in a tomb already built in his land, ascertaining this fact how he decided to question Joseph about it. Narrating all these facts respectfully, Joseph persuaded the mind of Christ to behave as they suggested. The principals of Essene cult also told Christ to agree with Josephs plan. At the end Christ consented to behave accordingly. All right, as you all wish, I will do. But instigate my disciples, help them, protect them, and induce confidence in them that I will be in them with my body and mind. In martyrdom his body was almost burnt, so if he worked with zeal in full strength, the body would not survive. Therefore it was essential to take rest for some period, said Nicodemus and Joseph. In reply Christ said, If I do not go to them and prove my existence to make them believe it, they will think that I have become a ghost or it is all the play of mind. Joseph said, Include John in the

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rank of elderly. Make him believe that Christ still exists, by arranging a meeting of the two. He will make others believe. However the seniors did not agree with Joseph. They said, John is still at a low level, he can not keep all secrets under veil. With extraneous bliss he may expose Christs presence before public. It is not desirable. Whole day they stayed there. At night Joseph, Nicodemus and other seniors went with Christ by a secret way, through valley of Raphius and in the morning they reached Syaseda. From there they proceeded by a route known only to Essenes into a valley of forest. Christ was placed comfortably there. They began return journey, when Christ said, I shall stay here till I get a message from God to begin work. I shall not go out anywhere. Workless Life Not Tolerated- Return to Jerusalem- New Danger arose : He could not teach disciples and could not work, so Christ became nervous. Unconcerned he moved aimlessly. He could not stay unmotivated, idle. Thomas was a disciple of Christ, whom Christ had told about his life work. He had faith in Christ and his work; but he could not believe that Christ revived after death. He was not senior Essenes, but was in a high rank. He supposed such miracles as superstition, so did not believe in that story. He spoke to other disciples and made them not believe such stories. When Christ understood this fact, he thought that all the disciples might lose faith in his resurrection and they would become reluctant to work. It might cause harm to his aim. Thinking this way, Christ decided to return to

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Jerusalem in spite of perils. Accordingly, he went to Jerusalem and met disciples at a place of one Essenes. In personal visit, Thomas believed in the revival of Christ. All disciples became happy. Christ told them to be cautious because of dangers from enemies. He asked them to take care and promised to meet in Galilee. Without informing anybody he began his tour. John also accompanied him with one more youth of Essene cult. Christ asked that youth to tell the disciples that Christ had gone to Bethnia. Christ went to Bethnia with John. On hearing that in the house of Lazarus some disciples had gathered, Christ informed them his coming through John. He asked John to tell that if it were safe then only Christ would come. Accordingly, John reported safety. Therefore Christ went there and met his mother and friends. He stayed there for one day. He taught them some lessons. He advised them not to have false desire of meeting him constantly. During the second night he told that his time for going to Galilee had ripened, so he had to go. Actually he thought of starting, but there were perils around. The chief priest Syaphus understood Christs presence in Jerusalem. So he planned to pick him up and kill. He had deliberately spread the rumour that Disciples of Christ took away stealthily the dead body of Christ and now telling his revival, they are deceiving people. In spite of that news, people believed in revival of Christ and became irritated because of injustice to Christ. They believed in teachings of Christ. Therefore the priest felt fear of some revolution. The authorities felt that people of Galilee might revolt and throw off the government to appoint a new king. Hence with care he tried to smash all those efforts. He arrested Joseph. When that

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news spread, the Essenes had a secret meeting. In it they contemplated how to safeguard Christ and release Joseph. They planned some ways. They had not seen Christ since evening. So they doubted if he had been arrested. They searched for him. When they understood that Christ was thinking to escape to Bethnia by a secret route, they met him and told, You are in a great danger. Joseph has already been arrested. Therefore you must be very careful. Christ told them to release Joseph anyhow and to save disciples from calamities. He sent John to Jerusalem with the same message and he himself went to Gilgad with Lazarus. Later at night he alone proceeded to the river Jordan, where he was initiated. As suggested by John many disciples approached the border of Galilee. They did not know exactly where to meet Christ and when. Therefore they settled there remembering their homes. Christs Escape to Carmel Valley : Christ toured a little every day. He stayed at many places in houses of Essenes. On the way he heard the news of Josephs release and became happy. When he heard that Joseph was coming to meet him he enjoyed it. Christ was told by Essenes that his passage to Galilee was known to all, so it was dangerous to proceed openly, because enemy might seize him there. Christ accepted that suggestion and thought about how and when to go to Galilee and where to stay and meet disciples. Essenes advised to meet disciples in seclusion in the valley of Carmel. The valley was full of divine plants and the atmosphere was healthy. The Essenes experts got medicinal plants from that valley. There were many streams of pure water

