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Action Communities for Health, Innovation & EnVironmental changE Community Support

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) and the YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) started the selection process and now the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) jointly decided on 40 new communities per year to fund and technical assistance in two categories: community funding (Category A) and translation and dissemination (Category B).


The Process
What ACHIEVE does when a community is selected:
Commitment form Community Health Action Response Team (C.H.A.R.T.) Assessment initiatives, trends, & opportunities Planningpriorities & develop a Community Action Plan (C.A.P.) Implementationuse C.A.P. Evaluationmeasure results & continue ACHIEVE process

What does ACHIEVE do?

ACHIEVE involves local communities, state organizations and national organizations to make healthier improvements for community members, which affects the places members live, work and play. The main reason ACHIEVE was started to help communities to gain the resources they need to meet their goals. The main health-risks that they are involved in helping to prevent or manage are: Heart Disease, Stroke Diabetes Cancer Obesity Arthritis Reducing tobacco use/exposure Promote physical activity Promote healthy eating Improve access to quality preventative healthcare services Eliminate health disparities

Category A NACCHO, NACDD, NRPA & Y-USA decide who to select Review and approving community action plans/ awarding funding Providing linkages to resources Connecting and identifying partners (local, national, state) Support sustainability planning Category B NACCHO & Society for Public Health Education decide who to select Provide health promotion tools & resources to communities Leadership Effective tools (promote electronic communications, community-based model, resources) Training opportunities Develop policy-related products

Muskegon, Michigan
The area of focus for Muskegon that ACHIEVE is supporting are strategies for access and intake of healthy food and incorporating healthy strategies in workplaces and reestablishing connections with policymakers. Ideas for health food o Locally grown food o Build community garden

January 2008 10 initial communities March 2009 43 communities added February 2010 41 communities added February 2011 40 communities added 2012 15 communities added Current total = 149 communities

Expected Results
The communities associated with the ACHIEVE program will be expected to have results that will help to build and sustain the healthy programs being implemented.

ACHIEVE piggy-backs on the community and provides more resources to allow that community to fulfill the goals of their programs. I believe that this is a great way to get communities the extra resources that they need to continue on with the programs that they initially started. I think that this is a great program and it allows communities to come up with what they want to complete, rather than being told to do something.

Role of the Nurse

The nurse is an advocate for all health services offered and must be able to give resources to the individuals and provide them with the knowledge of their community programs.

Health Promotion Theory

Diffusion of Innovation theory can be applied because ACHIEVE currently helps 149 communities and can incorporate the knowledge from what works effectively in managing and preventing health-risks in one community to another community.

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