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16. GAYR ( Not or save )1:7 - ) (

Other derivatives; After 4:119, change 13:11, other 4:56, other
than 2:173, without 2:61, raid 100:3 etc.
17. AL-MAGZUBB ( Those who earn anger ) 1:7
- ) (
Gazab means anger 2:90, Allah (SWT) is angry with one who is
an open infidel 16:106, one who serves false deities 5:60, hypocrites and
polytheists 48:6, who reject Allahs (SWT) book 2:90, calf worshippers
7:152, who turn their backs during war with infidels 8:16, one who kills
a believer intentionally 4:93, who argue against Him 42:16 and with the
transgressors 20:81. The opposite of anger is forgiveness 42:37. The
reward of those who earn the anger of Allah (SWT) is hell 4:93, 48:6.
18. AZ-ZAALIIN ( Those who go astray ) 1:7 ,-'- ) (
These are the infidels 2:108, polytheists 4:116, those who disobey Allah
(SWT) and His messenger 33:36, those who stop people from the path of
Allah (SWT) 4:167, 14:3, those who follow their desires without
guidance from Allah (SWT) 28:50, those who are unjust 19:38, those
who are mislead by the devil 4:60 etc. Words associated with Zalaalt
2:16 meaning error or going astray are : loss 11:21, forgetting 20:52,
distress 20:123 disobedience 33:36, punishment 34:8 destruction 47:8,
madness 54:24, denial 56:51 etc.The opposite words are guidance 14:4
and truth 10:32.
19. AL KITAAB (The Book) 2:2 - ) (
This word conveys the sense of writing 2:282, book 2:79,
prescription 6:12, decree 9:51, ordinance 9:36, religious law ordering
something 2:183, record 10:21 and an inventory of everything and every
event in the universe pertaining to past, present and future 22:70, 34:3
(There are more than 30 verses of the Quran on this subject). At
present we are having computers which help us in maintaining and
displaying such records at unimaginably high speed, for instance, the
maintaining and displaying of account numbers, deposits, with drawls

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