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I like free play at the centre

Child: Soheila Date: July 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo

Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Soheila and whnau, Soheila, I have seen you really enjoy playing with your peers and exploring new environment at the centre. Many times you were with your bother, Hakeem but I also found that you engaged in play with other children as well.

This morning Soheila, you and your bother Hakeem were busy playing with the puzzles at the kiwi group mat area with other children. When I said Its clean up time you started to pick the puzzles up off the floor and put them in the box back alongside your peers. I also notice that you enjoyed cutting up paper with Hakeem and other peers. You showed great interest in using scissors and cutting papers with them. At first you held the scissors wrong but I showed you the right grip and you were determined to change. It wasnt easy but I noticed that you continued to observe me and check if Hakeem did the right thing.

Whats happening here? Soheila, this learning story tells us that you seem to have settled down really well in the centre with your bother, Hakeem. You have been showing us that you have great skills in caring for the environment such as tidying, and the people around you, especially, your brother, Hakeem. Its great to see that you enjoyed playing with your bother and alongside your friends at the centre. I can see that you are gradually actively involved in your own play at the free play sessions. This shows us that you have a great sense of belonging here because you know the environment here well, and you are familiar and feel comfortable with the centre routines.

What is next for Soheilas learning step? We will continue to foster and strengthen your sense of belonging and wellbeing at the centre. We will provide opportunities for you to play an active part in the running of programmes such as calling children for the mat time, helping with fixing, cleaning, and helping others. Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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