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BBQ CALAMARI Ingredients:

4 large calamari cleaned and sliced (but not all the way through, this way they will blow up (puff) once on the bbq) club soda extra virgin olive oil balsamic vinegar salt pepper juice of a lemon capers parsley a little pesto 2 crushed garlic left whole

Boil club soda in a saucepan adding squid once it comes to a boil. Cook until club soda returns to a boil and now remove squid. Coat Squid with some Olive oil and season with pepper. Put aside. In a bowl mix together virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, juice of a lemon, capers, parsley, pesto and garlic. Heat BBQ. Spray oil on grill and then placing squid directly on grill, grill squid for about 6 minutes (approx. 3 minutes each side) or until they are cooked. Remove from grill and slice all the way through making rings.

Place in bowl with Seasoned Mixture, toss and serve.

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