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Mojave National Preserve Conservancy

Minutes of the meeting May 24, 2013 Conservancy Board Members present on call: David Lamfrom, Lynn Davis, Michael Gordon, Dennis Schramm, Linda Slater, Ben Spillman Started doing phone calls at 5:30pm. David reports the good news that the Eagle Mountain landfill at JOTR is officially dead. A fourteen year achievement! What great news! Many thanks to David for his work on this. Board training. Confirmed for June 15th at Kelso Depot. David asked if everyone got the draft agenda. Please review and ensure it meets our specific needs. Want to make sure it covers the basic responsibilities of a board. Ben suggested that the board may want to meet again later to figure out how to apply what we learned to our board. David might be able to set up a follow-up call with the trainer at a later date. David asked if 10am-5pm works for everyone. Star Party. The get together on May 11th was phenomenal! Over half the group were first time visitors. Estimate of 70 in attendance. Someone road their bike all the way from Flagstaff. Univ. of Riverside philosophy club was there. So were the Mojave Desert Land Trust folks. Twenty-two people also attended the earlier restoration event that day in the Preserve. Ben suggested that the board might be able to help more in the future with the logistics. Especially paper plates, napkins and utensils. Mitchell Caverns. Group working on this issue will be meeting again soon in Barstow. Linda will attend. Plan is open again in the fall a couple days per week. They got state money to do repairs. Have not started on them yet. Our group can stay involved and push the state on this to ensure it happens. Perhaps we can coordinate with our next star party to have people be able to tour the caverns. Call ended at 6:07pm. Next Meeting: Board training on June 15, 2013. Next call will be July 16, 2013 at 5:30pm.

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