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Digital Image Processing

Chapter 2. Image Transforms

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

ak ,l (m, n) = ak (m)al (n) = a(k , m)a (l , n)

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology


School of Electronics and Telecommunications

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School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 11/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 12/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 13/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 14/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 15/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 16/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 17/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 18/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 19/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 20/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications


Hanoi University of Science and Technology 21/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications

U = 1/2 T

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 22/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications


Hanoi University of Science and Technology 23/23

School of Electronics and Telecommunications


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