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to review the FrostWire transla(on

Go to, create an account and sign in. Once you are logged in on GitHub with your account write on your browser the following address: Click on the button Fork placed at the top right (Now you will have FrostWire-desktop on your repositories) Create a branch named "Translation-Review-Portuguese" as indicated:

Check on your browser that you are positioned on this address Now go to Lib > messagebundles > pt_BR.po (This is the file you will have to review)

Instruc(ons to review the FrostWire transla(on

Now click on (at the top right of the file) and always be sure that you are positioned on your Branch

"Translation-Review-Portuguese" This is the content you will have to review. Check that translated lines are correct and no missing translation is found. I you find English content that is not translated make sure you include the translation within " ". This is the main advantage of GitHub, we can match what you modify with the original code to avoid conflicts with the syntax of the code. Please be patient, when you modify a word within this file; GitHub can take few seconds before showing the modified text, if a message saying "doesn't respond" appears just select the option "Wait" and after few seconds GitHub will respond. COMMIT CHANGES: Once you review the translation on the entire file (or even if you aren't finished but you want to be sure you don't lose your changes) Write a small description of what you are saving (for example "Saving reviewed file till line 3423) and select the button "Commit Changes" at the end of the file (do not go to step 9 (pull request) till you finish the entire review).

PULL REQUEST: When you finish the entire review and Commit the very last Changes then click "Pull Request" on the right side bar menu

Instruc(ons to review the FrostWire transla(on

Then select and click on , here you will have to include the following base and head "fork": Upda6ng-Portuguese-Desktop





Finally click on create a pull request leaving a message to indicate your review is complete.

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