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Grade 5

Central Idea: Changes people experience at different stages of their lives affect their evolving sense of self.


To sort-out the learnings that we had about the different changes that people experience in the different stages of life. Using a timeline-like template, show the physical, emotional, social and mental changes that people experience in the different stages of life.


Category Accuracy of content

4 Facts are accurate for all the changes reported in each stage of life. The product is highly effective in showing the different changes that people experience in different stages of life. The product shows the students thorough understanding of this statement: people experience different changes as they move from one stage of life to the other.

3 Facts are accurate for almost all the changes reported in each stage of life. The product is effective in showing the different changes that people experience in different stages of life.

Degree of effectiveness

Degree of Understanding


The product shows the students substantial understanding of this statement: people experience different changes as they move from one stage of life to the other. Punctuation, spelling, Punctuation, and capitalization are spelling, and correct throughout. capitalization are mostly correct.

2 Facts are accurate for most (~75%) of the changes reported in each stage of life. The product is moderately effective in showing the different changes that people experience in different stages of life. The product shows the students minimal understanding of this statement: people experience different changes as they move from one stage of life to the other. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are somewhat correct.

1 Facts are often inaccurate.

The product is minimally effective in showing the different changes that people experience in different stages of life. The product shows the students partial understanding of this statement: people experience different changes as they move from one stage of life to the other.

There are many punctuation, spelling and capitalization errors.

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