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Teacher Candidate: Nicole Teran Content: Science The Ocean Habitat

Step 1 DESIRED RESULTS A. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard The students will recognize and be able to describe the ocean habitat. Students will be able to compare and contrast the ocean to other habitats. Utah State Core 2: Standard 4: Objective 1-a, b, 2-a, b, c B. Enduring Understanding/Big Idea The ocean is more than just the beach and fish. The ocean has different zones, each with different types of fish. There are many types of fish and plants in the ocean. C. Concepts C1. Each zone in the ocean is like a new habitat in itself. C2. Each ocean animal can only survive in the zone it lives in. C3. Some ocean animals migrate depending on the season. D. Skills S1. What makes the ocean habitat unique? S2. How are waves made? S3. Students will be able to tell what zone certain fish live in S4. Students will write and read (books and oral reports) about the ocean S5. Students will be able to identify the five oceans and tell you the main fish that live in that area S6. Students will understand that some animals migrate, and know why. S7. Students will be able to graph ocean temperatures and fish sizes. E. Essential Questions/Guiding Questions What are the basic elements that all living things need? What characteristics to fish need to survive in the zone they live in?

What characteristics do plans need to survive in the ocean? How is the ocean habitat different from every other habitat? What characteristics do you need when listening to a report? How is poetry writing different from writing a report? Why is the ocean blue? How does graphing help us compare multiple items? How are waves made? Why do the tides come in and go out? What determines what the tides do? Step 2 ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE C1. Draw and label the different zones in the ocean. C2. Pick two to three animals in each zone. Give two characteristics as to why that animal needs can only survive in the zone it lives in. C3. Name five to seven animals that migrate. Tell where the animals live in each season. S1. Write about how the zone you did your report on is different from the other zones. S2. Make a wave maker S3. Make a fish for each zone, place it in the correct zone in the class mural. S4. Oral reports about the ocean S5. Pin the Fish in the Ocean S6. Make an ocean map for each season, showing where at least five ocean animals live during that season. S7. Graph average ocean temperatures. Graph the size of fish Step 3 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES & LEARNING ACTIVITIES Compare and contrast other habitat features Pure water vs. salt water sink or float? Sort shells Make an oil and water wave maker Sculpt and ocean animal Learn about octopus (taste, make) Make a rainbow fish (start with the same scales, wrapping paper share so your fish has different scales, take one of each) Make a class mural Make an ocean book Oral report pick one fish/animal/plant from an assigned zone and teach us everything. Write a poem about the ocean/zone/animal etc Make a migration map

Learn about temperatures, what makes icebergs, where do hurricanes form? Estimate how many shells are in a jar? How many goldfish are in a jar? How much water does a container hold? Weigh wet sand vs. dry sand. Are other items more heavy wet vs. dry?

Adapted from: McTighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2005). Understanding by design, 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.; Ainsworth, L. (2003). Unwrapping the standards: A simple process to make standards manageable. Denver, CO: Advanced Learning Press.

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