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and many caves in the mountain. The Essene Yogis practiced Yoga in those caves. Hearing all this, Christ remembered how in ancient age the wise sages lived there. Therefore he decided to go in the valley. He began tour. On the way he stayed at one of his disciples named Seaman for one day and proceeded further at night. At dawn he approached the seashore of Galilee. There a hut was built by Peter. Christ stayed in that hut. He came to know the decision of gathering of disciples at Bethsaida, where further planning would be done. He ordered to gather in the valley of Carmel, where he himself was going. Reaching there he decided to take rest for one day and begin discourses. He was safe in the valley of Carmel. But those who assembled there were after only miracles. Many expected miracles to happen. Many thought of an epoch of new religious leader and supposed Christ as that leader and expected some unimaginable miracle. Some dreamt that Christ would begin a divine rule after releasing the Jews from Roman Empire. Christ Exhibits Him To Disciples : Hearing all that Christ was pained. He said, I am not here to begin something anew or to enjoy physical power and wealth. I am working to bring people on good path. The Essenes had no interest in worldly and political aspects, so they did not misunderstand Christ. Disciples were eager to meet Christ and so were told that he would meet them the next morning. Next day disciples gathered in the morning and waited for Christ. Thousands had assembled. It was morning. The fog spread on mountain was shining with reddish hue due to tender, pleasing sunrays. Christ was wrapped in white clothing

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and began coming down the mountain. While coming through the fog, his white robe shone in reddish light. Enclosed in that shining robe Christs grand figure descended as if a divine personality was coming down from heavens. Everybody gathered was highly impressed by that vision. They prostrated at his feet. The people bifurcated to give him way. Loudly Christ said, I have come to bring divine rule here by way of knowledge and virtues. I am doing efforts for it. I have not come to introduce any new religion. Then he gave discourse explaining how to initiate disciples, how to nurse a diseased, how to know properties of plants and minerals, how to tame animals, how to negate poisons, etc. He lived there for many days with disciples. Christ trained them how to behave and lead life. He was told by Essenes that people of Galilee are perturbed and enemies also are irate. Enemies are ready to arrest and trouble him. Therefore Christ ordered disciples to go away and promised to meet at Bethabeg. Christ was tired of working for so many days, so rest was essential. Joseph, Nicodemus and other seniors gathered in Christs room and dined with him. Though Christ was very tired, he was energized by the sight of Nicodemus and Joseph. He said, Do not misunderstand me because I did not work according to the rules of rank of Essene cult. Had I lived in secrecy like you, real knowledge could not have reached people, like today. In public life we can follow knowledge and virtues. Christ advised them not to remain unknown, but to come forwards to give knowledge to people.

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Christ Decides to Go Underground To Avoid Risks : Nicodemus told him, People do not understand properly the meaning of your teachings. They desire to overthrow the Roman Empire and declare you a king. Do not get involved in wars and bloodshed to establish a divine kingdom. Go to seclusion. Like Essene Sadhus live hidden. Your disciples and followers will work under your guidance and will spread your teachings. Some Essenes did not like the idea of Christ living hidden. If he goes in secrecy, they thought, the people will be dissatisfied and will prove harmful. But Christ agreed with Joseph. He was afraid to see bloodshed for him. He did not like revolution with bloodshed for him. Admitting his body had become very weak and frail he decided to go into seclusion. Accordingly he went with Joseph and Nicodemus to Bethania. On the way he told that he was going somewhere on shore of the Dead Sea. It was his experience of many days that when he told people where he was going, people gathered there in thousands and following them perils also came to him. Therefore telling that he was going to the Dead Sea, he planned to go somewhere else. This conjecture appears true because of the following incidents. The Last Sight of Christ and Disappearance: In Bethnia, he consoled his mother. He told Lazarus and other friends that his disciples should spread his teachings and in such disciples he would definitely be present. The news spread like wind that Christ is near Jerusalem. Hundreds of disciples gathered at the secret place. They hoped that now they would get liberty from the harness of Roman Empire and

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Christ would be their king. But Christ explained them their mistake and cleared that he had not come to reign on physical level, but to give them a divine rule of knowledge, wisdom and virtues. In between Christ again went to Jerusalem with his honest disciples. The detectives of officers were spread to arrest him. In that condition Christ again got weakness and exhaustion. His wounds pained again. His face withered. He met Essenes seniors and told that he felt his last departure had arrived close. He requested them to meet him on the Olive Mountain and from there to accompany him to a secluded place. Then he went with disciples out of the town through a gateway towards the valley of Josaphat. He felt heaviness in chest and was depressed. He thought it as his last tour. With heavy feet he went alone. Disciples followed him. They reached the peak of the Olive Mountain. Whole region of Palestine was seen from there. He saw that region till satisfied, because he had resided and worked there till then. As planned earlier, to go in seclusion, the Essenes Yogis waited for him on the other side of the mountain. The disciples hoped that they might be allowed to accompany him. But Christ refused, telling them to keep faith and conviction firm. While talking his voice went down. It appeared that his mind was fixed somewhere else, in a deep thought. He raised his arms, blessed all disciples and friends from heart. It was evening. Mist covered the mountain. It got reddish tinge due to sunset. The Essenes Yogis sent him a message that they were waiting for him and as it was already late, he should be quick. Knowing that time of his departure had arrived all the disciples lay prostrate on his feet and touched their heads to ground in salutation. At

