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Actiuni generale nu ceea ce facem in present ci de obicei,in general. Ex: Eu innot in fiecare zi I swim every day De retinut: 1. Se foloseste forma de baza a verbului (asa cum o gasim in dictionar) la toate persoanele cu exceptia persoanei a III a singular - adica cea corespunzatoare pronumelor el, ea - he, she, it. La aceasta persoana, se adauga -s/-es/-ies la forma de baza a verbului. Afirmativ : Subiect + Verbul la infinitive Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se termina mereu in s sau es : The boy wants a toy car for Christmas. Baiatul vrea o masina de jucarie pentru Craciun. Atentie: 1. Verbele care se termina in -y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in -ies: I cry She cries. I play He plays. 2. Verbele care se termina in o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III sg es My mother usually goes to the market in the morning. Mama se duce de obicei in piata dimineata. Exemplu: miss - misses finish - finishes watch - watches fix - fixes go - goes

4. Verbele care se termina in vocala + y primesc terminatia -s la persoana a III-a singular la Present Tense Simple: Exemplu: play - plays say - says Conjugarea verbului to work = a lucra / a munci: la Present Tense Simple - Affirmative I work = eu lucrez You work = tu lucrezi/ dumneavoastra lucrati He works = el lucreaza She works = ea lucreaza It works = daca ne referim la obiecte, sensul este functioneaza We work = noi lucram You work = voi lucrati/ dumneavoastra lucrati They work = ei lucreaza

Forma interogativa - cum formulam intrebari la present tense simple Interogativ : do not/ does not + Subiect + verb Does she want to participate in the competition? - Vrea ea sa participle in competitie? Conjugarea verbului to work = a lucra / a munci: la Present Tense Simple - Interrogative Do I work? = eu lucrez? / dumneavoastra lucrati? Do you work? = tu lucrezi? Does he work? = el lucreaza? Does she work? = ea lucreaza? Does it work?daca ne referim la obiecte, sensul este functioneaza ? Do we work? = noi lucram? Do you work? = voi lucrati? / dumneavoastra lucrati? Do they work? = ei lucreaza?

De retinut: 1. Pentru a formula intrebari la Present Tense Simple, avem nevoie sa folosim verbul auxiliar DO/DOES + SUBIECT + VERB: Exemplu: Do you speak English? = Vorbesti engleza? 2. DOES este forma pentru persoana a III- a singular. Exemplu: Does he live in Bucharest? = El locuieste in Bucuresti? Does she know German? = Ea stie germana?

FORMA NEGATIVA - CUM FORMULAM PROPOZITII NEGATIVE LA PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE Negativ : Subiect+ do not/ does not + verb She does not sing in the school chorus. Ea nu canta in corul scolii. Conjugarea verbului to work = a lucra / a munci: la Present Tense Simple - Negative I do not / don't work = eu nu lucrez You do not / don't work = tu nu lucrezi / dumneavoastra nu lucrati He do not / doesn't work = el nu lucreaza She do not / doesn't work = ea nu lucreaza It do not / doesn't work = daca ne referim la obiecte, sensul este nu functioneaza We do not / don't work = noi nu lucram You do not / don't work = voi nu lucrati / dumneavoastra nu lucrati They do not / don't work = ei nu lucreaza De retinut: 1. Pentru a formula propozitii negative la Prezentul Simplu, folosim verbul auxiliarDO/DOES + NOT + VERB:

Exemplu: I do not / don't travel very much. = Nu calatoresc prea mult. 2. DOES este forma pentru persoana a III- a singular. Exemplu: He does not (doesn't) speak English. = Ea nu vorbeste engleza. She does not (doesn't) know you. = Ea nu va cunoaste. 3. Formele scurte don't si doesn't se folosesc in situatii informale, iar formele do not si does not in situatii formale, oficiale.

Present Simple Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima : - Adevaruri general valabile : The earth has 2 emispheres - Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

Actiuni repetitive: She takes piano lessons each day at 5 oclock. Ea ia lectii de pian in fiecare zi la ora 5. Actiuni de moment, terminate in momentul in care sunt savarsite : Mark gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom and washes his teeth. Mark se da jos din pat, se duce la baie si se spala pe dinti. Actiuni obisnuite : My grandfather and I usually look at the starts when the sky is clear. Bunicul meu si cu mine, noi ne uitam de obicei la stele cand e senin. Actiuni planificate in viitor, obligatorii (cu verbe de miscare) : The year ends with the 31st of December. Anul se termina cu 31 decembrie.
1. Pentru a exprima actiuni care se repeta Exemplu: I drive to work every day. = Eu merg cu masina la servici in fiecare zi. He goes to the meeting every Wednesday. = El merge la sedinta in fiecare miercuri. We usually go on holiday in August. = Noi de obicei mergem in vacanta in luna august.

