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Traffic reason Handover parameters(TRHO) TRHO - trhoTargetLevel - TRHO target level With this parameter you define the minimum signal level when a traffic reason handover is allowed to an adjacent cell. MML range: -109...-47 dBm and N (not in use) Recommended value is -85dBm. AUT - amhUpperLoadThreshold -AMH upper load threshold This Parameter defines the upper threshold for load of the Base station .This parameter triggers, BSC Controlled traffic reason handover. In other words, the Traffic reason handover will get triggered in the Congested (Source) cell, when the load of this source cell goes above set value in the AUT (say source cell loaded more than 80%, triggrs TRHO). Range: 0...100 % and N Recommended Value is 80% AML - amhMaxLoadOfTgtCell -AMH Max Load Of Target Cell This Parameter defines maximum traffic load in the adjacent cell that is allowed to be the target cell for Traffic reason handover. In other words, when the Traffic reason handover get triggered in the Congested (Source) cell with AUT 80, the target cell where the traffic should be distributed should not be loaded more than 60. Range: 0...100 % Recommended Value is 60% TGT - amhTrhoGuardTime -TRHO Guard Time This Parameter defines the guard time after a BSC-controlled or an MSC-controlled TRHO, during which a handover back to the original cell is not allowed. In other words the MS will not be directed back to the original heavy loadad cell until the time set by TGT is attained.If TGT set to 20 sec, then the handover from target back to source will happen after 20 sec only. 0...120 sec

Recommended value is 20sec. ATPM - amhTrhoPbgtMargin - AMH TRHO pbgt margin With this parameter you define the power budget margin used in Advance Multilayer Handling when the load of the cell exceeds the value defined with the AMH Upper Load Threshold (AUT). Range is -24...24dBm Recommended value is -6 dBm.

Also confirm that TRHO is on at BSC level also.You can check it through ZWOS MML command output.Parameter is AMH_Usage which needs to be activated.

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