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Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, Langdon, South Woodridge, most of Woodridge
5C01 - Antonette Russell, Vice Chair 5C02 - Karla Butler 5C03 - Bob King 5C04 - Jacqueline Manning, Chair 5C05 - Regina James 5C06 - Vacant 5C07 - Nolan Treadway, Treasurer

May 15, 2013 Fifth District Station 1805 Bladensburg Road NE Washington, DC 20002 I. Call to Order and Quorum The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chair Manning. Commissioners present: Antonette Russell, Karla Butler, Bob King, Jacqueline Manning, and Nolan Treadway, constituting of a quorum. Introductions Commissioners introduce themselves and their area. Determination of Quorum Commissioner Russell determines there is a quorum Agenda Approval Commissioner Russell moves to approve the agenda as provided, Commissioner Butler seconds. Agenda approved with voice vote. Minutes Approval a. Commissioner Russell moves to accept the April minutes as submitted. Commissioner Butler seconds. April meeting minutes approved with voice vote. b. Commissioner Russell moves to accept the March minutes as submitted. Commissioner Treadway seconds. March meeting minutes approved with voice vote VI. Treasurers Report a. May Treasurer Report Treasurer Commissioner Treadway reports the ANC has spent no money since the last meeting and the current balance in checking is $25,932.79. The current balance in savings is $2.03.


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, Langdon, South Woodridge, most of Woodridge b. FY 2013 Budget Approval Treasurer Commissioner Treadway presents budget for remainder of FY 2013 until the new fiscal year starts on Sept 1, 2013. i. Question from audience is with the passing of this budget, will you be giving out grants? Commissioner Manning responds that we will begin to do that when finances are in order. Commissioner Treadway states that if nothing changes, we wont get a disbursement until July of 2014, at which time we could look at giving grants. If we are able to get disbursements sooner, we could open a grant program then. ii. Commissioner Treadway notes there are no grant guidelines currently in place, and those would need to pass a public meeting before grants could be offered. iii. Commissioner King states that CM McDuffie is committed to finding a solution to the disbursements problem that ANC 5C is happening. iv. Commissioner King makes a motion to pass the budget as presented. Passes 5 yeas and 0 nos (no abstentions). VII. Presentations a. Kyle Todd, Friends of Rhode Island Avenue i. $5 million has been allocated for DDOT for great street improvements, with no specific streets mentioned. CM McDuffie moved to specify $2 million of that to go to Rhode Island Ave. Improvements could include pedestrian safety/access and better lighting. ii. Rhode Island Avenue Fall Fest Planning is underway. FoRIA is actively seeking volunteers to help with this program iii. May 21st is the first Rhode Island Avenue Breakfast Bites. Business owners and property owners are invited to attend. At Flip it from 7a9a. iv. Kyle is asked what parts of Rhode Island Ave FoRIA covers. we go from 4th St NE to Eastern Ave but weve been focusing our energy on the Woodridge stretch, due to limited resources v. Kyle is asked when Chipotle is opening. He says last he heard it was opening in June.

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, Langdon, South Woodridge, most of Woodridge vi. Commissioner Manning asks where the Fall Fest will be, same as last year? Yes. vii. Kyle is asked about CM McDuffie putting money in the budget for a Rhode Island Ave Main Street. Kyle says that is in the budget and that will go out for public RFP, should it be included in the final budget. viii. There is some discussion of the Brookland sign at 12th and Rhode Island Ave. Who owns it? Who maintains it? It is the Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association who maintains that and the resident has been referred to BNCA. b. Lt. Corine Hughes, MPD i. Lt. Hughes gives report of the 5th District crime and police activity. c. Presentation and Q&A from DCRA: Ferdinand Gamboa and Reuben Pemberton i. Discussion largely focuses on enforcement and vacant properties d. Report from CM McDuffies office, provided by Tim Clark i. Gives status report of what Councilmember McDuffie has been up to lately, specifically in regard to the city budget. VIII. New Business a. Commissioner Butler Reads resolution advising ABRA that ANC 5C recommends they deny The Scene application for liquor license renewal. Resolution is moved by Chair Manning and seconded by Vice Chair Russell. Resolution passes unanimously. IX. Single Member District Announcements a. Commissioner Russell Walkthrough on Friday, May 31 for an alley that has been an ongoing issue. SMD meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month (SMD meetings are shared with Commissioner Butler) b. Commissioner Butler More liquor licenses coming, so more resolutions probably also coming up.

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, Langdon, South Woodridge, most of Woodridge c. Commissioner King Will be putting a BZA variance on the agenda for the next meeting for 42 townhouses in Fort Lincoln. Will be holding an SMD meeting on June 1 d. Commissioner Manning National Arboretum has fewer hours because of the sequester. Commissioner Manning asks that community members and neighbors send letters to open the national arboretum back to their old hours e. Commissioner Treadway Woodridge library zoning variance will also be on the June meeting. is the commissions new website. X. XI. Chair Manning acknowledges the presences of the Mayors staff, Marchim Williams and Carl Thomas. Adjournment a. Commissioner Manning moves to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Russell seconds. Meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm.

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