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Sabaysabay, A., Del Norte P.D., Fune N.A.F. Innovative Study of Customized Aquarium Filter Research Paper. Science and Technology Department, Kidapawan City National High School, Kidapawan City. 00 pages.

This study was conducted to determine the proficiency of the aquarium filter to filter contaminants in the water of an aquarium. The study was conducted at the house beside Tamesis street of Kidapawan City from the 19th of June to the 16th of September. Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used to lay out the study of the innovation of customized aquarium filter in three treatments with two replications to assess the effectiveness of the aquarium filter. The aquarium filter undergoes the process of cutting, cleaning of materials to be used, measuring all that can be measured correctly, grinding, and pounding. Friedmans test was employed to define the acceptability of the aquarium filter in terms of durability, quality, and effectiveness to the randomly fifteen selected respondents.

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