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A Free Community Offering from Lesley Tierra and Unity Temple

Receive the 9 Rites of the MUNAY-KI

Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 16, Apr 20, May 18, Jun 15, & Jul 20

6:00 - 7:30 pm
Unity Temple 407 Broadway Santa Cruz
The MUNAY-KI RITES are nine energetic rites of passage that re-inform our DNA and the Luminous Energy Field that surrounds the physical body. These rites were brought to the West by Alberto Villoldo (a medical anthropologist and author of numerous books) who studied and directly trained with the high mountain Inca Shamans for over twenty-five years. The MUNAY-KI RITES are a nine step alchemical and transformational process that brings about immediate healing at the energetic level and manifests gradually at the mind and body levels as they heal the wounds of our past. The MUNAY-KI RITES bring us into direct communication with Spirit, helping us move immediately into our potential selves. The MUNAY-KI RITES are attunements of luminous codes which heal and transform our human energy field into that of a new human, called homo luminous. The MUNAY-KI RITES are like downloading the latest version of software to reprogram our DNA, which then creates a new body that lives, heals and dies differently and isnt informed by karmic or genetic imprints.
For years the prophecies of the ancient Americas have spoken about the possibility of a new human appearing on the planet, one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. These rites are available now because they provide the opportunity for humanity to take the quantum leap into that new consciousness. The nine rites are offered by Lesley Tierra and her associates free of charge. After you receive them you are encouraged to learn to transmit the rites to others. In this way we may all assist in the transformational changes occurring in humanity now.

* Please note: The first two Rites will be given January 20, and the second two Rites on February 17. If you miss these, you can make them up anytime with Lesley Tierra (429-8066). HOWEVER, the remaining five Rites, given one each month in March, April, May, June, and July, must be received in that particular order.

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