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waterasa HumanRight

We organized a threeday academic workshop with ACDAs collaboration and CapNets support. The Dean of Engineering of the University of Costa Rica offered opening words and the trainingcoursereceivedsignificantmediacoverage.Wehad22 participants from 3 different countries, Panama, Mexico and CostaRica.


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Each course day received a driving emphasis, which defined the sessions assigned and the content viewed. Sessions on Monday, August 19 were focused on the scope of Rights and the relationship between water and sanitation.Day2referstoappropriate mechanisms for the efficient protectionofrealaccesstowaterand thelastdayfocusesontheapplication ofthehumanrighttowaterwithinthe water management sector and its effects. Monday sessions: Introduction to Human Rights, Human Rights as natural rights and civil liberties, HumanRightsassubjectiverightsand its relation to access to water,

Warranty of access to water in international instruments and a final groupworksessiononCasestudies. Tuesday sessions: Human Rights protection via judicial and non judicial means, Precautionary Measures in governmental disputes, Visit to the Interamerica Human Right Commission, InterAmerican Human Rights System, Human Right to water and sanitation: practical traitsandscope. Wednesday sessions: Cost, quantity and quality related needs for true wateraccessibility,Transparencyand accesstorelevantinformation,Costa Rican Constitutional Court legal precedentsrelatedtowater.

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