Quranic Root Words25-5

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AR - RAHIIM ( The Merciful )

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These Attributes of Allah exhibit Rahmat which according to the Holy Quran includes in it: worldly provisions necessary to keep human beings alive 17:100 & 30:50; appointment of night for rest and day for earning livelihood 28:73; compassion and mercy towards parents 17:24 love and tranquilty derived from mates 30:21; the Quran 17:82; prophet Muhammed (PBUH) 21:107; paradise 45:30; forgiveness of sins 39:53 etc. Rahmat is an item of enjoyment opposite to loss 7:23, punishment 6:15 - 16 harm 30:33; evil 30:36; destruction 67:28 etc. Rahmat being constructive, beneficial, full of mercy etc. is also supported by the fact that the Arabic word for womb is Rahm 3:6 from the same root alphabets used for Rahmaan, Rahiim and Rahmat. The child in the womb is provided with all that is necessary for its growth through the mother and is carefully protected from all harmful things. The feeling of the mother towards the child is that of compassion, beneficence, mercy, safety etc. and these feelings further explain the term Rahmat about which Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Quran :He has prescribed Rahmat on Himself 6:12 My Rahmat extends over everything 7:156 The Attribute of Allah (SWT) associated with the revelation and teaching of the Holy Quran is Ar-Rahmaan 41:2 and 55:1-2 and implementing the Holy Quran in accordance with the instructions given by prophet Muhammed (PBH) is the greatest benefit for us in the life of this world and the hereafter. The Attribute associated with the fostering of the universe which is beneficial for it is again Ar-Rahmaan 78:37 Many more examples can be cited to show that the Attribute ArRahmaan is associated with beneficence. The frequent association of the Attribute Ar-Rahiim with AlGafuur (Protector and Forgiver of sins), At-Tawwaab (Accepter of repentance) and Ar Rauuf (One full of pity) indicates that Allahs (SWT) Mercy is exhibited through His Attribute Ar-Rahiim. The Attributes Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Rahiim associated with Allahs (SWT) name thus convey the sense that He is The Beneficent and the Merciful respectively Allahs (SWT) beneficence appears to be an expression of His Mercy for His creation. 3. ISM ( A Name ) 5:4, 61:6

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