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Fall 2004 Lattices in Computer Science

Homework 2 Due 2004/11/29

Oded Regev Department of Computer Science Tel Aviv University

1. Show that for any full-rank integer lattice , det() Zn . 2. (a) Describe a simple algorithm that given a basis b1 , . . . , bn Qn of a full-rank lattice and a point 1 t Qn , nds a point x L(b1 , . . . , bn ) such that x t 2 ( b1 + . . . + bn ). (b) Describe an improved algorithm that nds x such that x t 1 try to show this rst without the 4 factor 3.
2 1 ( b1 4 2 +...+

bn 2 ). Hint:

(a) For all large enough n Z, nd an n-dimensional full-rank lattice in which the successive minima v1 , . . . , vn (in the l2 norm) do not form a basis of the lattice. Hint: Cesium Chloride (b) Show that for any 2-dimensional full-rank lattice , the successive minima v1 , v2 do form a basis of . Hint: consider the lattice obtained by projecting on the one-dimensional subspace {v1 } and show that the projection of v2 must be a basis of this lattice (c) Among all 2-dimensional full-rank lattices with 1 () = 1, which one has the smallest det ? (this lattice is unique up to rotation). Can you guess which 3-dimensional lattice with 1 () = 1 has the smallest det ? (no proof necessary for this)

4. Show that a -LLL reduced basis b1 , . . . , bn of a lattice with = (a) b1 2(n1)/4 (det )1/n i (b) For any 1 i n, bi 2(i1)/2 b

3 4

satises the following properties.

(c) bi 2n(n1)/4 det Remark: the quantity bi / det is known as the orthogonality defect of the basis; to see why, notice that it is 1 iff the basis is orthogonal; it can never be less than one by Hadamards inequality. (d) For any 1 i j n, bi 2(j 1)/2 b j (e) For any 1 i n, i () 2(i1)/2 bi (f) For any 1 i n, i () 2(n1)/2 bi (g) Let i be such that bi is maximal. Let H be span{b1 , . . . , bi1 , bi+1 , . . . , bn }. Show that 2n(n1)/4 bi dist(H, bi ) bi . Hint: use (c)

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