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that moment Christ sought opportunity to go away quickly, of course with grief. When the disciples raised their heads they saw Christ disappeared. At his place one Essene Yogi was standing wrapped in white robe. He told that Christ had gone and would never see you again. Therefore vouch to behave according to his teachings and go home. They pained to hear it. Aggrieved they returned because there was no solution. With pain and feeling of hurt they climbed down the hill towards home.

Christs Departure to Seclusion and Death : After some time a new encouragement entered the disciples. They were instigated to spread the teachings of beloved Guru Christ as a divine favour. Because Christ was never to return, it was their duty to fulfill his wish, they felt. That feeling aroused them to work hard. They daily told the teachings of Christ to public. However a rumour spread in public that when he bade farewell on the Olive Mountain, Christ was lifted up by some angel in clouds and was taken to heavens. The disciples, who were absent when Christ departed, prepared a story as they wished and began spreading it among people. The reason behind it was to make people accept Christs teachings with faith. Those who expected some miracle to believe were satisfied by such stories. Therefore the rumour was propagated. John and Mathew were present then; but they did not write anything in favour or against it. However, the belief spread in public to in-

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crease importance of Christ. When Christ departed to lead retired life in seclusion, Joseph, Nicodemus and some other Essene Gurus accompanied him. His feeble physique waned day by day. Joseph and Nicodemus took him to seclusion and returned. However later they visited him two or three times. When they went to meet him after six months they understood that Christ had died. Both returned with grief and told the sad demise to people. Thus this author of this letter also believes that Christ died near the Dead Sea.

Why the Rumour Of Christs Death ? The later facts prove that Christ did not die as told above. Then why was the rumour spread ? What was the secret behind it ? Let us see it here. The wounds on body were not healed to perfection. The physical body suffered deadly tortures and became emaciated, vigour less. In addition his friends met him often to tell various sad news, which pained him much. He was unable to do anything against the calamities, so mind also became nervous and dejected. In such condition, looking to the sad state of Christ in his last days, the Essene chiefs decided to take Christ to a place where nobody would meet him to trouble in any way. This decision might have been made by the seniors of Essene cult because they knew mind and body both, and could go in shoes of Christ and circumstances around him. But wherever Christ went previously, his disciples followed him. Thinking that the same might happen again and Christ would be pained a lot, they deliberately

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released a rumour of the death of Christ. It was the only way to avoid disciples to trace him. This trick clicked nicely. Nobody tried to trace Christ on hearing his death. Seeking this opportunity they took away Christ to some other place. How can that other place be different from the mother of Saints, Sadhus, and great men ? The mother India ! One great man brought Christ to India and placed him in the heaven of the Earth. The Kashmir ! This great man must be Chetan Nath, previously mentioned.

Evidence To Show That Christ Came To India There is a book in tradition named as Natha -Namawali, in India. In it is included a short history of Christ that he was crucified and with tremendous pains he lay on death bed. Knowing it by Yogic wisdom, Chetan Nath, who was in deep Samadhi in the Himalayas, rose from Samadhi and rushed to Palestine. Then he brought Christ to India. Thus is a short history recorded in the book. The information as given above in detail is not recorded in the book. However it is recorded that he treated Christ in the tomb, brought him into conscious state and carried him to India. Christ was a great personality so it was inevitable that he would behave as he wished. Chetan Nath allowed him to behave as he wished. He noticed that Christ could not do any work in future. Therefore it was better to pass last days, in some quiet place away from pains and tensions, in memory of God. Convincing Christ the same Chetana Nath might

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have brought Christ to India. Before looking to his life in India, let us see the evidence of his entry in India. 1] Dr. Notowich states in his book The Unknown Life of Jesus that at the age of thirteen years Christ came to India and returned to his land at the age of thirty years. During this period he studied in India the Vedas, Yoga, etc. A book recording these facts was achieved in Tibet from a Bauddha Sadhu. It is translated by Dr. Notowich. The same history of Christ of his childhood is recorded in Natha Namawali. The two different books, from two different places record the same history. It cannot happen unless it is a true fact. Natha Namawali supports the book from Tibet, so there remains no doubt about its reality. Therefore it must be a true historic fact that Christ came with Chetana Natha to India. However only on this basis we cannot assume it as a proved fact. There should be more evidence, indisputable and independent. See here such evidences. 2] One Arabian book named as Tarikh E Ajama states, There is a famous lake on the boundaries of Kashmir and Afghanistan, called as Ishanalapa. There every year in Chaitra lunar month, at the time of Suns entry in the sign of zodiac Aries i.e Mesha Sankranti day, there assembles a big crowd for worshipping Lord Shiva. While touring to India, Christ was thirsty and he quenched his thirst by drinking water of this lake. He became fresh again. The crowd gathers here in memory of that incident. 3] Mohammad Paigambar was born about five to six hundred years after Christ. Till then there was Hindu religion though in a corrupt form due to forgetfulness. Therefore there is much information recorded about Christ as a passing re-

