MF Technology101 Sample QP

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Education and Research Department

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101

October 2009

Document No. ER/CORP/CRS/MFTechnology 101/013

Authorized By Srikantan Moorthy

Ver. Rev 1.0

Signature / Date October 2009


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All ideas and information contained in this document are the intellectual property of Education and Research Department, Infosys Technologies Limited. This document is not for general distribution and is meant for use only for the person they are specifically issued to. This document shall not be loaned to anyone, within or outside Infosys, including its customers. Copying or unauthorized distribution of this document, in any form or means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise is illegal. Education and Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited Electronic City Hosur Road Bangalore - 561 229, India. Tel: 91 80 852 0261-270 Fax: 91 80 852 0362 mailto:E&

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Document Revision History

Document Revision History

Ver. Revision 1.0

Date 22 -10-2009

Author(s) Ranjini S

Reviewer(s) SreeRama

Description Baseline version according to iRACE structure

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Table of Contents

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 ...................................................................... 1 Sample Questions: Overveiw of Software Design ............................................................. 1 Sample Questions: Introduction to Software Testing....................................................... 1 Sample Questions: Z/OS Fundamentals ........................................................................... 2 Sample Questions: JCL Fundamentals ............................................................................ 3 Sample Questions: Overview of COBOL .......................................................................... 4 Sample Questions: Overview of DB2 ................................................................................ 5

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Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101

Sample Questions: Overveiw of Software Design
1. Identify the steps involved in arriving at a structure chart. Choose exactly 3 options. a. Transaction analysis b. Testing of various units which are derived as part of Transaction analysis c. Transform analysis d. Linking of the separate units derived from transaction analysis into overall system implementation 2. The capability of a software to exchange information with another system is termed as ________. a. Interoperability b. Maintainability c. Usability d. Reusability 3. Which of the following are FALSE about cohesion? (Choose exactly 2 options) a. Cohesion is referred as the degree of interdependence between modules b. High cohesion is the sign of good design c. Defines the strength of the relationship between modules

Q1. a, c, d Q2. a Q3. a, c

Sample Questions: Introduction to Software Testing 1. Which of the following statements are true? a. Verification helps in finding errors in code b. Verification is same as Validation c. Verification helps in discovering the errors at later stages d. None of the above 2. Static Testing saves time - True/False a. True b. False 3. Any deviation of the observed behavior from the specified behavior is a

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Infosys a. b. c. d. Failure Error Fault Bug

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

4. Which of the following is/are types of system testing? a. Reliability Testing b. Recovery Testing c. Installability Testing d. All of the above 5. One of the activities in regression testing is system appreciation - True/False a. True b. False

Answers: 1.a 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. a Sample Questions: Z/OS Fundamentals

1. a) b) c) d) A page fault occurs if the system is unable to locate the page in __________ Main Storage Auxiliary Storage Registers Virtual Storage

Answer: a 2. In which of the non-VSAM record formats, the physical block on the disk is one logical record and the block/record size is fixed? a) b) c) d) Fixed Blocked Fixed Unblocked Variable Blocked Variable Unblocked

Answer: b 3. What is virtual memory?

a) Mechanism of simulating more amount of main memory than is actually available

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Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

b) Extension of real storage c) Extension of secondary storage d) Mechanism of simulating more amount of secondary storage than is actually available Answer: d 4. What does a Control Iterval(CI) contain? i) Data records ii) Unused space iii) Record Descriptor Fields iv) CI Descriptor Field a) Only i,ii,iv b) Only ii,iii,iv c) i,ii,iii,iv d) Only i,iii,iv Answer: c 5. Which utility generates the volume label and builds the volume table of contents (VTOC) for a disk? a) b) c) d) ICKDSF IKJEFT01 IEFBR14 IDCAMS

Answer: a

Sample Questions: JCL Fundamentals

1. SPACE=(n,(m,p)) for a PDS where n, m, and p are numbers. The p designates a) How many directory blocks to allocate b) How many primary quantity to allocate c) How many secondary quantity to allocate Answer: c 2. What are three parameters you can specify on Job statement as well as on exec stmt? a) b) c) d) TIME, REGION and COND parameters PARM, TIME and REGION parameters NOTIFY, TIME and COND parameters MSGCLASS, REGION and COND Parameters

Answer: a

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Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

3. What will happen to the dataset which has a Disposition parameter as DISP= (MOD, DELETE, DELETE) when (1) The step completes normally (2) When step abends? a) Dataset b) Dataset c) Dataset d) Dataset Answer: a 4. will will will will be deleted in both the cases be deleted only incase of an abend. be deleted only if it completes normally. never be deleted.

Which is true?

a) The members of a PDS are always alphabetically organized b) When a member of PDS is deleted, its entry is removed and the space is usable c) JCL to be executed has to be a member of a PDS Answer: a

Sample Questions: Overview of COBOL

1. Which of the following is an incorrect level number for a data-name in COBOL? a) b) c) d) 88 13 49 01

Answer: a 2. Which of the following clause allows you to use different data descriptions entries to describe the same computer storage area. a) REDEFINE b) RENAME c) AUTO Answer: a 3. A table GRADE-TABLE has the following record description in a COBOL program. 01 05 10 15 GRADE-TABLE. GRADE OCCURS 5 TIMES. CLASS-TYPE OCCURS 9 TIMES. YEAR OCCURS 9 TIMES.

It is desired to pick up the first grade in the 9th class-type in the 7th year. Which of the following will give the correct field?

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a) b) c) d) GRADE(7,9,1) YEAR(1,9,7) YEAR(7,9,1) GRADE-TABLE(1,9,7)

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

Answer: b 4. How many times does PARA-CALLED get executed? 01 WS-NUM1 PIC 9(002) VALUE ZEROES.

PARA-CALLING. MOVE 5 TO WS-NUM1 PERFORM PARA-CALLED WS-NUM1 TIMES STOP RUN. PARA-CALLED. MOVE 10 TO WS-NUM1. a) b) c) d) 10 times 5 times Compiler reports an error Program fall into infinite loop

Answer: b 5. Data names A, B and C assumes values 2, 3 and 4 respectively, at some stage in the computation, when the following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement is executed. What is the resulting value of D? IF (A > B) OR (B < C) COMPUTE D = A + B * C ELSE COMPUTE D = A * B + C. a) 14 b) 20 c) 10 Answer: a 6. a) b) c) d) Which of following is not a valid form of PERFORM verb? PERFORM . . . THRU . . . PERFORM . . . UTPO . . . PERFORM . . . TIMES. PERFORM . . . VARYING . . .

Answer: b

Sample Questions: Overview of DB2

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1. a) b) c) d)

Sample Questions for MF Technology 101 Certification

DB2 directory structure where DBDs are stored is SPT01 DBD01 SCT01 SCT02

Answer: b 2. a) b) c) d) In DB2, a table can have _________ number of cluster index(es) One Two Three Five

Answer: b 3. a) b) c) A Page-Fault occurs when a program refers to data that is not available in Main Storage Both Main and Expanded Storage Virtual Storage

Answer: a 4. Which of the following declarations is correct for a VARCHAR field of length 50 named EMP_ADDRESS? a) b) c) d) 01 EMP-ADDRESS PIC X(50). 01 EMP-ADDRESS PIC X(51). 01 EMPADDR. 49 EMPADDRLPIC S9(4) COMP. 49 EMPADDRD PIC X(50). 01 EMP-ADDRESS. 77 EMP-ADDRESS-LEN PIC S9(4) COMP. 77 EMP-ADDRESS-TEXT PIC X(50).

Answer: c

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