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I love to draw.

Child: Saleh Date: July 2013 Written by: Eunjoo

Kia ora/As-salamu alaykum Saleh and whnau, Saleh, this afternoon I observed you watching your peers draw with colour pencils on the table. I invited to join and you chose a chair to sit on. Once you sat down you chose a colour pencil and

started to draw. Every time you changed colour I noticed that you spent a little time to choose the colour and made sure to check if it was the right colour.

On your drawing you used various colours and you also patiently waited for your turn to use a pencil while your friend was choosing/using the same colours. Whats happening here? Saleh, since you came to the centre you showed your great interests in cars but gradually you have become interested in other areas of the curriculum such as puzzles and art. Saleh, I am happy to see you engaged in the art activity alongside with your friends. While drawing with your peers I noticed that you became actively involved, paid attention for a sustained period of time and developed working theories to change/choose different colours. I really appreciated your patience to wait for your turn and it shows that you know you have a place in the centre and feel comfortable with the routines, rules and the setting. This enables you to gain confidence and be more involved in new activities. According to our curriculum, Te Whriki, children develop a capacity to pay attention,

maintain concentration, and be involved where their emotional wellbeing is nurtured (Strand1: Goal 2). In addition to the above, Saleh, I am happy to find your positive learning disposition such as taking interests in art, your perseverance and the independence and determination that you displayed while engaging in this experience. I was so impressed that you continued to develop your learning skills. Ka pai t mahi!

Whats next for Salehs learning step? Saleh, your teachers will continue to foster and strengthen your sense of belonging and wellbeing at the centre. We will provide opportunities for you to further explore the over two classroom environment. In doing this we will ensure that you have access to appropriate resources and experiences that further support you by extending your interest in your learning. Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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