Item 1: "The AFL Dropped The Ball by Not Monitoring The Essendon Supplement

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And the gold medal for inexplicable and hypocritical behaviour goes to the AFL.

I am still shaking with anger after reading comments made by AFL deputy CEO, Gillon McLachlan, on SEN radio this morning Item 1: The AFL dropped the ball by not monitoring the Essendon supplement program after advising coach James Hird to steer clear of using peptides in August 2011. My Comment: 1. It took the Government, Churches and media decades to admit that they had covered up sexual assault in the Churches and outback aboriginal communities. Its great that the collective consciences felt such remorse that you fessed up one day after denying Hird and Essendon natural justice. 2. Dropped the ball. You are kidding me. This is a gigantic understatement. The AFL gave away a free kick in the goal square while leading by five points with two seconds on the clock. Metaphorically speaking, this is Danny Frawleys ultimate coach killer. 3. I have been arguing for weeks that Hird was well down the chain in culpability contrasted to the AFL and the Essendon board. 4. As I have stated previously, and in Sundays blog, Two sides to every story Who should be under scrutiny?, the AFL Commission, Andrew Demetriou, Gillon McLachlan and Brett Clothier should have been in the dock with Essendon. This comment of McLachlan proves it. 5. Despite having flagged on a number of times that the AFL was culpable, not one single journalist addressed this issue. Is it any wonder that the media ranks third last on occupation respect totem pole? Even the girls of the night rank higher than journalists. Item 2: There are a lot of things to learn out of this. My Comment: 1. Correct. People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. The AFL governance flaws were just as bad as Essendons

2. The AFL has a duty of care to the players in every club 3. The AFL should have ensured its operational procedures were befitting of an organisation that claims it is obsessed with integrity. Item 3: The fact that club was warned is a credit to the AFL and the fact that we have got an integrity program that is trying to be ahead of the curve. My Comment: 1. There are a number of reasons why you should be sacked or resign, but this alone is sufficient. The AFL identified that Essendon was likely to be involved in a major accident that could jeopardise the lives of 30 plus young men, and could jeopardise the integrity of the competition, and you did nothing to prevent the inevitable accident. And you want credit for identifying that an accident could happen. A deal. Ill give you an elephant stamp on the way out and you leave the keys to the company car at reception. 2. The AFLs integrity program was virtually not existent with respect to the anti-doping issue in August 2011. I have written heaps of occupational health and safety manuals; conducted OH&S audits and lectured in OH&S, and the AFLs responsibilities in its anti-doping code were almost nonexistent. I could give the clauses but I think you could benefit from reading the whole document. To make matters worse, the AFL, like Essendon, didnt monitor Essendon and failed to ensure compliance. 3. The bottom line is the buck stops with the Commissioners. 4. It is incredibly hypocritical to charge Essendon with bringing the game into disrepute when the AFL is just as culpable. Item 4: The fact potentially though that we werent out there regularly monitoring is potentially a failing of the AFL. My Comment: 1. What does regularly mean? You didnt go to Essendon once let alone regularly, despite being told that Essendon was investigating introducing a peptides program.

2. Potentially a failing. I wouldnt expect a guy on work experience to make such a silly comment. The AFL failed. It didnt potentially fail. If the AFL had monitored Essendon monthly, as it should have, the whole sorry saga wouldnt have occurred. 3. What are you going to do about your governance flaws? Will you fall on your sword as James Hird was forced to do? 4. Will you order an inquiry? 5. Will you recommend the Commissioners face an inquiry to ascertain whether they are fit and proper people to be directors? Item 5: I dont think that we can shirk it in every instance, Im happy to take that on the chin in the sense that if we had gone out there every month and monitored it, then maybe we wouldnt be in this situation. My Comment: 1. Nice one Gill. Thirty per cent; forty per cent; seventy per cent; Let us know how often you think it is all right to shirk it (your job responsibilities) and Im sure the presidents of the 17 clubs will give you a ringing endorsement, as they regrettably did last week. 2. Take it on the chin. You are kidding. You should be taken with a piece of four by two, and then take it in the hip pocket and resign. 3. Then maybe we wouldnt be in this situation. At last. An implied admission that you are just as responsible for risking the players lives and jeopardising the integrity of the competition as Essendon. Item 6: Whats happened here is incredibly regrettable for the players and for the competition. My Comment: 1. Its regrettable for more than the players and the competition.