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mark in Kuran. In Kuran at verse 645, a famous Moulana Mohamad Ali states in foot note thus : This verse states that Jesus did not die on cross. He remained alive. Even then assuming him to be dead, his body was handed over to his friends. In the same Kurana, verse 1723, in the notes, it is stated with evidence that Christ finally came to India in Kashmir and died in Kashmir. The evidence is recorded as follows : (A) At a high altitude from the sea level, there is a fertile land having many ponds and lakes. Christ went in such country. The description points to lands like Jerusalem, Egypt, Damascus, etc. But those were not the countries where Christ went. It was Kashmir where Christ resided. (B) Ten human species are now lost from Palestine. Some of them are found in Kashmir. Some names of villages and towns from Palestine are found given to villages and towns in Kashmir. Therefore it is not unnatural that Jesus from Palestine came to India in Kashmir. In Shrinagar there is a street called as Khatayar, where there is a Samadhi, a tomb, which is named as tomb of Nabi saheb, or Paigambar or Isa or Usasaf Nabi. Muslims believe that no Paigambar came after Mohamad. Paigambar from any other country or religion did not come in Kashmir, any time. Christ was the closest Paigambar born before Mohammad. Therefore the tomb of Nabi must be the tomb of Christ. Moreover it is also called as tomb of Isa. Isa means Jesus Christ. Now why is it called as tomb of Usasaf ? The reasons given by Moulana Mohamad Ali are as follows :
(a) A traditional legend in Kashmir tells that about two thousand years ago a Paigambar named as Usasaf came from west in Kashmir. It is a tomb of

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(b) There is an old history book termed as Tarikha E Ashmi. It records on page 82 that, It is a tomb of one Paigambar. He was a king named as Usasaf. We have seen above that people of Palestine desired Christ to be their king. Therefore it was inevitable that he was assumed to be a king. Moreover, a board was attached on his cross on which was written King
Of the Jews (c) An Arabic book titled as Ikmaba Udadin is about a thousand years old. It states that Usasaf went to a distant country. (d) Relying on an ancient evidence Joseph Jacobs states that Usasaf (Joaseph) finally went to Kashmir and expired there.

(e) Barlam the Josaphet (page 9) shows that the tomb on the main street, named Khatayar, is of Usasaf. But who was this Usasaf ? Asking this question, Mohamad Ali states, The written and oral evidence shows that he was a Nabi or Paigambar, beyond suspicion. There is marked resemblance between Us and Yeshu. Yeshu is an Arabic conversion of Jesus. The philosophy of Usasaf and Jesus are miraculously similar. The book of philosophy of Usasaf is called as Busha in Arabic. Busha means a religious book or Gospel. This evidence with other proves that Usasaf means Jesus and there remains no doubt that the tomb is of the Christ. All this evidence points to a fact that Jesus the Christ after crucifixion went to Kashmir, lived there preaching philosophy and died there. Shri Rama Teerth Swami told in his lecture, as recorded in a book titled as In The Words Of Realization that Jesus Christ came to live in Kashmir, died in Kashmir and his tomb is in Kashmir. There is a famous ointment in Kash-

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mir, which heals wounds early and completely and it is supposed that it was used for healing the wounds of Jesus Christ. Hence it is supposed to be a sure remedy. He also told almost the same history recorded in Nath Namawali and By An Eyewitness . It records history of Christ living in India for study for thirteen years as stated by Dr. Notowich in his book. Therefore we cannot object to the records of Natha Namawali. It records that after crucifixion, Chetan Nath went to him and brought him in Kashmir. That record corresponds with the facts that his name is used for an ointment, for a lake, and a tomb in Shrinagar, the capital of Kashmir. The Muslim religious book also records the fact that Christ came at his end in Kashmir. Relying on the different and independent evidence, we have to admit that Nath Namawali records a true and correct history of Christ. Therefore we now see what is recorded in Natha Namawali about last events in Christs life. End Of Incarnation and Samadhi : Christ came to Kashmir with Chetan Nath, became healthy and with the help of Chetan Natha he established one Math (Monastery) at the feet of the Himalayas probably in Kashmir. He worshipped Lord Shiva there for three years and achieved his Darshan (Saw Shiva in vision). He gathered knowledge and energy and placed Trishoola, a seed of the world. He worshipped Lord Shiva in the form of a Linga. Sadhus and people arrived from all directions to stay with him and accepted him as Guru, the spiritual teacher. This way he carried the work of the cult till he became forty-nine years old, when he thought of leaving his physical body. He sat in a Yogic posture and went

