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UBND TNH TIN GIANG S GIO DC & O TO --------------

CNG HA X HI CH NGHA VIT NAM c lp - T do - Hnh phc ----------------

P N - K THI CHN HC SINH GII LP 12 THPT CP TNH Kha ngy 26 thng 10 nm 2010 p n chnh thc Mn : TING ANH thcthcthcthc Thi gian lm bi: 180 pht ( khng k thi gian giao ) --------------------------------------------------------------------PART I : LISTENING COMPREHENSION : ( 2 . ) ( 0.25 8 = 2 ) ( tapescript) Question 1 1. D 25 % 2. B birds 3 . A fight together 4. A we can get water from polar ice caps (1) situation (2) snowfalls (3) Gulf coast (4) area

Question 2

EARTH DAY Today is Earth Day, and we're here in Central Park for the big cleanup and celebration. We asked some of the people who turned out today what they think we ought to do to help the environment. Well, I think we'd better do something to protect the tropical rain forests before they're all gone. You know, rain forests only make up like two percent of the Earth's surface, but over half the world's wild plant, animal, and insect species live there. One out of every four pharmaceuticals comes from a plant in a tropical rain forest. We ought to support organizations involved in rain forest conservation, like the Rain Forest Action Network in San Francisco. The most important thing to me is to save and care for all the wildlife in the world. Did you know that by the year 2000, 20% of all Earth's species could be lost forever? And we'd better not save only the mammals we ought to be concerned about the insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and plants. I think the governments of the world had better get together and do something.
1 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

I'm really worried about the quality of the air we breathe. Cars cause a lot of the air pollution and everybody ought to do whatever possible to stop it, you know. For example, people ought to drive together or use public transportation that would keep millions of pounds of pollution out of the atmosphere. People ought to buy cars that get good gas mileage and keep them tuned up and running well. The more gas a car uses, the more pollution it emits. We'd all better support the development and use of cars that use alternative energy sources like electric cars, solar-powered cars, and cars that run on methane gas. We'd better not take the water we have for granted in this country. Every day, we consume 450 billion gallons of water! We get this water from our rivers, lakes, and streams, or from groundwater, and we have been careless about how we've treated our water sources. We ought to take better care of the groundwater and keep it safe from pollutants especially chemicals that people pour down their drains without thinking or gasoline leaks from underground storage tanks. We'd also better start conserving water. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good morning. I'm Wayne Porter with your latest weather news from Channel 15. Let's look at the national situation first. The Pacific Coast will have clear and sunny skies all day, but it will be quite cold. The Rockies can expect further heavy snowfalls in the north and it will be extremely cold. The Midwest will have strong winds coming down from Canada and these winds will bring a lot of rain into the region. There might be snow in the west of the region later. The Northeast will have cloudy skies with temperatures in the mid-40s. There will be strong winds and heavy rain on the Gulf coast of Texas, and there might be thunderstorms later in the day. These storms might move across into Florida by the early evening. In Florida, it will be a very hot, humid day with cloudy skies; but there won't be any rain in the earlier part of the day. Now let's hear from Joan Zane for more weather news for the Tampa Bay area. PART II : VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR ( 8 .) Question 3: 1/. A/. climax 3/. B/. deserts 5/. B/. did you invite 7/. B/. had seen Question 4 :
P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

( 0.25 8 = 2 ) 2/. C/. subject to 4/. C/. To a certain extent 6/. D/. that 8/. C/. press conference ( 0.25 8 = 2 )

1/. D 3/. A 5/. B 7/. B -

peoples a high school diploma quite a to

2/. A - what 4/. B - left / were leaving 6/. C - make 8/. A - disappear ( 0.25 8 = 2 )

Question 5 : 1/. COMMERCIALLY 2/. APOLOGETIC 3/. SOLUTIONS 4/. SIMILARITIES 5/. STARTLING 6/. GENERATED 7/. ILLITERATE 8/. EXTRA-CURRICULAR Question 6 : 1/. cope WITH.. . 2/. derive .FROM.. 3/. anxious .ABOUT.. 4/. Let go .OF.. 5/. BEYOND... recognition. 6/. assist .IN.. 7/. BY.. two inches. 8/. condensed .INTO

( 0.25 8 = 2 )

PART III : READING COMPREHENSION ( 6 . ) Question 7 : ( 0.25 6 = 1.5 )

A. How librarians work with books B. Build this activity into life's planning 3 C. Another time or another person will look at it better than you now 6 D. This job should have influence on opinion of persons who read 5 E. Accounting and auditing are so different! F. Dealing mainly with numbers and figures 2 G. Lets join us and look for the information from the other person! 1 H. The right interest to arise around the right time and the right place - 4

1 G, 2 F, 3 B, 4 H, 5 D, 6 C
3 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

Question 8 : (1) while / (when) (3) away (5) until (7) lectures / (speeches) (9) subject

( 0.125 16 = 2 ) (2) birth (4) headed / (led / directed) (6) inspired (8) working (10) As / (Because / Since ) (12) without

(11) therefore / consequently / subsequently (13) notes (15) far / much / even/ ( being) Question 9 : 1-C 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-A 10 - D PART IV : WRITING ( 4 - 2 /mi La m ) Question 10 : ( 0.25 8 = 2 ) 1/. When he was a student he had known great poverty. As A STUDENT HE HAD KNOWN GREAT POVERTY. 2/. It was foolish of her to stand in a queue.

