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NAME: _____________ B1DL1E1 Recite the rhyme.


The Lost Chick Charlie brings a chick, To school one day. The chick is scared, It runs away. Over the chessboard, And out of the way. Charlie checks the field, He finds no chick that day.
Charlie goes home, Quietly all the way.

Name:_____________ B1DL2E1


Lets sing and act.

Getting Together

The more we greet each other, Each other, each other, The more we see each other, The happier well be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we meet each other, The happier well be.

NAME:__________________ B1DB3E1 Sound and say the words. ch-a-t, chat ch-e-ss, chess ch-i-n, chin ch-e-ck, check b-e-n-ch, bench ch-o-p, chop


ch-i-ck-e-n, chicken ch-i-p, chip

sh-e-ll, shell

f-i-sh, fish

sh-i-p, ship d-i-sh, dish

sh-ee-p, sheep p-u-sh, push w-a-sh, wash

th-i-s, this

th-i-n, thin

th-e-y, they b-a-th, bath

o-th-e-r, other th-a-n-k, thank th-r-ee, three

r-i-ng, ring w-i-ng, wing g-o-ng, gong

l-o-ng, long s-i-ng, sing h-a-ng, hang

k-i-ng, king s-o-ng, song

n-ai-l, nail t-ai-l, tail p-ai-n-t, paint ch-ai-n, chain

p-ai-l, pail m-ai-d, maid r-ai-n, rain

m-ai-l, mail t-r-ai-n, train p-ai-n, pain

f-ee-d, feed w-ee-k, week b-ee, bee w-ee-p, weep

s-ee-d, seed sh-ee-p, sheep ee-l, eel

s-ee, see k-ee-p, keep s-w-ee-p, sweep

l-igh-t, light t-igh-t, tight s-igh-t, sight

n-igh-t, night, f-igh-t, fight m-igh-t, might

s-igh, sigh r-igh-t, right

t-oa-d, toad g-oa-l, goal r-oa-d, road c-oa-ch, coach

c-oa-t, coat c-oa-l, coal oa-t-s, oats

c-l-oa-k, cloak s-oa-p, soap l-oa-f, loaf

l-oo-k, look oo-h, ooh h-oo-d, hood f-oo-t, foot h-oo-t, hoot

b-oo-k, book c-oo-l, cool w-oo-d, wood m-oo-n, moon r-oo-f, roof

h-oo-k, hook m-oo-d, mood g-oo-d, good p-oo-l, pool

ar-t, art h-ar-p, harp b-ar-k, bark p-ar-k, park

m-ar-k, mark j-ar, jar s-t-ar-t, start

l-ar-k, lark c-ar-d, card d-ar-t, dart

h-or-n, horn f-or-m, form or-b-i-t, orbit

c-or-n, corn th-or-n, thorn

f-or-k, fork t-or-ch, torch

n-ur-se, nurse p-ur-r, purr b-ur-n, burn

c-ur-ly, curly h-ur-t, hurt f-ur-ry, furry

t-ur-n, turn p-ur-se, purse b-ur-s-t, burst

r-ow, row sh-ow, show s-n-ow, snow s-ow, sow

l-ow, low b-l-ow, blow b-ow, bow

ow-n, own m-ow, mow s-l-ow-l-y, slowly

b-oi-l, boil c-oi-n, coin f-oi-l, foil oi-l, oil

s-oi-l, soil j-oi-n, join v-oi-ce, voice

c-oi-l, coil n-oi-se, noise m-oi-s-t, moist

y-ear, year d-ear, dear t-ear-s, tears

g-ear, gear f-ear, fear c-l-ear, clear

n-ear, near h-ear, hear

p-air, pair h-air, hair

l-air, lair s-t-air-s, stairs

f-air, fair ch-air, chair

s-ure, sure l-ure, lure

p-ure, pure s-e-c-ure, secure

c-ure, cure

f-er-n, fern h-er-b, herb p-er-m, perm

h-er-d, herd p-er-ch, perch

h-er, her t-er-m, term

Name:____________ B1DB5E1 Rearrange and match. 1. chess












Name:_______________ B2DL1E1 Listen and follow the instructions. 1. Put up your hands



Please switch off the fan.


Arrange the books on your desk.


Please clean the chalkboard.


Please switch on the lights.


Please have a seat.

Name:______________ B2DL2E1 ( Mask ) Listen and follow the instructions. 1.


You need a cardboard, coloured pencils, a pair of scissors and rubber bands.


First, draw the face of a cat on the piece of cardboard and colour it.

3. 4. 5.

Draw two eyes,a nose and a mouth. Then, cut two holes for the eyes and cut out the face. Finally, tie the rubber bands at the ears.

Name:______________ B2DL2E1( Party hat ) Listen and follow the instructions. 1. 2. 3.


First, draw a big circle on a card and cut it out. Then, fold the circle and cut it into two. After that, draw patterns on the semicircle and colour the patterns.

4. 5. 6.

Then, fold the card into a cone and gum it together. Put some cotton wool on the top of the cone. Finally, punch two holes and tie a string to the holes.

Name:____________________ B2DB3E1 Match the pictures to the words.




fire fighter




Name : _______________ B2DT5E1 Rearrange the letters to form words.

Date : __________



















Name: _______________ B3DB2E1 Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

Date : ______________

pilot nurse mechanic reporter barber

baker cobbler singer artist chef

1. ___________________

6. _________________


7. _________________


8. _________________


9. _________________


10. __________________

Name: _______________ B3DB3E1 Match phrases to pictures correctly. 1.