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into deep Samadhi (trance) and left the physical body. In this way Ishanath i.e. Isa or Christ terminated his incarnation. Natha- Namawali quotes his name as Ishanatha. Here is the end of acquaintance of Jesus the Christ and proving his Hinduism beyond doubt. But with this acquaintance some problems may arise before readers so I feel necessary to explain those points.
If Christians and Yeudis are Cults of Hinduism, then why there is difference between the Old and the New Testaments ? The colonies in Arabia

and similar countries were of the Hindu origin. Among them some were called as Israel. The word Israel might have originated from Ishwaral = devotee of the God. Those Israel or Jews might be the Hindus or from their branch. To achieve the name Hindu, it is not sufficient to be residents of India or their descendents. They should be Hindus in religion. Without it nobody will call them Hindu. The name Hindu has born indirectly. The people residing near the river Sindhu and around were called as Sindhus or Hindus. The religion followed by those people was termed as Hindu religion. Hindu is a term applied to the people as well as the race and religion. Race and religion are combined in that term Hindu and it is used in daily life. In the same sense the people in Arabia were Hindus. It means that they were of Hindu race and Hindu religion. If they were Hindus, the religious books must contain the same religion and philosophy. However the contents of the Old Testaments do not fit properly in Hindu philosophy and therefore it can not be said as of Hindu cult. Hindus, too, will not accept the Old Testaments as their

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religious book. Others also will not agree with it. What is the reason ? If the Jews were Hindus, why their religious books do not show image of Hinduism or Hindu philosophy ? This question must be answered.

Why the Hinduism is not seen in the Old Testaments of Jews? The old religious book of the Jews is not available now in pure form. Its reason is that around 587 years Before Christ a Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar invaded and conquered Palestine and surrounding regions. He destroyed the religions there. The Jews were totally destroyed in Palestine. Nobody knows what was the religion of that king and his people. But it is certain that it must be different from the Jews. If it were not so then they would not have destroyed the Jews and their religion. About a century later king Cyrus of Persia and Iran smashed the empire of Babylon and relieved the Jews. The Jews were now allowed to go to Palestine. In the mean time the Parsis had relation with Jews, of course like donor and recipient. Therefore religious attitudes of the Jews were impressed by the Parsis. The Parsis allowed them revive their religion. Naturally, it is evident that the Parsis believed that in rewriting the Jew religion, there might not be much difference between the Parsi and the Jew religions. The revived Jew religion might have contained many aspects of the Parsi religion. This is not the place to prove this with evidence. We have to be satisfied with points accepted by history. Madam Blavatsky, a famous Theosophist, has presented the same fact openly in her book. Therefore it

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seems that the revived religious books of the Jews are not like the old ones, but are changed to a great extent due to impression of the Parsi religion. The Romans conquered Palestine when their emperor destroyed Jerusalem and banned the Jews to come near it. At that time the Jews spread all over the world, so different opinions, customs and traditions from different countries entered their religion and broke their unity. Due to all these reasons, the rewriting of the Old Testament was not pure. The Karma Siddhanta and Rebirth theory, which are the main pillars of Hinduism were present in the Jews, too, as evident from some of their books like Wisdom of Soloman etc. However it is not entered in the Old Testament. Therefore the Jew religion could not remain in its pure, original form, it became distorted. When the Jews suffered like this, there was one Essene cult, which, in a way, preserved Hinduism in a secret way, remaining unattached to the surroundings, maintaining link with the ancient tradition and religion. In other parts of Arabia, Hinduism was preserved to some extent, but that, too, was not in pure form, because no intercourse remained with India. Thus this was the state of the Jew religion, related to the first point. Which is the next point? Christ Was Hindu, Why the Bible Differs From Hinduism? It is seen up till now, that the preaching of Jesus Christ was in the form of Hinduism. The present Bible is supposed to be Christs preaching, and it is not seen similar to Hinduism, but seems similar to the Old Testament and so is called as the New Testament. Therefore it cannot be said to be of Hinduism, it is contradictory

