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Citizen Action New Mexico Comments Blue Ribbon Commission Final Report October 31, 2011

Sent by email to: The Blue Ribbon Commission Final Report for Americas Nuclear Future engages in blatant distortion of historical reality regarding community acceptance of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). (For a general chronology see: ) The WIPP facility was fought long and hard by New Mexico residents, and non-governmental organizations including several lawsuits regarding the project: The Carter administration was not enthusiastic about the WIPP project and stalled it throughout 1980. DOE's Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on WIPP which came out late that same year, called for the site to be compared with others for HLW disposal and for the project to be delayed. But 2 days after Reagan took office in 1981, his administration announced that the project would go forward again, as before, and proceeded to start underground mining and construction. At this point the State of New Mexico filed suit to stop WIPP from proceeding as planned. The suit was settled out of Court with a Stipulated Agreement between the State and the DOE. (Source: WIPP expansion was opposed:

New Mexicans Oppose WIPP Expansion

More than 700 individuals and citizen organizations representing more than 10,000 individuals have strongly opposed the Department of Energy (DOE) plans to expand the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). WIPP, the world's first deep underground repository for nuclear waste, received its first shipment of plutonium-contaminated waste on March 26, 1999. (Source: Real assent never existed in terms of the larger New Mexico community. The history of WIPP is a one of the community being overridden by powerful agencies and political interests. Although BRC denies making any site selection for future nuclear waste disposal, the BRC sacrifices the fact of historical opposition to further garnish political favor for New Mexico as an appropriate site. Sincerely, David B. McCoy, Executive Director Citizen Action New Mexico POB 4276 Albuquerque, NM 87196-4276 505 262-1862

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