2. Its regrettable that the AFL failed its duty of care. 3. Its regrettable that an outstanding person such as James Hird has had his reputation destroyed forever. 4. Its regrettable that the fools from West Coast and Carlton booed Jobe Watson. 5. Its regrettable that Hird and Essendon were denied natural justice. 6. Its regrettable that not one commissioner was bright enough, or courageous enough, to say We are damaging our reputations by allowing Andrew Demetriou to sit on the jury. 7. Its regrettable that Mike Fitzpatrick was so dismissive last night about the leaks over the last six months. 8. Its regrettable that the AFL stooped so low when it made public its vexatious charges against Hird, Thompson, Corcoran, Reid and Essendon Item 7: People need to take various forms of accountability and Ill take that. My Comment: The only way for you to be accountable is to resign and to take Demetriou, Clothier and the Commission with you. Item 8: It was the AFLs wish for a quick resolution to the matter to avoid a protracted saga that would have lasted through the upcoming finals campaign. My Comment: 1. My understanding is you needed it resolved this year in order to satisfy Fox and the betting companies. 2. Fox needs nine competitive matches each week in 2014. If the saga had dragged out into next year, Essendon would have lost points and been in the same situation as Melbourne Storm a few years ago which would have

meant the AFL was only giving Fox eight competitive matches a week. Presumably, that would have resulted in a severe cut in income for the AFL.

Item 9: The facts here are complicated and a full contested hearing could take many weeks, My Comment: 1. By definition, this means Essendon and Hird didnt get a fair trial. They were denied natural justice because the AFL had to satisfy Fox and the betting companies in 2014. 2. This is the sort of justice handed out in Tombstone before Wyatt Earp became the sheriff. Its also the way Mexico operates. Perhaps it wasnt Dank who allegedly went to Mexico. Item 10: Everyone agreed that for the good of football, we need this resolved and to move on. My Comment: 1. This is a shameful admission. By definition, you have sacrificed the reputations of good people for the good of football. Good of football is a euphemism for more money from Fox. 2. Thats similar to what the Government, Churches and media said over the last few decades about sexual assault in the Churches and the outback communities. Try telling that to the victims of sexual assault. 3. If I hear anyone from the AFL talk about integrity again Ill put my foot through the television. 4. Many of us have believed for months that the AFL sullied the good name of football. Your comments to SEN this morning, though an admirable admission of guilt, have also sullied it. 5. James Hird didnt agree that the matter needed to be resolved immediately. He was forced into it.

6. And the meeting of the mob last Thursday forced Paul Little to do something he didnt want to do. Item 11: Ultimately everyone whether they are individuals or they are a club are entitled to defend themselves - natural justice dictates that. You cant just go around and deem things to have happened. Individuals and the club have every right to defend themselves in front of the commission. My Comment: 1. You cant be serious. You may be able to intimidate the 17 clubs to support your authoritarian rule. You may be able to force Essendon and Hird to capitulate but dont treat us like idiots. 2. There was no natural justice. The AFL had found Hird and Essendon guilty months ago. Demetriou said months ago that Essendon wouldnt get a soft landing. 3. The AFL has been trying to do a deal for weeks if not months. That implies the AFL had found Hird and Essendon guilty. 4. The AFL stated that if the deal wasnt accepted by yesterday the deal was off. And implied that the penalties would be harsher. That means the AFL had already decided that Essendon and Hird were guilty. Item 12: McLachlan also defended Hird, acknowledging that even though he didnt intentionally set out to break any rules, hes taken responsibility for what took place. James did never set out to implement a program that could have involved performance enhancing drugs or injurious drugs. My Comment: The AFLs PR campaign and vexatious charges sent a completely different message to the public. Item 13: But what he did yesterday, hes taken accountability for the outcomes here. I think that should be commended.

My Comment: Its a hollow and hypocritical comment if you, Demetriou and the Commission, dont take accountability for the AFL bringing the game into disrepute.

Bruce Francis 28 August 2013

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