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April 8, 2012 Mr.

Reince Priebus Chairman, Republican National Committee 310 1st Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 Dear Chairman Priebus, On behalf of the millions of grassroots conservatives around the country that our organizations represent, we are writing in support of the efforts of our friend and colleague Morton Blackwell, outlined in the letter he sent to you last month. Your work to turn around the RNC financial situation has been commendable. Movement conservative leaders and grassroots activists have supported much of it. We urge you not to betray that goodwill and earned respect by failing to enact the positive reforms that would undo the rules power grab done in Tampa last year. Like you, we believe that the strength of the Conservative Movement and Republican Party lies in the strength of our ideas and the millions of citizens who believe in them and work tirelessly through the political process on behalf of our shared principles. Enacting rules changes that centrally consolidate power not only violates our political principles, it will alienate the very people who have been the most loyal foot soldiers in support of Republican candidates. We also ask you to carefully consider any proposed changes recommended in the Growth and Opportunity Project. Conservatism and the Reagan coalition that created the modern Republican Party represents the fusion of economic conservatives, social conservatives, and national security conservatives. Rather than allowing political consultants and other elite minorities to shed our principles in the name of political expediency, we must reaffirm our commitment to these timeless American principles and the work that it will take to again make them relevant to a majority of our citizens. Thank you for your efforts and for your attention to these requests. Sincerely, Edwin Meese III General Chairman Conservative Action Project The Honorable Ken Blackwell President Constitutional Congress, Inc. Colin Hanna President Let Freedom Ring Marjorie Dannenfelser President Susan B. Anthony List Bob Reccord Executive Director Council for National Policy The Honorable David McIntosh Former Member of Congress Indiana Tony Perkins President Family Research Council Erick Erickson Editor RedState T. Kenneth Cribb Former Reagan Domestic Advisor Becky Norton Dunlop Arlington County, Virginia, Republican Stuart Epperson President Council for National Policy Mike Needham CEO Heritage Action for America William L. Walton President Rappahannock Ventures Alfred S. Regnery Former Publisher American Spectator Al Cardenas Former Chairman Republican Party of Florida

Herman Pirchner Washington, DC, Republican David Bossie President Citizens United Duane Parde President National Taxpayers Union Jim Martin Chairman 60 Plus Association Gary Aldrich Chairman, Council for National Policy Action, Inc. Richard Viguerie President Brian Brown President, National Organization for Marriage Frank Cannon President American Principles Project Gary Marx Executive Director Faith and Freedom Coalition Jeff Frazee Executive Director Young Americans for Liberty Kristan Hawkins President Students for Life of America Craig Shirley Biographer of President Ronald Reagan Lew Uhler President, National Tax Limitation Committee

Grover Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform Phyllis Sclafly President Eagle Forum C. Preston Noell President Tradition, Family, Property Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness David Bozell Executive Director ForAmerica Dan Bongino 2012 Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Maryland Catherine Engelbrecht President True the Vote Now Susan Carleson President American Civil Rights Union Seton Motley President Less Government Ralph Benko Senior Advisor American Principles in Action Andresen Blom Senior Strategist Center for Civic Virtue Jenny Beth Martin Co-Founder Tea Party Patriots Donald Devine Editor Conservative Battleline

Matt Kibbe President and CEO FreedomWorks Cleta Mitchell Chairman, American Conservative Union Foundation Angelo M. Codevilla Professor Emeritus Boston University Gary Bauer President, Campaign for Working Families Eli Lehrer President R Street Institute Joe Miller Chairman Restoring Liberty Richard and Susan Faulkner Publishers Blue Ridge Forum Larry Cirignano President Faithful Catholic Citizens Mat Staver Chairman Liberty Counsel Action George Landrith President Frontiers of Freedom Jim Backlin Vice President Christian Coalition of America Austin Ruse President, Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute Matt Smith President Catholic Advocate

Dr. William Greene President Jeffrey B. Gayner Chairman Americans for Sovereignty Lee Beaman Nashville, Tennessee, Republican Robert K. Fischer President Fischer Furniture, Inc.

Donna Hearne President The Constitutional Coalition Peter J. Thomas Chairman The Conservative Caucus, Inc. Mark Fitzgibbons President of Corporate Affairs American Target Advertising Dee Hodges President, Maryland Taxpayers Association

Alex St. James Executive Special Assistant Republican National Policy Committee Diana Bannister Vice President, Shirley & Bannister Public Affairs Secretary, Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee


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