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.And He created everything then programmed for it a programme

_-= - --- , J Ch: 25 Vs: 2
This programme for everything in the universe is probably written
down in the guarded tablet ,- ,-= Ch: 85 Vs: 22 and sent down
annually for implementation during Laitat ul qadr as indicated in Ch:
We certainly sent it down during the night of Al Qadr. And what will
make you realize what the night of Al Qadr is? The night of Al Qadr is
better than a thousand months. The angles and the spirit come down
during this night by the permission of their Fosterer with ( a programme
for ) every affair. Peace it is till the appearance of dawn Ch: 97.
Opposite word:- Straiten as opposed to enlarge
Allah =- enlarges the provision for whom He wills and straitens
- ( measured ). Ch: 13 Vs: 26
Association with other words:-
Glorify the name of your Fosterer, the Most High Who created then
set the equilibrium -, and Who programmed then guided. -
( to the programme ). Ch: 87 Vs: 1-3

Summary and conclusion:-
Allahs is the kingdom of the skies and the earth and that which is in
them and He has power - over everything. Ch: 5 Vs:120
Do they not consider that Allah Who created the skies and the earth
is able - to create their like? Ch: 17 Vs: 99
and Allah is the Holder of power - over everything. Ch: 18
Vs: 45

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