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Vanity and Preconception

-Kristen Knightingale

Chapter 3
Kuhu hated November. She hated it because it was a month that really had nothing to give her but work, work, and more work in the form of tests, papers, and piles upon piles of homework. So when Sona kept inviting her to double-dates with Arka, her already busy schedule was now overflowing. On top of it all, on all three of the double-dates she had been on Rishab Singh Rathod had been her partner. Kuhu was understanding of the fact that Sona was a very reserved individual and wanted the training wheels per say on the relationship before she delved farther into it with Arka, but after the third double date, she had cornered her friend and told her that she was done. Sona and Arka were at this point comfortable enough to date openly and she was, frankly put, much too busy right now to help out her friend anyway. Plus, she had enough of being in Rishi's presence in a date-like setting. "I guess you're right." Sona stated as the two sat around in Kuhu's on-campus apartment on a cold Wednesday. Kuhu lived there with Anita since Sona had opted to become a Resident Advisor and live by herself in one of the other dorms on campus. "But honestly Kuhu, please dear- at this week's Friday dinner can you try not to throw your food at Rishi?" Sona was referring to both the date from earlier that week on Monday and the dinner that the three girls regularly had together every week. The last double date had been nothing short of a nightmare for Arka and Sona and was the main reason the two of them had decided to never invite these particular friends for a double date ever again. Both Rishi and Kuhu were hardly ever civil to each other. Rishi was still smarting over Kuhu's abject refusal of his apology while Kuhu was stewing over his pretentious arrogant air. One was overly prideful of the respect he thought he should earn, the other too prejudiced regarding rich young men. They had not been, at least until Monday, physical with each other. Both would come to the dinner and throw veiled insults at the other throughout the course of their meal and Sona and Arka would try their hardest to tune them out to hopefully continue with their date. The now quite smitten couple didn't trust any other friend as close as they did these two so it was no wonder that they were asked again and again for repeated dates. Unfortunately, Rishi's rather scathing comment the other day had resulted in a physical altercation. Neither girl wanted to remember it but Kuhu found herself doing so. Kuhu sat next to her best friend at the small round table inwardly counting the number of minutes she had left to bear in Rishi's presence. Honestly, she had had enough of his insults and was not looking forward to spending the rest of the night in the library finishing the paper she had due tomorrow- the paper she was supposed to be working on currently.

"Kuhu, just because you have no one interested in you like Sona does, it does not give you the right to grit your teeth at her all night." Rishi remarked during a rather tense silence. Kuhu stared at him in shock when he spoke and both Sona and Arka shared a worried look. They were used to the rather argumentative nature that the relationship between Rishi and Kuhu had taken but neither had ever expected it to go this far. And this was too far, even for Arka, who had tried to make up for his friend's impolite nature towards Kuhu on more than one occasion. "You know what Rishi- I don't think I've met a bigger jerk than you ever before in my life." Kuhu eyed the glass of frigid ice water in front of her for a moment and Sona panicked. She was too late in intervening however and before any of them could stop what was about to occur, Kuhu had picked up the glass and dumped its contents on Rishi's head. "How dare you!" He roared when she had finished. Kuhu only smirked before turning to the other two occupants at the table and bidding them adieu ignoring the looks she was getting from the restaurant's other patrons. She hadn't made it that far however before her arm was grabbed and Rishi towered over her with an intimidating scowl on his face. "You will apologize right now Kuhu!" He growled uncaring of the attention they were receiving or the water dripping down his hair. Kuhu glared back at him and wrenched her hand free of his hold. "And why should I Rishi? Especially after you insulted me in that boyner?" Rishi growled and snatched her hand again but this time Kuhu was ready. She reared her other hand back and slapped him. The slap was enough to shock him into silence and he watched her leave, cheek stinging from the impact, and pride crushed from the humiliating encounter. He turned to look back at Sona and Arka. Stalking forward, he dropped money from his wallet on the table - enough to cover both his and Kuhu's meal along with Sona and Arka's- and left without another word. Sona and Arka in the meanwhile were still trying to process what had happened and decided that they too should probably leave. Never again were Rishi and Kuhu allowed to be in each other's vicinity in a restaurant, was the secret pact that both made that night. Kuhu had to admit that she did feel a little guilty when she'd come home from the date but still her anger towards Rishi was ever present. He had never really seemed to care about her and it irked Kuhu more than it should have. She didn't care if he didn't want to date her but she figured she was at least worthy enough for his grudging respect or perhaps even acknowledgment. Arka was perfect- he was friendly, nice, and charming. Whatever had enabled him to befriend Rishi Kuhu would never know. She could hardly believe the two were friends anyway. "Kuhu!" Sona stated snapping her out of her thoughts. "Someone's knocking on the door; do you want to see who it is?" Standing up, Kuhu walked over and opened the door cursing herself for not looking through the peephole before she opened it.

Standing on the other side of the door was Soham Kundu. Soham had been and continued to be a bothersome individual in Kuhu's life. He didn't pester her for notes on a constant basis or insult her so blatantly like Rishi but he did have a nasty habit of asking her out over and over again. At first, it had been kind of sweet when he'd kept trying. Soon however, it had turned to becoming a bother and now she couldn't help but want to just smack him on the head and yell something along the lines of 'Get out! Can't you see when you're not wanted?' He also had a rather nasty habit of boasting about his Aunt Cathrine in London and her rather affluent status. Needless to say, Kuhu had not been impressed. "Kuhu!" Soham exclaimed upon seeing her at the door. "Just the person I wanted to see. I heard that you're still hosting those Friday night dinners and I was going to make sure that it was okay for me to arrive a little late." Kuhu only blanched before assuring Soham that it was okay. Maybe they could have dinner just a little earlier so that when Soham arrived he'd only be able to stay for dessert. She sincerely regretted having invited him to the dinners in the first place last year. "It won't be a problem Soham. Was there anything else you needed?" Soham looked around the apartment corridor before talking again. "Well, there's actually something I wanted to ask you. I heard that there is a rather interesting performance this Saturday- a local band is playing at one of the bars nearby, perhaps you would like to go see them perform with me?" Kuhu who was already quite aggravated from a stressful day and recalling the memory of Monday's date let her temper fly. "Look Soham- get a clue! I don't give a shit about you and your dates. I have rejected you from the minute you asked me out and I will continue to do so! You and your aunt's money can hightail it away from my door. In fact, I'd rather prefer it if you would do that right now actually!" Soham scowled at Kuhu! Maybe his Aunt Cathrine was right! Kuhu was no match for some of the other Indian girls he could have in his presence. Who was she to disdain his aunt in such a boyner? The lady that Kuhu had just insulted had practically raised him and was quite powerful in London society. With a sneer aimed Kuhu's way he left but not before uttering a few parting words. "You will regret ever saying that about my Aunt Kuhu! There are much better women than you that I can find. Don't ever come sniveling to me when you need my help! I sure won't be willing to offer it you after such a cruel rejection." "Well, I don't want it anyway!" Kuhu yelled out to his retreating back before shutting the door. "Pompous, butt-kissing jerk!" She turned back to her guest annoyed to see Sona breaking out into laughter. "Oh my god Kuhu, I don't think I've ever seen his face turn so red before! He must have been quite embarrassed!" Sona wasn't one to be rude but Soham had been a grating presence in their college lives for far too long. "Do you think he'll finally leave you alone?" Kuhu collapsed into the couch next to her friend.

"One can only hope Sona dear, one can only hope!" Laughing the two girls spent the rest of their time together in relative peace until Anita came back home and a robotic comedy plus dinner date was abruptly planned between them.

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