(14) resulted (16) decided

( 0.25 10 = 2.5 )

4 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

She SHOULDNT HAVE STOOD IN A QUEUE. / SHE STOOD IN A QUEUE, WHICH WAS FOOLISH. / SHE MADE A FOOL OF HERSELF STANDING IN A QUEUE. 3/. (Bill: Let me pay for myself.) Tom: Certainly not! Ill pay! Tom insisted ON PAYING . 4/. He says, Meet me at the station. He says that WE/THEY ARE TO MEET HIM AT THE STATION./ HE IS TO BE MET AT THE STATION. 5/. But for the fog, we would have reached the top. If it HADNT / HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE FOG, WE WOULD HAVE REACHED THE TOP. / If it HADNT / HAD NOT BEEN FOGGY, WE WOULD HAVE REACHED THE TOP. 6/. Both her sons work abroad, but they ring her up every week. Her sons, both OF WHOM WORK ABROAD, RING HER UP EVERY WEEK. / Her sons, both WORKING ABROAD, RING HER UP EVERY WEEK. 7/. No matter what kinds of change have been brought about, movies remain an important art form. Whatever CHANGES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT, MOVIES REMAIN AN IMPORTANT ART FORM. 8/. Evacuate the area! ordered the superintendent. The superintendent ordered THAT EVERYONE/EVERYBODY (SHOULD) EVACUATE / LEAVE THE AREA/ THE AREA (SHOULD) BE EVACUATED/ ( khng c THAT ) EVERYONE/EVERYBODY/US/THEM TO EVACUATE / LEAVE THE AREA / THE AREA TO BE EVACUATED. Question 11 : 2

Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten. Discuss. ( in about 200-250 words ) + K thut: (1,00 im). Th sinh vit c bi vn (khong 200-250 t hoc hn mt t) (0.125 ) mt cch hon chnh, ng v b cc ca mt bi exposition dng lun trnh by kin v mt vn no (0.125 ) . Phi c 3 phn: m bi, thn bi v kt lun (0.125 ). Mi paragraph phi c topic sentence (0.125 ).

5 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

Dng t chnh xc, phong ph , vit ng ng php; cu vn mch lc, c t hoc cu lin kt gia cc on vn (0.5 ). * Khng ng mu mt bi exposition tr 0.125 ; khng c t/cm t nhn mnh im ng h, im chng tr 0.125 ; hon ton khng c connectors tr 0.25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

( phn Intro - present the writers viewpoint : I (personally) think / I believe / In my opinion, / As far as Im concerned, . ; phn Body: - give pros and cons/advantages and disadvantages theo trnh t arguments: C t/cm t nu bt oc s nhn mnh cc im ng h ( in fact, actually, thus, accordingly, therefore, as a result, as a consequence, in so doing, for this reason, hence, thereby, and so, ), s tng dn ca l lun ng h ( in addition, moreover, furthermore, besides, also, likewise, whats more, . , ... ) v cc im chng ( however, though, yet, still, nevertheless, on the other hand, . ), s tng dn ca l lun chng ( even, even more, to make it worse, .. ) ; v phn Conclsn - Therefore, , In conclusion, , To sum up, I am certain that / I prefer / I would rather like . / I am in favor of .. over ). + tng: (1,00 im) c 2 hng l lun. Cch no trong 3 cch sau, h l lun cht ch, hp l, thuyt phc u c cng nhn. (0.50 ) * Nn bt u dy ngoi ng ngay t cp hc mu gio v hc sinh nh v nh t giy trng, rt nhy vi ngoi ng. Cc nghin cu cho thy rng tr th cc nm u c kh nng nhy ngoi ng nhng khi ln ln kh nng ny dn dn b thay th khi ting m cng lc cng hnh thnh v pht trin. * Khng nn dy ngoi ng t cp hc mu gio v e rng ngoi ng s can thip vo qu trnh hc ting m ca hc sinh. Hin nay vn ny vn cn l mt controversy ( gy tranh ci ) cha ng ng.
6 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

* ng h vic bt u dy ngoi ng ngay t cp hc mu gio nhng phi chn chng trnh ph hp, ch dy nghe ni, t vng n gin, ch ph hp vi la tui, khng dy ng php, vit nng n. Xy dng cc hot ng hc tp va hc, va chi . C bnh phm gn v cho v d minh ha (0.25 ) v t dn i n kt lun ca ring mnh: vic hc ngoi ng nn bt u hay khng nn bt u cp hc mm non. (0.25 ) Ty theo kh nng vit ca hc sinh, gim kho c th quyt nh im trong gii hn cho php. Ghi ch: - Tng quan ton bi c tt nhng khng phi bi exposition: ti a ch t 0.5 . - Tng quan ton bi c tt nhng thiu mt phn: m bi/ kt lun: ti a ch t 0.75 ; thiu m bi v kt lun: ti a ch t 0.5 - Nu vit sai ch hoc khng ng loi hnh vn xui: khng cho im - Tng im ton bi: 20.0 im. - Ch lm trn im n 2 s l thp phn di dng: 0.25 , 0.50 , 0.75 v 1.00 - Chm st p n biu im.

------------------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------

7 P N TA 12 HSG 26-10-10

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