Sith Inquisitor Jedi Consular Sith Warrior Jedi Knight Bounty Hunter Trooper Imperial Agent Smuggler

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Classes In Star Wars: The Old Republic there are 2 factions: Imperial and Republic.

Each faction has 4 base class. These base classes are mirrors of their counter part on the opposite faction:

Sith Inquisitor = Jedi Consular Sith Warrior = Jedi Knight Bounty Hunter = Trooper Imperial Agent = Smuggler

At level 10 you choose between 2 Advanced Classes. Once you choose you cannot switch, or choose again. Just like the base classes each advanced class has a mirrored version of it on the opposite faction:

Sith Inquisitor & Jedi Consular

Sith Sorcerer = Jedi Sage The Sorcerer/Sage is a long range Force user. They utilize spells to either damage their enemies or heal their allies. While they carry a single bladed light sabre they never use it except to deflect blaster fire or as part of their casting animation. Sith Assassin = Jedi Shadow The Assassin/Shadow is a hybrid melee and short ranged class. They can be a DPS or a Tank. Their tanking relies heavily on avoidance as opposed to withstanding lots of damage.

Imperial Agent & Smuggler:

Sniper = Gunslinger The Sniper/Gunslinger is a pure ranged damage class. While they have lots of utility for crowd controlling and debuffing targets they can only fill the DPS role. Operative = Scoundrel The Operative/Scoundrel is a very sneaky class, using stealth and dirty tricks to take down their enemy. They can also be a healer, and their healing often requires them to also be involved in damaging the enemy.

Bounty Hunter = Trooper:

Mercenary = Commando The Mercenary/Commando is ranged DPS or healer. Many of their healing relies on preemptive planning as opposed to reactive healing. In other words they do better if they know when their allies are about to take damage. Powertech = Vanguard The Powertech/Vanguard is a short range DPS or Tank. Unlike many tanks they can actually stay at 10 meters while tanking. They specialize in AoE tanking, or tanking many smaller mobs. They can hold their own against bigger mobs though.

Sith Warrior & Jedi Knight: Juggernaut = Guardian

The Juggernaut/Guardian is a melee DPS or Tank. Using Shields and one handed Lightsabres they resemble and act like a futuristic Knight. Marauder = Sentinel The Marauder are a duel Lightsabre wielding cannon ball. In your face, close range melee DPS.

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