2010 PMR Pecutan Akhir 1answer2

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Look at the pictures carefully.

Imagine that you are one of the people in the picture - the girl, the woman or the man. Describe what happened. Make your description as interesting as possible.

When 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

writing your composition: use all the points given elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting make sure it is not less than 120 words

stall - help selling local delicacies a man big car bought a lot wallet on ground wondered knew returned look for relieved reward honesty

From: lock2sonic@yahoo.com.my To: hudafiya@gmail.com Subject: Something that I could share with you.

Dear Huda, How are you getting on? I hope all our struggles to get flying colours will be rewarded. You do know that my mother has a stall selling local delicacies and I lend a hand whenever I am free, right? I enjoy what I do because I meet a lot of nice customers. However, I want to share an experience with you. One day, a man in a big car drove up to our stall. He bought a lot of curry puffs from us and made my mother very happy when he said that her curry puffs were the best he had ever tasted. As soon as he had left, I noticed a wallet lying on the ground. I wondered who the owner was and alas, I knew it belonged to the man so I kept it. An hour later, the man returned to the stall to look for his wallet. He was very relieved when I gave it back to him. He was also very pleased that nothing was missing from his wallet. He wanted to reward me for my honesty but I did not want to accept the money. Well, honesty is the best policy. I will drop you a line again if I encounter new stories.

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