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Latin III Second Quarter Quiz Translate the following noun phrases: 1. among your(sing) friends 3.

. before the great sacred forest 5. out of all the names 7. from the poor mothers 9. near the brave boy 11. because of the bad father 13. against many and fierce men 15. over the long fields 17. behind every farmhouse 19. on account of the big brothers 21. concerning the daring brothers 23. toward the similar road 25. against the holy names 27. with the short farmers 29. about the beautiful letters

Name ______________________________ Date _______________________________

2..contra magnos legatos 4. cum gravibus puellis 6. ante nostram villam 8. de potenti manu 10. per magnos nuntios 12. pro audacibus pueris 14. ob liberos pueros 16. de sacris viris 18. post celere tempus 20. per vestros servos 22. inter omnes arbores 24. contra bonas amicas 26. propter brevem puerum 28. in miseris villis 30. trans fortes nuntios

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