Desarrollo Writing About A Typical Weekend With My Family

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THIS IS MY FAMILY My father is Carlos Montaa, he is 55 years old, and he is a farmer and rancher.

He likes hunt, he likes care his animals. He was born in Yacopi/Cundinamarca and he has lived all life there. He dislikes the envy. My mother is a special woman. Her name is Maria Olga Bonilla; she was born in Yacopi/Cundinamarca also. She is 48 years old. She loves her grandchildren. She is community leader in the village. She has lived with my father for 30 years. They have a land. My husband is Mario Bustos, he is 32 years old, he was born in Yacopi/Cundinamarca but he has lived in Bogot and San Jose del Guaviare. He works in construction here in Bogot. He loves his son; he gives his life for him. He likes share much with us. And for complete this beautiful family on March 21, 2008 born my son. His name is Jonatan David Bustos, he is 5 years old, he is studying preschool and he pulls good grades, he was born in Soacha in the hospital Cardiovascular. He likes play with his friends. Unfortunately my parents are away and we cannot share many weekends because I live in Bogot with my husband and my son, but they are always present in my heart. Weekends we go out with my husband and my son, we like to go to movies, watch movies eating popcorn, going to the park, go for walks, go to amusement parks and go eat. We like to be together, smile, give all the best to our son, help him with his homework, listening to music, reading stories, playing games, making dinner, and most importantly always are united. We dislike bad transport us and a little cold of the City. Thanks Bye

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