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9th Grade English

Kevin Coen, Instructor Sara Zaino, Co-Instructor 2013-2014

1.0 Credit Required to move on to 10th Grade English Required to Graduate

Contact: Kevin Coen 802-885-7900 website: Ofce Hours: Monday, 2:45 - 3:45, C302

Sara Zaino 802-885-7900 Ofce Hours: Wednesday, 2:45 - 3:45, C307

Description: Who am I? Freshman English will attempt to help all students answer that fundamental question. The choices we make dene who we are and the journeys we take. Will we follow the pack or will we take the road less traveled? Through a variety of informational and literary texts students will come to a clearer understanding of self. What are our goals in Freshman English? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Students will be able to identify and analyze gurative language. CCS # RL.9-10.3 Students will be able to make connections between multiple texts, the world, and their lives. Students will be able to properly format a paper according to MLA guidelines. Students will be able to identify and analyze the structures and elements of ction and nonction stories. CCS # RL.9-10.5, RL.9-10.3, RI.9-10.3, RI.9-10.5 Students will be able to organize argumentative writing with a claim, data, and commentary. CCS # W.9-10.1, W.9-10.2 Students will be able to analyze ction and informational texts. CCS # RI.9-10.2, RI.9-10.3, RI. 9-10.5 Students will be able to actively read and notetake according to a specic purpose. Students will be able to create and identify theses. CCS # W.9-10.1, W.9-10.2

* CCS refers to Common Core Standards*

Why do I need these? 1 and 2. Figurative language is a way to make new things understandable, a way of relating the new to the known. It is also commonly used in advertisers and by politicians, two groups that have signicant sway over your money and life choices. Similarly, connecting texts, the world, and our lives help to make sense of new information by relating it to what we already know. By comparing new texts to old information we are better able to understand it and begin to create new personal meaning. 3, 4, and 5. It is important to organize thoughts and information so a wide variety of audiences can understand what you are trying to communicate. If we understand common structures, we can quickly understand an authors message. Additionally if a student can use these common structures, they can quickly and efciently get their message across.

6. Analysis is about taking something apart and being able to understand how its individual parts function separately and together. Literary analysis on its own is not essential: it is a model for all types of learning. The process of taking something apart to be able to understand its innerworkings applies to mechanics, carpentry, psychology, engineering, math, historical analysis, and many other elds. By training ourselves to take something apart (even if we dont like it) we are more equipped to do this arduous work in any eld. 7. The process of actively reading aids in comprehension and works to organize your thoughts before engaging in analysis. In the example of writing a paper, the active reading will aid in remembering what you read; the notetaking will leave you with notes that will help supply the necessary evidence for your paper. 8. Theses tell whats going on. Its the punchline of the joke, the point of a movie, the brilliant idea your trying to convince your parents of. Without a theses, there is no direction. We need you (and your writing) to have a direction--otherwise we are in danger of having you go nowhere. What will we be doing in class? The 9th Grade English year will have you talking all about yourself. It is a huge time in your life with lots of change...which means you need to know a little bit about yourself before you gure out your place in this world. Units - All assessments are possibilities and may change at teacher discretion. 1. The Shaping of Destiny 2. A Single Soul in Two Bodies 3. Two Sides to One Coin 4. The Hottest Place in Hell 5. Doubt Grows with Knowledge Unit 1 - The Shaping of Destiny. It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. -- Tony Robbins Essential Question: How do individual moments form and shape our identities? Reading: Short Stories, Excerpts from Romeo and Juliet, choice book/play. Formative Assessments: Argumentative Writing About Romeo and Juliet. Summative Assessments: Test on Literary Elements and Freytags Pyramid; Narrative Writing About Yourself; Class presentation about your Narrative; Unit 2- A Single Soul in Two Bodies
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. -- Aristotle

Essential Question: How are we transformed through our relationships with others? Reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh, choice book/play. Formative Assessments: Presentation comparing choice book/play to the Heros Journey. Summative Assessments: Test on the Heros Journey, use of quotations, and themes; Narrative/ Argumentative Essay about how relationships change us;

Unit 3 - Two Sides to One Coin

Just as we have two eyes and two feet, duality is part of life. -- Carlos Santana

Essential Question: How do our personalities change depending on the context? Reading: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, choice book/play. Formative Assessments: artistic project about duality using gurative language Summative Assessments: Test on gurative language; Argumentative essay about the personalities of Jekyll and Hyde. Unit 4 - The Hottest Place in Hell...
The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conict. --Martin Luther King Junior

Essential Question: How does conict inuence our decisions and actions? Reading: Things Fall Apart, choice book/play Formative Assessments: Summative Assessments: Test on Things Fall Apart and ; Conict DBQ: How does conict inuence our decisions and actions? Unit 5 - What knowledge brings...
Doubt grows with knowledge. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Essential Question: How does what we know about the world shape the way we view ourselves? Reading: Siddhartha, choice book/play Formative Assessments: Check-ins for Research project Summative Assessments: Test on Research practices; FINAL Project (part of course nal exam); Final Exam Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What should I bring to class? You need to bring your 3-ring notebook/binder, lined paper, a writing utensil, any literature we are reading, and the homework. There are a limited supply of writing utensils so do not expect that you will get one. How will I be graded? All freshman classes will be graded using 3 categories:

1. Work Completion includes getting assignments done and turned in on the date they are due, even if you are out of class. Assignments that fall under this category include homework, classwork, and formative assessments. Work completion accounts for 30%. 2. Summative assignments are tests, projects and nal drafts of essays. These assessments show that you have mastered a concept or skills. This category will be worth 60% of the nal grade. 3. Student Performance assignments include the student behavior grade and notebook checks. This category is worth 10% of your grade. What should I do if Im not sure whats going on? You should ask three, then me. Most of the time if you dont know whats going on, theres a good chance someone else does. So if you have a question, ask three other students in class before coming to Coen or Zaino. Where can I nd supplies? Markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, lined paper, blank paper and most other school supplies are right as you walk in the room. When should I ask for the work I missed? You have my class every other day. Therefore if you miss a class you should come and see me the next day (before you have my class again.) You can come in between class periods or before or after school. DO NOT ask for the work that you missed during the next class. I do not want to take the time to get you caught up. It is not fair to everyone else who was in the last class. When should I go to the nurse and/or bathroom? Unless it is an emergency you should not go when I am giving out directions or during teacher-led work time. If you want to go to the nurse you need to ll out a green slip of paper which can be found on the table near the door. Please also write your name and location on the board. What does it mean to be successful in this class? At the minimum you must achieve a 60% (D-) average in this course. We have structured the course and its content so that any student who puts in effort and seeks assistance from the instructors can achieve a B or better. Always remember you will be held to the SHS COSMOS CODE 1. Respect and encourage the right to teach and the right to learn at all times. 2. Be actively engaged in the learning; ask questions, collaborate with others, and seek solutions. 3. Be on time to fulll your daily commitments. 4. Be appropriate; demonstrate behavior that is considerate of the community, the campus, and yourself. 5. Be truthful; communicate honestly. 6. Be responsible and accountable for your choices.

Parents: Please read this over with your student, sign it, and have your student bring it back to me; this shows that you both understand the responsibilities for this class. Please remember, your help in monitoring this will ensure success for your child in this class. Automatic 10 points if turned in; zero if not turned in.

_________________________ Students Name (Print)

________________________ Parents/Guardians Name (Print)

_________________________ Students Signature

_________________________ Parents/Guardians Signature

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