They often write e-mails in English. = Ei deseori scriu e-mailuri in engleza. De retinut: In acest caz, in propozitie avem un adverb de timp care arata faptul ca actiunea se repeta periodic:

Exemplu: every day = in fiecare zi every week = in fiecare saptamana every morning = in fiecare dimineata every evening = in fiecare seara every week = in fiecare saptamana every weekend = in fiecare weekend every Monday = in fiecare luni every winter = in fiecare iarna every month = in fiecare luna every year = in fiecare an usually = de obicei often = adesea, desori, des seldom = rar, rareori sometimes = uneori every now and then = din cand in cand on a regular basis = periodic

2. Pentru a exprima stari/situatii permanente. Exemplu: We live in Brasov. = Noi locuim in Brasov I work in an office. = Eu lucrez intr-un birou. 3. Pentru a exprima legi stiintifice sau adevaruri general valabile. Exemplu: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. = Apa fierbe la 100 de grade Celsius. The Sun rises in the East. = Soarele rasare la Est.

Present Continuous Tense Prezentul continuu in engleza

Present Continuous Tense: Forme Afirmativ : Subiect + Prezentul verbului to be + ing : She is cutting the cake in slices. (Ea taie prajitura felii.)
I'm running You're runnning He's running We're running They're running

Negativ : Subiect + Prezentul verbului a fi/to be + not + verb + ing : She is not talking at the moment, she is eating. (In acest moment ea nu vorbeste, mananca.)
I' m not running You aren't running He isn't running She isn't running We aren't running You aren't running They aren't running 4. Forma interogativ-negativa Am I not running ? Aren't you running ? Isn't herunning ? Isn't she running ? Aren't we running ? Aren't you running ? Aren't they running ?

Interogativ : Prezentul verbului a fi/to be + Subiect + verb + ing : Is she smiling ? (Ea zambeste ?)
Am I running? Are you running? Is he running? Is she running? Are we running? Are you running? Are they running?

Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima : - actiune care se intampla in momentul vorbirii Ex. The wind is blowing.- Vantul sufla. It is raining outside. - Ploua afara.

- actiune care se extinde pe o perioada putin mai lunga de timp Ex. Julia is reading a novel by Dickens. - Iulia citeste un roman de Dickens.

- actiune temporara, limitata Ex. I live in Cluj but this year I am living in Bucuresti. Traiesc in Cluj dar in acest an locuiesc in Bucuresti. - planuri imediate pentru viitorul apropiat Ex. The children are going camping today. Copiii merg cu cortul astazi. - actiune frecvent repetata, suparatoare se foloseste deseori cu adverbele always, forever, constantly

Ex. Ann is always making plans without taking into consideration all the facts. Ann isi face mereu planuri fara sa ia in considerare toate aspectele. - in propozitii subordonate Ex They will go jogging while the babies are sleeping. Ei vor face jogging cat timp copii dorm. Exista o serie de verbe care nu se folosesc la Prezent Continuu. Ele se impart in urmatoarele categorii : Verbe de perceptie : feel, hear, see, smell, taste Verbe de opinie : assume, believe, consider, doubt, feel (= a crede), find (= a considera), suppose, think Verbe care se refera la perceptie mentala: forget, imagine, know, mean, notice, recognize, remember, understand Verbe care exprima emotii sau chiar dorinte : envy, fear, dislike, hate, hope, like, love, mind, prefer, regret, want, wish Verbe folosite pentru masurat : contain, cost, hold, measure, weigh Alte verbe : look (= a se asemana), seem, be (in majoritatea cazurilor), have = a poseda) Unele verbe pot fi folosite la forma continua dar isi schimba sensul : Exemple: Verbul to see (a imagina) : I think you are seeing things, there is no one in the house. Cred ca iti imaginezi lucruri, nu e nimeni in casa. Verbul to smell (a adulmeca, a mirosi) : She is smelling the roses.- Ea miroase trandafirii. Verbul to look (a se uita) : Tom is looking at Maria. Verbul to be (a se comporta) : She is being rude. Ea se comporta nepoliticos.

Present Perfect Tense Prezentul perfect in engleza

Present Perfect Tense: Forme Afirmativ : Subiectul + Auxiliarul to HAVE la prezent + past participle al verbului de conjugat (verb forma a 3-sau ed) We are not going on holiday since the prices have rise. Noi nu mai mergem in vacant deoarece preturile au crescut.
1. Forma afirmativa: I have arrived You have arrived He has arrived We have arrived You have arrived They have arrived

Negativ : Subiectul + have/has not + past participle al verbului de conjugat I havent seen her this morning, she is probably sleeping. Nu am vazut-o de dimineata, probabil doarme.
I have not arrived You have not arrived He has not arrived She has not arrived We have not arrived

You have not arrived They have not arrived 4. Forma interogativ-negativa Have I not arrived ? Have you not arrived ? Has he not arrived ? Has she not arrived ? Have we not arrived ? Have you not arrived ? Have they not arrived ?

