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ROLE PLAY Tittle : What is ROLE PLAY Scene 1 Ise : Stand up class, All : Good evening Sir.

Omar : Thanks class, please sit down. Okay , today i have many work to do. So, i didnt have time to teach you something new to day. Mat : Whats that, Sir? Omar : That something new that you might dont know about it. Constance : Interesting, can you explain to us Sir? Hisham : Yes, so interesting Sir. Please tell us something about it Sir. Omar : Just relax and play attention what im going to talk about. Today, it suppose to be about us call a ROLE PLAY. Ise : Role Play?? Whats that Sir? Is that is likes sing a song or playing some instrumental music? Omar : It use to be your work to search what means by role play. I want you all find it and make it tomorrow. I dont care about yhe litte, just choose any tittle that you are understand. Mat : Sir, can i ask you something? Omar : Yes, proceed..... Mat : Can you just tell us a little bit about that Role Play. All : Yes Sir, Please....... Omar : Im so sory class, i have not enought time to explain right now. I have a meeting with your belove headmaster just a few second. I hope you all make a good presentation tomorrow. Monitor!! Ise : Class, Thank you Sir... All : Thank you Sir...

Scene 2 Hisham : Ise, did you know whats means by role play? Constance : ya, you are our monitor, you should know about it. Ise : sorry friends, i only know singing, playing and make some vandalisme...hahaha.... i dont know about role play. Hisham : What about you Mat?? Dont be shy...just give your opinion, haha... Constance : i know you just pretending Mat. Mat : Pretending what? Constance : Just pretending to be blur about that Mat. Mat : About what?? Hisham : Relax Mat, he only asking you about our assignment. Ise !! dont sleep !! we need to go home, im so tired today. Bye..... Mat : I also have something to do....chouw.... Constance : Ohh... I feel not well.... I need to go to Hospital, bye Hisham...see you tomorrow. Hisham : Wey friends, whats we are going to do, tomorrow...ehem... I so disappointed !!! I wish u all not classmate so irresponsible.

Scene 3

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