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Volume 5 Issue 1

Summer 2013

Ready, Set Go!

AAA Life Services Hosts Fundraising 5K on October 12 To Bestow on Them

a Crown of Beauty instead of Ashes

-from Isaiah 61:3

140 Greenville Ave. Clarion, PA 16214

Check Out Whats Inside!

Beautiful Things Heartbeat International A New Way of Giving Baby Pictures! 2 3 3 4

As running continues to increase in popularity, AAA Life Services is getting on the healthy band wagon and holding its own race starting right at its office this fall. On Saturday, October 12 at 9 a.m., runners and walkers will participate in the first-ever AAA Life Services road race. All participants have to do is pay a registration fee to race and theyre ready to go, said Diane Fagley, executive director with AAA Life Services. No one has to go out and raise money for this race, said Fagley. In our planning, it was important for us to keep it simple for the participants so they can find out where we are and who we are. All funds

raised through registration fees, said Fagley, will go directly to AAA Life Services. The race will start at the AAA Life Services building at 140 Greenville Ave. right across from Clarion University. The 5K run and the 2 mile walk will have different routes but both events will also end at AAA. The purpose of the event is twofold -- raising money and raising awareness, said race coordinator Samantha Ferguson. Even though we are doing this as a fundraiser, my biggest thing is to engage the community and make it into more of a publicity event, said Ferguson. The race should draw a lot of college students in.

A lot of them walk by without knowing what the office does hopefully this will educate them about AAA Life Services. When race participants finish, they will have an opportunity to stop by an information table and learn more about the mission and purpose of AAA Life Services. There will also be concessions where runners and supporters can get refreshments. AAA could use the help of its supporters for this race, said Ferguson. Even if youre not going to run in it just walking would be huge. And you can also volunteer in it, donate your time or baked goods -- or cheer people on.

Encourage your family and friends to come out for the AAA 5K! Get a group of people from your work, your church or youth group to run or walk our event. See more information on the registration form in this newsletter.

Page 2

Beautiful Things
AAA Fundraising Dinner shows how God makes beauty from ashes
She too, ended up at AAA was just what she needed to get Life Services where she received her life back on track. love and peer counseling and was Life Services -- thats what awakened to the redemptive you are, Emily had told Diane power of God. Fagley, executive director of The tools and affirmation I AAA. You help people sort was given at AAA have had a things out -- help others to make lasting impact on who I am, said life's challenges manageable. Lindsay. There was a beauty in watchConcluding her testimony, ing Emily speak and hold her Lindsay let attendees know that baby at the dinner. It was the in the end she turned to God. And ultimate picture of what happens joyfully she informed us that she when someone chooses to be and her new husband had their made new by the gentle hand of first child on the way. God. Im going to leave you with A song sung by Ashley this verse, said Lindsay, its Reefer at the dinner, Beautiful near and dear to my heart. Its Things, echoed her story exactly: You make beautiful things out of the dust. You make beautiful things out of us. You make me new. Lindsay, a former Clarion University student made her way to the podium after that and started out her story with a question, Have you ever felt shame? Real, deep-down shame? Shame for the things youve done, where youve been and whats Lindsay with her husband, Brandan. been done to you? Thats where I was when I been read or whispered at nearly was a 20-year-old college junevery milestone in my short life ior. and it reminds me of the love of With candidness, she freely the folks at AAA: Dont just shared about her own destructive pretend to love others. Really behavior. love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. I was doing my best to outLove each other with genuine run Gods love for me, she said. affection, and take delight in And went on to explain how her honoring each other Romans hurt damaged her relationship 12:9-10. with God.

Emily with her baby daughter.

Through tears Emily, a brand-new mother, let her story spill out before a captive audience last March at the annual AAA Fundraising Dinner. Bravely exhibiting a rawness of emotion, Emily filled attendees in on the tough road shes traveled. We learned that her unplanned pregnancy only added to her health and emotional challenges -- the last straw maybe that could send everything crashing down in her life. But as most of us know, landing in the bottom of a pit can sometimes be just what we need to make us look up and seek help. And thats just what Emily did. While she spoke, her babys hearty cry could be heard just a table over to her right. It was music to the ears of those in attendance who may have been thinking about the 55 million babies silenced by abortion since Roe vs. Wade. As the babys father cuddled her, Emily went on to explain how getting help from AAA Life Services

What wonderful stories of how God is using AAA Life Services to bring beauty from the ashes in peoples lives! Thank you for your contributions for they truly do help bring about beautiful things.

