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1. The serum iron is often raised in the following condition:A. Anaemia of chronic disorders. B. Beta thalassemia. C. Iron deficiency anaemia. D. Sideroblastic anaemia. E. Congenital spherocytosis Ans: -BD 2. All of the following statements are true Except: A. Approximately 10% of RBCs are normally removed each day and replaced by the marrow to maintain the RBC count B. When the capacity of the heme-binding proteins in the plasma is exceeded, free hemoglobin appears in the plasma C. The most common cause of aplastic crisis is parvovirus B19 infection D. The marrow can increase its output of RBCs two- to threefold acutely E. The usual marrow response to a chronic hemolytic anemia is reflected by a reticulocyte index of 3-4 Ans:- A Normal RBC survival time is 110120 days (half-life, 5560 days), and approximately 1% of RBCs (the senescent ones) are removed each day and replaced by the marrow to maintain the RBC count. 3. All of the following statements are true Except: A. The anatomic site of hematopoiesis changes during gestation and the population of cells generated at those sites are distinct B. Few neutrophils are found in the fetal circulation until the third trimester C. Thrombopoietin is the physiologic regulator of platelet production but does not act as a potent stimulator of all stages of megakaryocyte growth and development D. Erythropoiesis in utero is controlled by erythroid growth factors produced solely by the fetus E. Some HbA can be detected in even the smallest embryos Ans:- C Thrombopoietin (TPO) is the physiologic regulator of platelet production and acts as a potent stimulator of all stages of megakaryocyte growth and development. 4. Regarding platelets: A. They have a life span of approximately 10 days B. Platelet production is controlled by specific cytokines C. Platelets should be stored between 2 and 6 degrees C D. Platelets can be stored for a maximum of 48 hours E. A pool of platelets transfused can produce an increment of 50 000 / ml if platelet consumption is not an issue Ans:-AB Platelets are produced from megakaryocytes, which are regulated by thrombopoietin, a specific cytokine. They have a lifespan of 10-12 days thereafter being destroyed in the spleen. Platelet concentrates should be stored at around 20 degrees C and the pH kept between 6.2 and 7.8 - these conditions reduce the risk of a change in morphology of the platelets. They should also be continuously agitated to encourage gas exchange. One pool of platelets gives on average, an increment of 10 000 / ml. 5. All of the following statements regarding iron deficiency are true Except::A. Because absorption of dietary iron is assumed to be about 10%, a diet containing 80-100 mg of iron daily is necessary for optimal nutrition

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