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DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2005 Seventh semester Common to All Branches GE 035 PROFESSTIONAL ETHICS Time: Three hours Answer ALL questions Part A (10X2 = 20) 1. Classify the types of inquiry. Maximum: 100 marks

2. What is meant by moral autonomy? 3. What are the limitations of codes of ethics?

4. Give a brief account of learning from the past, mentioning at least two examples.

5. Explain job related risks. 6. Explain how risks be reduced? Explain. 7. When is the whistle blowing morally permissible?

8. What is meant by loyality and collegiality? 9. What is technology transfer and appropriate technology? 10. Explain the meaning of moral leadership.

Part-B (5*16=80marks) 11. Explain Kohlbergs model of moral development.

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