Volume 5 Issue 1

Summer 2013

Page 3

Help in a Heartbeat: AAA partners with Heartbeat International

It would be tough for ministries like AAA Life Services to go it alone. Good thing there are networking organizations like Heartbeat International that provide guidance and support for pregnancy centers across the globe. Heartbeat International, the first and largest pregnancy help global network in the U.S., has been serving and connecting pregnancy centers for over 40 years. And AAA Life Services directly benefits from their help along with over 1,800 other pregnancy center affiliates. Recently, we spoke with Debora Myles, director of communications and marketing, who showed us just how Heartbeat partners with pregnancy centers like AAA Life Services and helps them operate according to their mission and vision.
the dynamics of this relationship and what it means to the people we reach?
Debora Myles, Heartbeat International

A. We are all about advancing the pregnancy help

movement and we can do that together. AAA Life Services are the ones sitting on the other side of the desk or table with a woman who has an unexpected pregnancy while Heartbeat provides the support via education, resources, etc. We know that through Heartbeat Internationals affiliate centers we save about 3,000 babies a week in the U.S. alone. We are reaching abortion vulnerable women and we are connecting them to their own communities.

on legalities and bills that are happening in Washington D.C. We help our centers to strategize and provide them with the information and tools they need to help stand up against attacks.

Q. What role does Heartbeat International play in helping AAA Life Services function at an optimal level?

Q. How might AAAs partnership with Heartbeat

International give our supporters a deeper understanding of our level of commitment to the people we serve?

A. We provide pregnancy center

affiliates with skills they can use with their own teams such as leadership training and development, fundraising and marketing strategies, web services and information on legal issues.

A. We have one united vision to make abortion

unwanted today and unthinkable in future generations. AAA has a strategy and process in place to make that happen and we help them by providing some foundational resources to help them get to where they want to go. Both Heartbeat International and AAA Life Services have an important and rewarding ministry and that is to provide the information, emotional support and practical resources every mother deserves in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy.

Q. How does Heartbeat International help ensure

that ministries like our own stay on top of current Prolife issues?

Q. AAA Life Services is a smaller

part of a much bigger picture when it comes to its affiliation with Heartbeat International. Can you explain

A. We have different types of communiqu that

address different issues like updating our affiliates

A New Way to Give: Donating through your employment makes giving easy
Traditionally, giving to organizations like AAA Life Services meant writing a check and getting it in the mail. But ways of giving have changed and now there are more options out there. One of the ways that you can support AAA Life Services financially is through your employment. Many employers offer donation options that are available right through your paycheck. And often this step is as simple as designating AAA as the charity of your choice with your employer. Sandy Brubaker an employee of Seneca Resources, a subsidiary of the National Fuel Gas Company, supports AAA Life Services through her companys charitable gi ving program.
A Publication of

AAA Life Services

Diane Fagley
Executive Director

Hilary Boyer
Abstinence Coordinator

Connie Young
Center Manager

She said she appreciates the ease of giving in this way. The benefits to giving through your employer can come in different forms. Some organizations even match the amount you give, doubling your donation to AAA Life Services. And often, your donation is deducted right from your paycheck and sent to us by your company, so theres no added step involved for you. You can also contribute to AAA Life Services through the Clarion County United Way campaign that may already be set up through your employer. In this case, simply request that your United Way contributions be designated to AAA Life Services. So, take a few minutes and check into it. Giving to AAA Life Services has never been easier. Questions about contributing to AAA Life Services through your employment? Call: 814-226-7007.

Debra Torres
Newsletter Writer/Designer

LIFE SERVICES 140 Greenville Ave. Clarion, PA 16214 Return Service Requested



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AAA Life Services exists to minister the grace of Jesus Christ by upholding the sanctity of all human life.

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