Accelbio Syllabus - 2013-14

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Accelerated Biology

Instructor: Mr. Smitka Room: A107 - Roseville High School Supplies - (Things to Bring to Class EVERY DAY) 3-Ring Binder, at least 1in thick Loose leaf paper Pencils (Sharpened before class begins) or blue/black pens Highlighter You need the following, but no not need to bring everyday o Colored Pencils o Text Book RHS Classroom Policies Show respect o Language, Equipment, Projects, For Others & Self Do your assigned job work hard Come prepared for class o Materials/Books o Excessive passes will be referred to Assistant Principal No personal electronics to be used during lecture & direction sessions. o During lecture & direction sessions, A107 will be considered a RED ZONE. Unless directed, all personal electronics must be out of sight. This includes cell phones, iPods, iPads, MP3 players, video games, etc. o During personal work time, A107 will be considered a YELLOW ZONE. Personal electronics can be used at the teachers discresion. Take your assigned seat at bell Coats/Hats MUST BE stored in lockers or OUT OF SIGHT in backpacks Raise your hand if you want to speak During Labs, all safety procedures will be followed for the well being of all in the class Attendance The attendance policy of Roseville High School will be followed at all times. If for any reason your entire body is not inside the classroom when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy. If a student is absent from class, it is the students responsibility, not the teachers, to find out what work was missed. The student must inquire about missed work from the teacher. Going to the Restroom Class time is valuable and I expect you to go to the restroom before or after class. There is plenty of time between classes to take care of your business. I understand that special circumstances do arise, and in these situations I will sometimes permit a student to use the restroom or get a drink, provided the following: o If no other student is out of the classroom at that time. o If Mr. Smitka is not in the middle of teaching something or helping another student Be respectful of this privilege it is not a right. If a student violates this restroom privilege, they will not be allowed to use the restroom for the remainder of the semester. Violating this privilege includes going somewhere other than the restroom, being noisy in the hallway, habitually needing to go to the bathroom, etc. Any student with special circumstances regarding restroom privileges needs to give me a note written and signed by your parent/guardian Student Movement No student should be wandering around the class at any time. Do not get up to sharpen your pencil (you should have a spare), throw things away, hand a paper to someone, etc. If you have trash, hold it until the end of class or raise it up and I will throw it away for you. If for some reason you must get up, raise your hand and ask, please. Participation Everyone is expected to participate in class. This includes answering/attempting to answer questions, participating in labs or demos, or anything else that Mr. Smitka dreams up for you to participate in. If any student has a problem with this policy, she/he should come see me as soon as possible to discuss the situation. E-Mail: Class Website:

Class Dismissal Mr. Smitka, not the clock, will dismiss class. The class will be dismissed only if all cleaning requirements are complete, I have stopped speaking, and all students are in their seats. No one will leave unless all students are in a seat and quiet. Tests Test questions will be taken directly from the text, vocabulary, reading assignments, lectures, labs, or any other material covered in class. Tests may cover partial, whole or multiple chapters. Any tests missed due to an excused absence must be made-up at a scheduled time arranged with me. It is the students responsibility to schedule this time, not the teachers. Quizzes Quizzes will be given every Friday in which a test is not given. Each quiz will be designed to help you study for the test by covering material learned since the last quiz (approx. one week). Any missed quizzes due to an excused absence must be made up the following Monday. Periodically, quizzes may be unannounced or may be given on non-Fridays. Homework Homework will be given periodically to help reinforce all that you have learned in class. All homework assigned will be due at the beginning of the class on the given due date. Homework will either be checked as a class or turned into Mr. Smitka on the date due. Labs Labs will be periodically done in order to help you better learn and reinforce ideas and concepts covered in class. Labs will often be done with a partner or partners, but each student will be held responsible for turning in their own work. All students are expected to follow all lab-safety procedures. Any violation of lab safety rules will be grounds for immediate removal from the classroom and a conference with your vice principal. Any missed labs must be made up during a time scheduled with the teacher. Notes Students will be responsible for taking notes in class. The student should pay attention and highlight their notes accordingly to help them study for quizzes and tests. In this class, notes are even more important than the text book. Tests & quizzes will follow our notes more than directly from the textbook. Late Work Homework is assigned at the time that is assigned for a reason. It will be very difficult if not impossible to keep up with this class if you do not complete homework on time. For this reason, all late work will be penalized one grade for every day late. This goes for homework that was not done, left at home, left in your locker, left in the car, left at your friends house, spontaneously combusted or eaten by a pet shark, etc. Doesnt matter, if its not there, its late. Late work will not be accepted after the chapter test has been given for that unit. If you miss an assignment, excused or not, an M will be placed in the gradebook, marking that assignment as missing. The M will be replaced once the assignment has been turned in. Make-ups Make-up work for tests, quizzes and selected labs is to be done during lunch or after school on assigned days. Grading All grades will be based on the 13-point system set forth by Roseville Community Schools. A+ 13 A 12 A- 11 B+ 10 B 9 B- 8 C+ 7 C 6 C- 5 D+ 4 D 3 D- 2 F 0 Grade Weight Summative Assignments = 70% Formative Assignments = 30% (Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Unit Labs) (Homework, Daily Assignments, Participation, Class Demos, Small Labs) Cheating Copying another students homework, lab, extra credit, or test will results in all people involved receiving a zero on that assignment, as well as having their parents notified. Cheating includes cutting and pasting off of the internet and not properly referencing it in an assignment. Students will receive an office referral on their second and subsequent offenses Vandalism We are lucky to have a science classroom with new and expensive equipment. I want all supplies, lab tables, chairs, etc to remain as new as possible for as long as possible. Vandalism of any kind to any portion of this room WILL NOT be tolerated. Any vandalism will result in immediate discipline, conference with your vice principal, phone call home, time on your part in order to remove the vandalism, and you will be passed on the cost to repair or replace a portion of vandalized material. Consequences Consequences are used for any disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class. You are old enough to know how to act. o 1st offense Warning o 2nd offense Responsibility Room Visit or Detention o 3rd offense Responsibility Room Visit or Assistant Principal Referral Note: I reserve the right to skip consequences for major offences or repeat offenders, also an immediate referral to the office may be issued if the issue becomes a problem that is disrupting the entire class

Student/Parent Agreement
I have read this document and understand the policies and procedures of Mr. Smitkas cla ss and knowing this, I will try my best to follow all class rules and procedures. I am also aware that it is my right to request a meeting at any time during the year to discuss the enforcement of these rules and policies or any other issues related to class.

Student Name ____________________________________________________

Science Hour ____________________

Student Signature _________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email Address


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