Interogativ Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + Subiectul + past participle al verbului de conjugat Havent you eaten too much chocolate already? Nu ai mancat deja destula ciocolata?
Forma interogativa : Have I arrived ? Have you arrived ? Has he arrived ? Has she arrived ? Have we arrived ? Have you arrived ? Have they arrived ?

Present Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima : - o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau foarte aproape de prezent. Tell me, what have you done? Spune-mi, ce ai facut?

- o actiune care s-a terminat recent al carei rezultat este vizibil si in prezent We have just finished redecorating our house. Tocmai am terminat de redecorat casa noastra.

Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Tense: since si for, already, yet, just, ever, how long, recently

Yet inca nu

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Prezentul perfect continuu in engleza

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Forme Afirmativ : Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ participul prezent al verbului de conjugat (baza + ing) They have been reading a lot of book lately. Ei au citit o multime de carti in ultima vreme. Negativ : Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ NOT + participul prezent al verbului de conjugat They havent been watching TV this afternoon. Ei nu s-au uitat la tv in acesta dupa-amiaza. Interogativ : Prezentul perfect al verbului to be + Subiectul + participul prezent al verbului de conjugat What have you been doing ? I have been working on a new project. Ce ai mai facut? Am lucrat la un nou proiect.

I have been walking - Eu ma plimb you have been walking - Tu te plimbi He has been walking - El se plimba she has been walking - Ea se plimba it has been walking - Se plimba we have been walking - Noi ne plimbam

you have been walking - Voi va plimbati they have been walking - Ei se plimba

Present Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima : - o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in viitor. It has been snowing for 4 hours. Ninge de 4 ore.

- o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut Why is you hair wet? Because I have been swimming. De ce ai parul ud? Pentru ca am inotat.

Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Continuous : for, since

1. I write a letter. 2. He writes a letter. 3. I am writing a letter. 4. He is writing a letter. 5. You are writing a letter. 6. We are writing a letter. 7. I have written a letter. 8. He has written a letter. 9. I have been writing a letter. 10. He has been writing a letter. 11. I will write a letter. 12. I am going to write a letter. 13. He is going to write a letter. 14. You are going to write a letter. 15. We are going to write a letter. 16. I wrote a letter.

1. rok egy levelet. 2. r egy levelet. 3. ppen rok egy levelet. 4. ppen r egy levelet. 5. Te ppen rsz egy levelet. 6. Mi ppen runk egy levelet. 7. Ezeltt rtam egy levelet. 8. Ezeltt rt egy levelet. 9. Egy ideje mr rok egy levelet. 10. Egy ideje mr r egy levelet. 11. rni fogok egy levelet. 12. rni szndkozok/kszlk egy levelet. 13. rni szndkozik/kszl egy levelet. 14. rni szndkozol/kszlsz egy levelet. 15. rni szndkozunk/kszlnk egy levelet. 16. rtam egy levelet.

17. I was writing a letter. 18. He was writing a letter. 19. You were writing a letter. 20. We were writing a letter. 21. I had written a letter.

17. ppen rtam egy levelet. 18. ppen rt egy levelet. 19. ppen rtl egy levelet. 20. ppen rtunk egy levelet. 21. Korbban /mr/ rtam egy levelet.

Adverbe specifice

Adverbe de frecven
ntre cele 2 verbe (verbul auxiliar i verbul conjugat) pot aprea: adverbe de frecven definit: often, seldom, ever, never, usually, sometimes

adverbe de frecven indefinit: just, recently, already

Exemplu: I have just met her.


Adverbul "yet"
Adverbul yet se aeaz doar pe finalul propoziiei i numai n propoziii interogative i negative. n propoziii interogative are sensul de deja. De exemplu: Have you met her yet? Dac ar trebui transpus n propoziie afirmativ, yet ar deveni already: I have already met her. n propoziii negative are sensul de nc. De exemplu: I haven't met her yet.

Adverbul "for"
Adverbul for, cu sensul de timp de, arat durata aciunii, fr a preciza momentul de nceput i de final. n propoziie are poziie aproape final. De exemplu: I haven't met her for 2 years. She has written her math teacher.

Adverbul "since"
Adverbul since, cu sensul ncepnd din, arat momentul de nceput, fr a preciza durata sau momentul de final. Poziia este spre finalul propoziiei. De exemplu: I haven't met you since Monday. Dup since urmeaz ntotdeauna trecut dac mai urmeaz o propoziie. De exemplu: I haven't met her since I came. (este o aciune mai trecut dect cea cu ntlnirea)


Adverbe de timp deschis

Pe poziia final mai pot fi adverbe de timp deschis: lately, today, this year, this month, this week etc.

Afirmativ Afirmativ (forma contras) Negativ Negativ (forma contras) Interogativ Rspuns pozitiv Rspuns negativ Rspuns negativ (forma contras) I have worked here since last year. I've worked here since last year. I have not worked here since last year. I haven't worked here since last year. Have I worked here since last year? Yes, I have. No, I have not. No, I haven't.

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