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Atavism: Lombrosos theory that criminals are different from non-criminals, in that they are sub-human and have the physical features of apes and lower primates. Anomie: Emile Durkheims idea, relating to the strain theory, which states that society has put pressure on people to act in a certain way. Said pressure can lead to rule breaking, lawlessness and chaos.

Bourgeoisie: Middle class people, or the capitalists who own most of the wealth in Marxist terms. Broken Window Thesis: James Q Wilsons theory states; if an area is full of incivilities such as graffiti, vandalism, high noise levels etc, then more anti-social behaviour and more serious crimes will further commence.

Canteen Culture: A clannish, cliquey culture amongst the police force which may include racism. Because of it some police officers cant speak out against said racism. Capital Punishment: Legally killing someone as a punishment for committing a crime. Corporal Punishment: A physical punishment, such as whipping, flogging, caning etc.

Hidden Rate of Crime: The gap in the statistics. All the crimes that havent been reported.

Institutional Racism: Racism and inequality in institutes, such as the police force.

Left Realism: Origins of crime are threefold: 1) Relative Deprivation

2) Marginalisation 3) Subculture Left Idealism: Not sure.

Marginalisation: When smaller groups (usually from lower socio-economic backgrounds) are pushed aside by society and given

Material Deprivation Marxist: Marxist approach states that criminals are victims of a capitalist society. Military Policing: Stop and search, often done to male black youth making them feel marginalised.

Proletariat: The working class people, as defined by Marxism.

Rational Choice Theory: Relative Deprivation: Being deprived of something you feel you deserve. Recidivism: A relapse into crime. Right Realism:

Sink Housing Estates: Socialisation:


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