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Date Completed: Staff:

McNair Scholars Program

Student Education Profile
Name: Home Address: Home Telephone: Classification: Overall G.P.A.: College Major: Total credit hours towards bachelors degree: Spring Schedule Current Courses Time Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Spring G.P.A.: Minor: Social Security #:

Graduate Schools Interested in attending the following Graduate and or Professional Schools 1. 2. 3.

I think I would do well in a graduate school with the following characteristics: (Check any of the boxes) Size: Type: Location: Setting: Small Public In State Midwest Urban South Suburban Medium Private Out of State East Rural West Large

Im thinking of graduate studies in the following academic areas: A. B. C.

I think Im going to pay for graduate school through _______and at the following percentages (Total of 100%) A. Employment % % D. Loans: % %

B. Fellowship, Assistantships, etc.

E. Other (specify

Activities Current Extracurricular Activities

Questionnaire 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, five being the highest, how would you rate your ability to do college level research? (Check one box) 1 2 3 4 5

2. Rate your current academic readiness. How ready are you to pursue a graduate education? High Moderately High Moderate Low

3. Rate your effectiveness in oral and written communication. High Moderately High Moderate Low

4. Do you find it easy speaking to professors, counselors/advisors, and staff at NEIU? Please elaborate.

5. Do you belong to any organizations or participate in support programs on campus?

6. Do you work while attending NEIU? How many hours a week do you work?

7. Do you have any particular needs or concerns for this academic year at NEIU?

8. Do you feel there are obstacles (financial, academic, personal) that may make your progress difficult this academic year? If there are, list them.

9. Rate your current level of skill on the following list: Writing Note Taking Time Management Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Computer Skills 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

10. Check areas of study where you may need tutoring: Mathematics English Sciences Foreign Language Computer Science Social Studies Other Other

11. How much do you know about the process of choosing and applying to graduate school? Very knowledgeable Knowledgeable I know very little

12. How many years do you think it will take you to finish your undergraduate and graduate degrees 6 Years Masters 8 Years 10 Years Doctorate More (#)

13. Have you ever taken or heard of the GRE? If yes, what do you know?

McNair Program Northeasterns McNair program pledges to give participants the best service possible in order to prepare undergraduate students for a successful post-baccalaureate experience. McNair Program Staff Person: Date:

Participant As a McNair participant I, agree to participate in the following activities to help enhance my academic development and to increase my potential to obtain a doctoral degree. I also understand that I may be required to attend specific program sponsored activities as determined by the McNair Program staff. Scholars development activities:

Student Signature


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