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to Hinduism. How to solve this riddle ? The Jews, who served the Roman Empire, opposed Christ for political purpose. It was at the instance of the Jews religious head, that Christ was ordered crucifixion. It was power politics. Those religious heads tried to find out Christ to kill him again, when Christ disappeared from the tomb and a rumour came that he was resurrected. They wished to take revenge on his friends too. They tried hard on behalf of the Roman rulers. That religious chief was also a chief of the town Palestine in the Roman Empire. Therefore he had religious as well as political power as an agent of the Roman Empire. He stretched his venom to the extent of accusing Christ of treason and crucifying. However common Jews respected Christ very much. They devoted him. Christ was bold and appeared similar to the description of a preacher, they had heard. He was a living example of it in front of their eyes. In such condition, had Christ written his teachings and philosophy with his own hands, it would not have perturbed by the followers, assuming that hand written book as a precious treasure of religion. Had Christ written with his sacred hands, that book would have reached us intact, in the form of a Hindu book. However, Christ did not write his philosophy himself. After his demise his disciples compiled his preaching. If this original compilation remained undisturbed, then also it would have been respected as a true Bible showing resemblance with Hinduism. It would have proved that Christ was a Hindu and he preached the Hindu philosophy. But the present Bible shows no similarity with Hinduism. However, Christs Hindu ness is proved by much evidence, so it is wrong to deny his Hindu ness only on the ground that the Bible

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does not show Hindu elements. On the contrary, Christ is proved Hindu beyond doubt, therefore we should find out the reason why the Bible differs from Hinduism. We have to say that the present Bible is not the original, preached by Hindu Christ. Why this happened ? Where is the real Bible of Christ? Which is the present Bible ? Let us try to find answers. The Present Bible Is Not Of Christ It is no illusion to say that Christ was Hindu. His father, mother and relatives and race were Hindu. His philosophy was Hindu. All this is proved by evidence. Therefore the conclusion comes that the present Bible is not his preaching. The present Bible is not of Christ. No evidence is yet found to say that the present Bible is composed by some one else. Even then we can safely state that it is not of Christ. It is proved by the internal evidence from his biography. Let us see if we can find an evidence to say the Bible is his. 1] Life is a fraction of the God, so there cannot be objection to say that Christ was a son of the God. Looking to his virtues, practically also, we cannot deny his divinity. The Essene people said so, as is seen from biography. A man having divine power is not accepted by the Old Testament or the Bible. Christ said he was divine. 2] The God is omnipresent, situated in all things in the world, is a Vedic philosophy. It was accepted by Christ as a strong pillar of his philosophy. This opinion is not accepted by the Jews. The Jews and modern Christians opine that the God is present some where in the sky, and his throne is situated in the sky or heavens and from there he controls the world. 3] Sacred thread ceremony of Christ was per-

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formed. The present rituals of initiation are queer. Christ had taken Sanyas Deeksha just like the Hindus. Modern Christians do not have that form and sanctification. 4] It is unknown to the Christians that Christ had been in India and had learnt many things from Nath Sampradaya, had accepted many rituals of Nath cult, and his Deity was Lord Shankar. Therefore they do not like to accept the fact. 5] It was believed, then, that Christ was an incarnation of either Vishnu or Shiva and he was worshipped in those forms. To prove this fact many portraits and signs are available. Christians were and are still against this concept. 6] Had Christ not been a Hindu, he would not have come to India, in Kashmir, with a Hindu Yogi, from Palestine, after relieving from crucifixion. He would not have initiated worship of Lord Shiva and propagated it. Adhering to the Jew concept, he would have died in Palestine, the only sacred place in the world. It shows that he was not a Jew but Hindu. The philosophy of Vedanta, Bouddhas traditions, Shri Shiva as a principal deity and practice of Yoga were the four pillars of his cult. The main instructor of the cult, Jesus Christ was a Hindu himself. He was not a follower of the present Bible and its views. Then Which Is The Modern Bible ? This question has an answer in history, luckily. Shri Shankaracharya, other Acharyas, Jnaneshwar, Ramadasa, and other saints composed their books themselves. Their books were written to propose a peculiar, particular, philosophy. Hence the books are authoritative. It is not the case of Buddha or Christ. The basic philosophical book of Buddhas, the Dhammapada

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is not composed by Buddha himself. His teachings were collected by his disciples to produce it. Therefore it can not be said that it is definitely of Buddha. However, the book was composed at the time of Buddha, according to history. Therefore it may be said to be the philosophy of Buddha himself. It is not the case with Christ. Christ only preached, did not write. He was all the time entangled in perils throughout his life and his disciples were also in danger all the time, so that his philosophy could not be compiled in his lifetime. It was compiled long after his death. It is a posthumous book, produced by the then followers. Whatever his direct followers wrote, from their memory, might be matching with his preaching and if this had preserved as it was, it would have resembled Hinduism. The peculiarity of Hindu philosophy from other religions is the Vedanta Philosophy, teaching Karma Siddhant and Rebirth theory. There are many facets of Hindu religion such as Dwaita, Adwaita, Wishishta-Adwaita, etc. Even the presence of Ishwara, God also is not so forcefully told in all cults of Hinduism. But the Karma Siddhanta and Rebirth theory are the two essentials of Hinduism, without which no cult of Hinduism exists. These two propositions of Hinduism are very strong and rational, scientific theories. No cult would have existed without these two pillars. The same would have been the status of Christian religion, if the original philosophy had preserved as Christ told it. However the documents prepared by the direct disciples of Christ storing his teachings, could not stay in pure nature. Hence the modern Bible is different. The tradition laid down by Christs influence and preserved by his disciples, continued