Date : ______________

in the canteen in the canteen

2. in the hall in the hall

3. inside the library inside the library

4. inside the bookshop inside the bookshop

Name: _______________ B3DT4E1 Punctuate these sentences correctly.

Date : ______________

1. please stand up _________________________________________________

2. azim and kim are good friends _________________________________________________

3. I learn to play the guitar on tuesday and friday _________________________________________________

4. are you going to penang on saturday _________________________________________________

5. kim seng won the first prize __________________________________________________

Name: _______________ B3DT5E1 Form sentences correctly. Example: Name Place : R.Nathan : Airport

Date : ______________

Mr Nathan is a pilot. He works at the airport. He wears a uniform. He flies aeroplanes.

Occupation : Pilot - Flies aeroplanes

1. Name Place

: Encik Rahim : Post Office

Encik Rahim is _________. He works at ___________. He wears _____________. He delivers ___________.

Occupation : Postman - Delivers letters and parcels

2. Name Place

: Serena : Florists

Miss Serena is _________. She _________________. ____________________.

Occupation : Florist

- Sells roses and lilies


Name:__________________ B4DL1E1(a, b) I am David


I am David. I am eight year s old. I am in Year Two. I have an elder brother and a younger sister. Every morning, I wake up at six oclock. I have my breakfast at half-past six and I go to school at seven. My house is near the school. I walk to school every morning. Some of my classmates take the school bus.

Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. How old is David? How many brothers and sisters does he have? Where is Davids house? How does David go to school?

Answer True/False. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. David is the youngest child in the family. David lives in an apartment. David does not take the school bus. Davids sister is older than him. Davids brother is younger than him.

Name:_________________ B4DB2E1. Arrange the words to make correct sentences.


























children yesterday in The fought the class



The fell into deep the well boy little


Name:_________________ B4DB3E1 Read the passage and fill in the blanks.


Samy has a big house. There are many windows and doors in his house. There are five rooms and a big kitchen. There is a big square clock on the dining room wall. The walls are painted blue. He has a big garden in front of his house.

1. ______________ has a big house.

2. The walls are painted _________________.

3. There are _______________ rooms in Samys house.

4. There is a _______________ on the dining room wall.

5. Samys garden is _________________.

Name:_________________ B4DT4E1 (A) List the things you find in the kitchen. Kitchen 5 3 1


1. _________________ 2._________________ 3._________________ 4._________________ 5._________________

1 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ 5 1 4 3 2

Name_________________ B5DB3E1


Rearrange the sentences to form a story.

Jack and the Beanstalk

He saw a giants castle at the top of the beanstalk. Jack took the cow to sell it. Jack traded the cow for magic beans. Jacks mother chopped down the beanstalk. The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep. The beans grew into a giant beanstalk overnight. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk. Jack heard a voice. Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum and ran into a cupboard.

Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Name_________________ B5DL1E1(a) Talk about a stimulus with guidance. Date________________

1. What are the children celebrating? 2. What is on the table? 3. What is hanging on the ceiling? 4. How many children are the in the picture? 5. How do the children feel?

Name_________________ B5DT4E1(a)


Write sentences from a substitution table.

This is my


He is in the

garden . jungle. He is wearing She is wearing


likes gardenin g. a hat. a cap.

grandmother. He is She is planting buying

She some plants.


_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Name_________________ B6DB5E1


Circle the characters. ( A loving sister) f u x v s w a n e a b n u b w n i u i u e n u i y r m r x t e x t a t n y p r i n c e s s x b r o t h e r s b u m n a b e d u

Name:_________________ B6DT6E1 List the animals you see in the zoo.


1. . 2. . 3. . 4. .

6. 7. 8. 9.


10. ..

Name:___________________ B6DB4E1


Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Junita Miss Tan : Wow! Arent these flowers beautiful?

: Yes, they certainly are. These flowers are called cannas. These cannas are red and those over there are yellow. Ai Ling : I like this flower. It looks like a trumpet. Miss Tan : Its called the morning glory. Look, theres also our national flower, the red hibiscus. Rajan : Ouch! Miss Tan : What happened, Rajan? Rajan : I tried to pick this rose but a thorn got me instead. Juita and : You are not allowed to pick the flowers in the Ai Ling park! 1. What are the children looking at? They are looking at _______________________________ . 2. What colours are the cannas in the park? They are _______________________________________ . 3. Which flower looks like a trumpet? ________________________ looks like a trumpet. 4. Which flower has thorns? __________________________ has thorns.

5. What is the name of our national flower? It is _____________________________. Name : ___________________ B6DL1E1 Talk about oneself. Date : __________

Name : _____________________ B6DL2E1 Talk about the characters in the picture.

Date : ___________

Name : ___________________ B6DL3E1 Chant and act.

Date :__________

The Race is On The race is on, Run!Run!Run! The owls hoot, Hoot!Hoot!Hoot! Who will win the race?

The race is on, Run!Run!Run! Woof!Woof!Woof! Who will win the race?

The race is on, Run!Run!Run! Never give up! Never give up! Until you win the race Name : _________________ B6DL3E2 Recite the rhyme below. Date : ___________

One two buckle my shoe Three, four, knock at the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, lay them straight Nine, ten, a big fat hen Eleven, twelve, dig and delve Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-courting Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen Seventeen, eighteen, maids in waiting Nineteen, twenty, my plates empty.

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