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Writing summaries Thesis statements Introductions Conclusions

Where do you stand?

On a sheet of paper, briefly explain which of the following items presents the most difficulty for you as a writer.
Thesis statements Introductions Conclusions

Where do you stand?

Go to the board with the item that presents the

most difficulty for you. Discuss your issue with the others who have also chosen this item as most difficult. As a group, decide which reasons are the most common. Write 3-5 of them on the board.

Meet in groups
Compare lists
Decide which words and phrases are important, and decide which ones are not

important Write a summary of Tuckers essay

What is a thesis statement?

A one- or two-sentence summary of a papers content Serves as an assertion about essays content Highlights all main topics covered in essay

What is its purpose?

It establishes a focus

Establishes a basis on which to include or exclude information

Forecasts authors discussion

What are the components of a thesis statement?

Makes an assertion/claim about essay topic
Dont be wishy-washy!

Dont be too broad!

What is a working thesis?

Hypothesis about topic or a claim intended to

be made After drafting, success of working thesis can be evaluated Working thesis statements CHANGE!

What is its purpose?

Help guide research If unable to prove through research, must

change and alter this assertion

For Friday...
Read Hacker chapter about Run-ons and

Fragments Complete exercises as listed on the homework log

Write a thesis statement for group summary of the

Tucker article

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