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for about three hundred years, in spite of opposition. The Old Testaments also, though supposed to be showing the Jew religion, is not in pure state in relation to original Hinduism, it is perverted by some unknown reason. The written philosophy of religion shows stronger effects on people than the unwritten philosophy arrived by tradition. The unwritten philosophy is forgotten while written one exists for long. The same thing happened in the Jews. Due to influence of the book of Christs philosophy many people were attracted towards it, and due to its virtuous rituals and regulations, the righteous people entered it. In this way for three hundred years the Christs cult increased. Though disciples of Christ had written his philosophy by memory, the memories were scattered; they were not compiled together in one book, authorized book for behaving accordingly. Gradually some disciples thought of producing such a book. The principle of any religion is its philosophy. The philosophy of Christian religion had not, till then, reduced to a book form. It was spreading mouth to mouth. In such mouth to mouth publicity, its purity does not remain unaffected. The philosophy gradually had waned and at the time of compilation of a standard book it was not available, in true sense. In 364 A.D. a seminar was held to prepare a standard religious book, in Constantinopol. It is termed as the Council of Law Udinif . In that gathering of disciples of Christs tradition, memories were brought forwards in a form of notes. Contemplation was done on those memories and by majority, some points were selected to enter in the standard book. It was put forth before the public as a sacred book termed as the New Testaments. It is the modern Bible.

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The creation, Ishwara or God, life, heaven, hell, final emancipation, etc are to be considered in every religious book and some opinions are to be registered. About these factors, Christs instructions were impossible to achieve, so that all such points were taken from the Old Testament and accepted. Christs opinions about behaviour and energy were recorded in the memory-notes. Therefore, the same were taken in the book. Therefore a compilation called the sacred Bible came into existence, which was similar to the Old Testament of the Jews about philosophy; but it was quite different from the Old Testament as far as the custom, usage, practice, conduct etc are concerned. Therefore the Bible is not a collection of Christs thoughts, but is a deformation of them, based on the philosophy in the Old Testament. That too, was prepared about three hundred and fifty years after Christs death. It is not the collection of pure thoughts of Christ based on Hinduism. Christ was a Hindu, his teaching was Hindu philosophy. Even then todays Bible is sold on Christs name, though prepared by majority in the council of law Udinif. The Bible is a book prepared, three hundred and fifty years after the demise of Christ, on the strength of majority; it is not the teaching of Christ. Hindus have a habit of thinking without self-respect. So some Hindus may question whether the Bible should be renounced only because it has no connection with Hinduism ? If it is true and showing reality, what is the harm in accepting it ? This question appears to be an indifferent one, asked going beyond the emotion of mine and his, going deep to root, and unanswerable. Therefore we have to think on it. Religion is for the benefit of man and mankind. If a

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religion based on reality is propitious to an individual as well as society, it should be accepted without worry. Religion has two parts. One is its philosophy, which is more important. Second part is its application to benefit man or mankind. The philosophy should be comprehensive, logical, rational and scientific. It should pass the tests of scientific truth. It should not be against science and wisdom. The second part is practical or application in life. It should consider nature, tendencies, emotions, and sentiments of mankind and should show a path to achieve destination. The different paths have different books of that religion. Though different paths are present in one religion, they should have a single common philosophy. Without that common philosophy, it cannot be said to be a religion or a cult. Life comes from void at birth and goes to void at death. If it is true, then there is no need of any religion to any living thing or a man. From birth to death one should try to get happiness by any means and lead life, till death, when he will vanish in the void. Without understanding I, me, or self, a man will worry about how to get happiness and will struggle throughout life to achieve happiness. To get joy will be his valour. Attempt to get pleasure will be his nature till death. There will not be any other work for him. In such circumstances, there is no need to think about good and bad, just and unjust, piety and sin, morality and immorality, ethical and unethical, dos and donts etc. If one is gifted by nature with power in body, mind, intelligence he may use it against anybody to snatch pleasure of any kind, without thinking about others. In the world, there is no power, which can prevent him doing all ills. If

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there is no immortality then only efforts for a happy life will remain with animal. In such a state there is no need of religion. However, in Nature it is not the condition. Whether gravitation is known or unknown, it will affect every thing in the world. Similarly, immortality is the real truth, so according to good or bad deeds next births take place. It is a rule of the nature. The image of the nature is present in mind of everybody, unknowingly. Particularly in man, because he is intelligent thinker, imagination of immortality is present in mind. I must get fame, I will die but earn fame, etc are the wishes of any man. It is an urge sprouting from immortality situated at the bottom of his life. I need not go in this philosophy any more, because this is not a place for it. All life is immortal, having three phases. Therefore in the cycle of life and death he should be evolved all the time - he should not have a set back or degradation any time. For this reason religion is essential. The religion should have been based on the eternal truth and should show light on the path to salvation. The clairvoyants or seers discovered this need. Hence they built up a religion founded on a strong footing of Karma Siddhanta and Rebirth theory. Karma Siddhanta is a theory, which shows that life is paid for its deeds, good or bad. This religion got divided into many paths or cults according to difference in human nature or opinion. To receive a title of religion, Dharma, the two theories of Karma and rebirth must be at its root. Applying this test, the present Christian religion as told in the present Bible cannot be recognized as a religion (Dharma) or a cult (Pantha). Therefore the Bible is not acceptable,

