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Design Pattern MVC ORM AJAX Franework SOA Application Server IOC/AOP Performance management Building tools Version

Control DataBases

IDE Reporting

Sequence Diagram (+9) Magic Draw . Singleton, Factory, Faade, Builder, Visitor Struts2 (+5). JSF (RichFaces, ICEFaces, Openfaces)(+6) JPA/Hibernate (+6) Jquery (+3), GWT (+5) Aqualogic, BPEL, jbpm Weblogic (+5) , WebSphere (+5), JBOSS (+5), Tomcat (+5) Spring (+5) Open STA, LoadRunner, Optimizet Suit maven, ant SVN, vss (PL/SQL Oracle (+7), MySQL(+7), DB2(+5), SqlServer(+7)) (native sql, stored procedures, triggers) JBuilder(+7) eclipse(+7) NetBeans(+5) JasperReports, xsl FOP

Key Projects

Technical team leads for financial broker system that makes the system automatically sends advises to the client to sell, buy stocks from the DSE (Damascus Stock Exchange). Implements a Rule engine that send notification according to the registered user types, users portfolios, and dynamic exchange for the stock prices. Install the svn on the site .
Technical Manager SoftNet Syria Damascus - June 2009-September 2010:
Key Projects

Responsible for designing and distributing task as a team leader to implements the phoenix framework according to the MDA concepts (By converting UML Class Diagram to a Legal Entities, and dynamic pages was generated using JSF technology) On agile Methodology.

The framework (and the projects that developed on has been controlled by using subversion). This framework facilitates the business developer work to make his interests only on the business requirement and reduce the project time implementation by 60 %
Analyzing and designing a workflow engine, EDMS - ERMS, and Communication System for using it for

Joining a team in France (Montpellier, Paris) to prepare a Bench-mark for resolving 375 Corporate Action Simultaneously. The bench mark enabled Vermeg to have a Big contract with the Bank de France. Implements a Query Language Parser which called Palmyra Query Language to deal with entities using javacc ( The query is similar to HQL and JPA-QL. This query was used in the company ORM module that called persistence).

Implements a state-machine module called Automate.

SofNet: - Damascus, Syria August 2002 December 2002 Junior java developer , implementing services in time calculation and procedures in Sybase database
Education Electronic Engineer, University Of Damascus Graduated April 2003 Certificate

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