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as it does not tell the truth. Any one who wants to get a real benefit should accept a Dharma or Dharma-pantha. Those who do not want to get evolved may remain in the play of I and You, mine and thine, boasting with attachment. When the path of reality is told to such people and even then they neglect it due to obstinacy, then they should be neglected, as Saint Tukarama said, When he himself does a wrong willfully, who will be at loss ? I have presented evidence, references, names of books and portraits, to prove that Jesus the Christ was a Hindu. He came to India to study the Vedas, and became expert in the Yoga and then returned to his country to preach the right path or religion. While preaching, he got involved in political storm and was crucified, but miraculously escaped alive. Later, his stay in Palestine, openly or underground, became dangerous. Therefore he came to India with a Yogi. He was a great personality, supposed to be an incarnation. Arriving in India, he continued preaching till death. This is in short the life history of Jesus the Christ. To remind the Christian world that they have snatched away Christs Hindu ness and to repay the debt of Christ to us that he gave by hurling the flag of Hinduism beyond India, I have done this work and I am satisfied with it. Let this literary worship of Jesus the Christ or Keshao the Krishna reach his divine feet. The End G. D. Savarkar, 22-12-1942. Hindhu Jesus Stamp On the occasion of Christmas 2005, the Royal Mail of England printed a postage stamp of 68

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pennies. It has included a picture sketched during 1620 1630 AD. The chief of the Royal Mail, Mr. Patrick ODonnell has stated that the picture is still present in the Shivaji museum in Mumbai. In this picture Jesus as a child is seen on the lap of a couple. The couple bears Kumkum Tilak (red colored mark) on the forehead. The child also has a similar red mark on his forehead. The red vermilion mark on the foreheads of all the three and the ornaments of Indian Hindu style shown in their ears and necks, prove them to be Hindus. In front one European lady is shown worshipping Jesus, while another European lady is shown behind serving the three. The Hindu lady is markedly different from the European ladies. The postal stamp is published by England, a Christian state. In spite of

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that the couple depicted is a Hindu couple, whose son is Jesus. Naturally, up to 1620 AD Jesus was supposed to be a Hindu child. The same is the conclusion of this book. This latest evidence supports the conclusion that Jesus the Christ was a Hindu by birth. Anybody can see this picture in the Stamp Calendar 2005 of the Royal Mail. There are six pictures. Below is the 5th. Pictures no. 2 & 3 show Hindu attire, Sari and Odhani, on the ladies.

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Biodata of Shri Baba Savarkar The Martyr, revolutionary the late Shree. Ganesh Damodar Jesus is a Hindu No the 168 eldest of the Savarkar Page was three great Savarkar brothers. Born on 13th June 1879, at Bhagur in Nasik district, he educated up to Matriculation in Nasik. In 1899, their father died, so he maintained the home. Their mother had already expired, in their childhood. In fact he was a spiritual personality, even then as a duty he participated in revolutionary activities and worked for two institutions namely, Mitra-Mela and Abhinava Bharata, which were founded by Veer Shree. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, to achieve liberty of India. He published some patriotic songs composed by a revolutionary, fire-poet Govind. On that ground, the British Government accused him of treason, arrested him and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1909. He was sent to the Andamans in 1910. When he lied on deathbed, he was brought to Indian prison in 1921 and was acquitted in 1922. However, before his acquittal, his beloved wife Sau. Yesu Wahini had expired in 1919. Even during ill health, he served his Hindu nation. In 1923, he founded Youth Hindu Sabha. From 1931 to 1934, he was house arrested in Kashi, by the British Government. There he authored an important book Rashtra Meemansa (Dialectics of Nation). From 1937 he worked in politics and fought for the independence of India, through the All India Hindu Maha Sabha. However, on 16th March 1945 he expired at Sangli, in Maharashtra. His other books are : (1) The Hindu Nation - Past, Present and Future. (2) The Swoop of Shivaji the Great on Agra. (3) Veer Ratna Manjusha - a treasure of valorous gems. (4) Why is the religion necessary ? (5) Veer Banda Bairagi - a biography of a revolutionary named Banda Bairagi. His wife Mrs. Yesu Wahini also took part secretly in politics and revolution. Price 120 Rs

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